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 Jul 2015 Jennifer Stewart
I'm sick of the media
I want to block it all out
Make it all stop
Stop showing me
All the wrong in the world
Stop showing me
How to act
Stop showing me
How to dress
Stop showing me
What the perfect body looks like
Stop showing me
How imperfect I am
When compared to everyone else
But even if it all went away
There will always be people
Relentless unforgiving people
They get louder and louder
Until others join in
Each trying to outshout the other
Until all you can hear
Are the cruel words
Flinging through the air
Jumping into my ears
And surging through my body
Every single inch
Of my body that I feel is
Getting bigger by the day
Bigger by the hour
Bigger by the minute
Bigger by the second
Until one day
I can't handle it anymore
Wrote this in a hotel lobby after being terrorized at the pool by my brother and his teammates. So... fun times
i wanted to tell you i loved you,
but the butterflies in my stomach swarmed my throat, and all the words got caught in their wings
So happy this was picked for the daily! Thank you all so much for your kind words and support of my writing. I appreciate it, truly.
Always remember
That the books
Who are the most worn
The most torn and ripped
The most broken

Those books are that way
Because everyone loved them
For what was inside
i wanted to write
exactly what i felt
but somehow
the paper stayed empty

and i could not have described
it any better

Lead dripping from
empty sockets,
a clock hissed in serpent hours,
it's venom oozing from the crystal walls

it's 4 a.m. you insomnia lunatic.

I'm too busy admiring,
how the man in the moon slithered through
these blinds on my soul-swept window.

That night I was a canvas,
as the moonlight stripped my arm raw of shale,
and tinted my skin with


And when he was finished,
tiger stripes tattooed my thinning vessel.

When I can't sleep I leave myself
the stupidest of poetry.

© Copywrite
I try to look brave, confident and strong
in front of everyone, it may be wrong.
It's because I learned to hide
what I really feel inside.
Even if it kills me, I am too proud
to show the real me to the crowd.
Unlike most people I always thought
it's better to have regrets than remorses.
So yes I'm dying behind my disguise
but you'll never see it through my eyes.
Maybe if I'm strong enough
I'll break away
From this world

Maybe if I'm thin enough
I'll slip through the cracks
And be free

Maybe if I cut enough
I'll bleed the bad out
And be happy for once

Maybe if I try enough
It will actually be okay
Not fake like now

Maybe if I cry enough
I'll make an ocean of tears
And swim away

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