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 Jul 2017 Jeffrey
love pt.1
 Jul 2017 Jeffrey
In this crowded city
Whilst swimming through the ocean of strangers
My shoulder unwarily bumped into yours
And it felt like sparks were flying
For the moment our eyes met
It was like I could see right through your soul
Incidents like this don’t happen as much as I want them to
Because my heart has been broken and wounded for so long
And I felt as if there was no way I could find myself falling again
But you
        You were different
From when our hands first interlocked
Till the night I heard the sound of your laugh
To the way you said my name
Every bit of you felt intensely fitting with the broken pieces of my soul
        And I fell in love with you
i'm so deeply in love with you even when i haven't met you yet
 Jul 2017 Jeffrey
Mishael Ward
He picked up his last check and proceeded out the building into the cold winter snow.  
Each footprint shaped like the tears streaming down his rough beard. Snowflake after snowflake each touching him with a cold flame, melting away the emotional armour revealing a little boy.
Entering the 96’ camry he starts the ignition, as the car slowly chokes out the cold air…
He sits there…
staring out the windshield, as the night incarcerates him.
Entering a mental Interrogation where there is no good or bad cop, just a man asking himself
“Why me?”
“Why now?”
“How am I supposed to…?”
“What I am I supposed to…?”

He strikes the steering wheel like hammer and nail.

Mouth silent, eyes screaming…

Minutes down the slushy road he arrives at the one story home. Approaches the small black door,  opens it and is tackled by four warm children.  
Each building back new pieces of armour within him. Their smiles and laughter freed him from the cold dark imprisonment into the new flickering flame of faith and freedom.

If only they could see his
worried thoughts
and beneath his eyes,
eyes that only revealed a good time...

If only they could see a man's cry.
I've seen pops endure the struggle, it taught me to stay strong in adversity
By: Mishael Ward ©
 Jul 2017 Jeffrey
The first time he evaluated me like I was a trinket in a craft shop, looking over to see if I was worth for what I have.
I eagerly smiled at the attention I was taught to crave, told countless times a lover will calm your outspoken heart.

You see, a lover would never be enough. My dancing soul grimaced at my fluttering eyelashes and bashful smile.
I was destined to be too righteous to only be devoured by looking eyes, caging myself would be an injustice act.

For such a wild soul, will never truly be tamed.
© 2017 Claire Meakin
All rights reserved
 Jul 2017 Jeffrey
You are as predictable as the lion pouncing on the feeble gazelle.
You whisper rehearsed sweet nothings of love and longing.
Fortunately I was never looking for the things you are oh so falsely promising, my skin became tainted long before your touch.
You see my dear, I'm afraid it is you who has fallen into
the lions den.
© 2017 Claire Meakin
All rights reserved
 Jul 2017 Jeffrey
These scars you inflicted that only I can see, they do not reside on my body.
These brutal acts that can not be justified, maybe ripped flesh would be easier to console.
These wounds take longer to heal, almost always becomes infected.
Infected on purpose, because I rub dirt inside, every time I allow you back into my bed.
© 2017 Claire Meakin
All rights reserved
 Jul 2017 Jeffrey
If you were my sheets, and at my beck and call
fulfilling all my fantasies, into you, I would fall.
You'd cradle me so gently, and massage me everywhere
releasing all my juices, and all my  stress, and cares.

In splendor we'd heat up the room, and I'd crinkle every sheet
and when we were apart, I'd rejoice, every time we meet.
Pillows would cradling my face and head, where jasmine scented rests
blending of our fluids as our bodies, orgasmically attest.

We'd fall asleep together, and spoon throughout the night
and in the morning waking, to unimaginable delights.
Your hands of silken sheets caressing, exciting every nerve
giving me all the pleasures, and climaxes, in you, I am immersed!
TF actually wrote this and I changed a few words to fit an artist statement to go with the painting that is posted as my cover. He graciously allowed my to post as a collaboration. Thank you TF.
 Jul 2017 Jeffrey
Jaslin Goh
The moment water trickles down your body

The moment you step out of the showers

The moment the smell of freshly brewed beverage hits

The moment amazing breakfast washes into your mouth

The moment you put on music and hum along
Enjoy your morning all! For an introvert like myself, I take breakfast seirously, it's me-time, where I am generally undisturbed. I love my typical mornings. I hope you do too :)
Whoever said
All is fair in love and war
Must have been soaked
In a pool of misleading naivety
For nought is fair to the
ONLY girl in the world
who now is the
OTHER woman in the picture

©Belema .S. Ekine
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