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You were vinegar and I was oil
Never truly meaning to mix
but going together so **** well
im sorry guys,
but this may be my last goodbye.
my mind cant fight anymore.
my body is starting to fall apart too.
what am i supposed to do?
im just tired.
but my mind can't rest.
my family wants me alive and to thrive,
but i don't know how.
im so sorry to everyone.
i don't even know who will read this or care.
but im tired of this and don't know what to do anymore.
maybe ill text a hotline or something idk
its the same thing everytime.
i go to the hospital,
and they treat my wounds,
and admitt me to the psych ward,
and i fake it till they let m go home.
what do i do?
everyone just says keep fighting and it will get better.
i have my blades,
and i have my ways.
why do i have to stay?
i know why i should stay but...
does anyone know what to do?
I wish I felt strong

I know that I am
I haven't thrown myself to the mercy of gravity
I haven't given myself to the laws of anatomy

I haven't given up
But I can't say I feel very alive

I am breathing
And sometimes even moving
But I can't say I feel very alive

I can't say I feel alive at all

I want to write about how she stole the moon
And hid it behind the sun

I want to write about friendships
That have only just begun

The immense creativity
That's held inside of me

I want to let it out

But the burden of living
Even though it's only breathing
And sometimes even moving
Makes it hard to turn myself to writing

I want to let it out

Things are extra hard lately.
 Oct 2018 Emerson Nosreme
Baby Panda
You called me
A *****-*****
When you woke
And I smiled
In response

Baby Panda
When eating
Fruity pebbles
With almond milk
You croaked like
A frog, croak
Over 20 times
And got up
To spit in the sink
Excessive saliva
In between
Each bite
I asked you why
You croak
I smiled
And say
Never mind

Baby Panda
You ran to me
Sobbing as if
The world was ending
My socks!!!
No more clean
****, I forgot
To dry them
You pace
As you're forced
To go barefoot
Feet ****
For longer
Than an hour

Baby Panda
I return to
You're stash
Of a room
And picking up
Your pajamas
I smell an
Of both sorts
Soiling your
Red faced you enter
I smile and
Remind you
To let me know
Next time
And not to
Throw it on the
Wooden floor

Baby Panda
Socks on smooth
Shoes tied with
Quadrupled knots
You head to your
Room, radio blasting
Some radio talk
Station about comedy
Until 8:21 rolls around
And you run
Like a bullet
To the bus outside
Our house
I smile as you yell
No matter what room
I'm in

Baby Panda
I worry for you
The second you walk
Out the door
Because you have such
Big, terrifying emotions
Yet a small filter
On your words, thoughts
Of your own body
Despite the fact
That you're turning
Into a real teen
Before the summers end

Baby Panda
I wish I could help
In ways I cannot
I can't read your mind
Though you think
I should
Know how by now
I can't make socks magically
Not hurt, or have people
Not get ******
When you randomly shout
When your last conversation
Was regarding food
And I can't
Stop the madness that
Overtakes your body
Every time you get ill
Physically, mentally

But Baby Panda
I love you now
And always will
My baby, 12 year old brother
This girl doesn't care that it's August. She will wear her snow boots because she likes that they light up.

This girl doesn't care there is no music. She will dance where she wants to the music in her mind.

She doesn't care who is watching. Or who disapproves.

I wish to be more like her.
I wish more were like her.

I hope no one stifles it out of her.

No, "Sit still"
No, "Calm down"
No, "Be embarrassed"

Be you.
Be like her if you're inclined to.
Be a dancer in the street.
My daughter has autism and doesn't care what you think of her. she lives life to the fullest.
I rather have the world hate me
Because I am fat
Those horrid few extra pounds
That are not in my head

I rather want them to see me as a monster
With the body of an elephant
With the claws of a lobster
And with the head of a pelican

Than a person with Autism

I rather have the world hate me
Because I am a witch
A disgusting heathen
Who befriends spirits

I rather want them to see me as a heretic
Who dyes their hair with unholy colors
Who's style is alternative
Who's had multiple lovers

Than a person with Autism

I wish I was normal
Because I'd rather be all that above
Than an autistic individual
That no one loves
The world doesn't accept people like me but loves to pretend that it does.
I type
To my friend
I'm happy

I yell
At my screen
I'm angry

I think
In my head
I'm going crazy

One letter
With so many meanings
How am I supposed to differentiate?
I'm sad

I can't tell
If people are serious
I can't tell
If people are mad

I can't tell
If we are enemies
I can't tell
If we are friends

It's black
It's white
But never grey

It's one
Or the other
But never the same

#autism amirite
Back in my teenage college years
I was told about “Autistic kids”
Who lived in worlds of their own,
Seeing things through weird and wonderful specs
In social isolation,
Frightening in its completeness.

At sixty six I since have learned about many
Of their “traits”:
Their obsessions, inflexible routines and
At all change.
Their inability to read
Emotions or social cues
Or innuendos
Or irony.

I have worked with those with Aspergers,
Colleagues, friends and clients –
Indeed with people all over
The Autistic Spectrum.

And the main thing I have learned
In all these years
Is that in my own way…
I am one of them.

Paul Butters

© PB 1\10\2018.
There, I'm Out.
Its going to start
The diet
I'll try it
I'll blast it
How hard can it be
Vitamins C through to Z
Go for a run
That'll be fun
Join a boot-camp 3 times a week
10 burpys
10 timed runs
10 press-ups
Bring it on
The short lived enthusiasm starts to wain
I work in an office everyday on the train
The mornings hurt
Oh the pain!
I'll try it again when the urge starts to ******
When the clothes start to pinch and its time for a wiggle
Everyday life just getting in the way
When the office is going for a lunchtime run I'd rather just sit
Bring on that day when its just a click of the wrist
Yeah, I know, whatever,

Far from Fit

One things guys have to remember is consistency... You can't make up for three years of eating poorly in just one workout - Apolo Ohno

I don't think you understand. There is no point in walking if I don't have my FitBit on! - Every FitBit user

Sometimes you just gotta say “**** it” and eat some pizza - Every gym user
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