I think the reason
Broken people
Are always drawn
To other
Broken people
Is that they
See each other's missing pieces
And they're so aware of their own
Missing pieces.
And they think
"Maybe your pieces can go where mine did,
And mine can go where yours did,
And together
We can be almost whole."
But broken people
Aren't very good at being whole
When they've been broken for so long.
They don't know how to be anything
But broken.
So I end up pushing you away.
I push you far, far away from me.
Because even though I need you around,
And I desperately want you with me,
I don't know how to be whole
And that's what you do.
You make me whole.
And I push you and push you and push you
But you don't leave.
Even though you have absolutely
Every reason to leave.
Even though no one would question it.
Everyone would understand it.
Most people would be more than supportive of it.
But instead, you stay.
And I don't know if I make you whole,
But I know that sometimes you push me away too.
Not as far.
You never push me away as far as I push you,
But I am always ready to leave.
Because I've already done the sticking-around-when-no-one-wants-me thing.
And I've learned that there's no chasing people.
If they want to leave,
They will leave,
And you cannot ever stop them.
And everyone leaves, sooner or later.
You can't make a person want you
And you can't make a person choose you.
And someone can want you every second of every day,
But if they don't choose you,
It doesn't matter.
That's what I've learned.
So when you push me away from you,
My instinct is to leave.
I've never really had an actual home
Or an actual family,
So leaving isn't actually hard for me.
As much as I want to stay right here,
In your arms forever,
Leaving is easy.
It's natural for me.
I never knew how to stay.
I've always been a run-away kind of person.
Besides, it never takes anyone long to move on from me.
I leave,
They move on,
Their lives are better.
The hard part isn't leaving, for me.
It's forgetting.
Because I don't forget,
I can't move on.
Everyone I've left,
Everyone that has left me,
I remember.
I remember the hurt.
I remember them.
I'm not afraid to leave
When you push me away
Because I know you'll move on quickly
And I know you'll be better off
When I'm gone.
But when I push you away
I'm always so scared you'll go.
Because I don't want to move on,
And I don't want you to think I'll just forget you.
Because I won't.
Because I can't.
And I know it hurts that I'm so quick to leave,
And I know that knowing that it's only because I'm so used to going
Doesn't make it better.
I'm going to try to stay,
Because you stay.
Because I won't ever forget you,
And I don't want you to forget me.
I used to think
That once you love someone--
And I mean really really
Love them,
With every part of you--
I think once you love someone,
You never really stop.