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Jeremy Landon Oct 2014
Do you ever sit and wonder
What could have been?
I sit here all night with a pad and a pen
Writing you love letters that you’ll never get
I tell myself it was for the best
That we broke up and everything will be okay in the end.
But then I realize that you’re the only thing I miss.

Every movie I watch I swear that you’re in.
Disguised as an actor I’ve seen over and over again
He holds her hand, kisses her head
Makes me wish I could hold you one last time
That I could pick you up, lay you on the bed

Unbutton your shirt, rub my hands up your chest
I lean in and start kissing your neck
You push me back, take off your pants
I ****** forward into you, chest on chest
My back starts to bleed cause of all the scratches you left

But no matter how many times I think of our ***
I’ll never regret the hours we spent
Lying in bed
Because in the end
You’ll never be considered just an “ex” in my head
Jeremy Landon Oct 2014
There something about abounded houses that make me sad
Walking into a house that once had kids inside with a mom and a dad
Where memories were made outside in the back
I try to picture the place without the dirt and the trash
I go into the bedrooms and picture everything the kids would’ve had
The posters on the walls and the hot wheels race track
In the back there could have been a pool, swings and a dog playing fetch

Now what lays to rest is an abandoned building
No paint, floor boards or even a ceiling
The grass is tall and the door is left swinging
But if you look at it a different way it’s an opportunity for the taking

If you think about it, it’s not just about a house
It’s also about everyone out there with problems
Whether it’s on the inside or out
With a little love and care they will one day be able to stand by themselves

This poem isn’t really about a house
It’s just a crazy metaphor of something that reminds me of myself
A ****** up teenager who just needs a little help.
Jeremy Landon Oct 2014
A hollow grave
A grave waiting to be filled with my past remains
The past I try to push out before it fills me with pain
But no matter how hard I push to get up with a smile
It’s like the devil on my shoulder weights a ton and likes violence
He pushes me down and screams that I’ll be here forever
No happiness, no fear just a puppet. His personal jester.
My pains the source of his happiness, his joy and pleasure
Pain is his drug, but I’m not the only mind he devours.

I’ve been trying for years to conquer my fears
And push away the things that have brought me to tears
But it’s not easy overcoming the things that brought you here
The past makes you who you are
That’s why it’s so hard not to over think who I once was
The things I once did, the pain I once caused
The people I was with and the times that I have ****** up

Unlike others I don’t enjoy pushing away the pain that’s a bother
I try to sit here and think “what’s the real problem”
If its people in my life then ill push them and shove them
But most of the time I’m the real problem
I have yet to find a way to deal with that pain
Knowing I’m the reason I feel this way
But for now I’ll sit here and drink my sorrows away
“The message is in the bottle”
But how many bottles do I have to go through before it comes to me
Jeremy Landon Oct 2014
I call it research so it doesn’t seem like I’m drowning my sorrows because of my ex
So it doesn’t seem like I miss her so much I actually sit and drink to forget my problems
When in reality it only makes my problems worse
It only makes me think more of the things I’m trying so hard to forget
Tonight I went to a movie, alone
I tried really hard not to make the lead actress of the movie my ex
But every time he kissed her
Every time he placed his hand on the small of her back
Every single time he looked at her with the eyes of a lost dog
The eyes of a person who’s so deep in love that he’s lost
I thought of her
I thought of you
Jeremy Landon Oct 2014
There a book that should be published called “the things I shouldn't do”
About when a girl breakups with a guy
About all the things a guy ACTUALLY feels after a girl breaks his heart
Every known movie, book, or even thought says that a guy doesn’t feel a thing
That a guy is so emotionless that after a breakup with a girl that he loved
He has no feeling
He apparently “moves on” or “***** the first girl he sees”
And in some cases that is true
He goes, gets drunk and ***** the first girl he sees
But when hes ******* Stacy or Megan or whatever he name might be
Hes thinking of the girl who just broke his heart
And when he is done ******* her he realizes it doesn’t work
He isn’t over her
After her ****** this unbelievably easy girl he didn’t randomly fall out of love
And the next day when he wakes up he instantly regrets his choice
There is no book for men after a break up.
But there really should be
Because after a break up
WE ARE ******* LOST
Jeremy Landon Oct 2014
there's two girls sitting across from me
something about them makes me feel happy
as they smile and sip their hot coffee
they type on their laptops
& forget all the bad things

there's a lady and her mother
they sit and talk about the things that cause bother
the things in their life they hate
but at the end of the conversation they have smiles on their faces
they are happy about life
because its what's shaped them

I'm sitting here
drinking a french vanilla and eating a brownie
people watching and writing stories that I'll only read
there's happiness in the air
there's smiles everywhere
it gives me hope that the evil is gone in the world
Jeremy Landon Oct 2014
the smell of coffee and sweets lingers around the room
the sound of women and men conversing
the sound of responsibility
the sound of friendliness
the realization that everyone is scared comes quickly
as people talk about their lives it makes me realize
people are more scared then "Fine"
people go to collage to make their parents happy
but really all they want to do is live their life
instead of being trapped inside a school for 30% of their lives

I agree that learning is a huge part of life
but sitting inside a class room learning what its like outside just doesnt seem right
I believe that you should go out
you should make things happen
learn from the things that you do
not the things others do
open your eyes
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