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 Mar 2016 Zongo
Lily Mae
 Mar 2016 Zongo
Lily Mae

Did you know I hear you in every moment of silence
that distance and time could never separate what our
hearts have known...?

Do you know I see your reflection in every drop
of every sun that every moon that
sets holding the secret caverns of us inside?


Never once has my sight faded to the point
where I haven't seen the effects of you and your
inner and outer beauty on the world

Loving everyone with no bars held
keeping faith that all of us deserve that one
chance...that second chance

Your words take us to places inside ourselves
that we never find courage to see and feel on
our guide us to the healing shores on faith


Know in all are cherished,
honored and revered for the passion for life and love
that you share

Without would echo in silent places
for to many of endless tides

With you...we are set free to live~
Oh butterfly,
You visited me
In times of sorrow
In times of need
You eased my pain
But strange you came
In a cold November day
So gently I let you go
The next day you returned
Back once again on a wall
As if watching out for me
I know your soul, oh butterfly
Of the garden you tended
I loved as a child
So now I will miss you
With tears in my eyes
My father shall miss you
My siblings shall miss you
Your grandchildren shall miss you
All of the family shall miss you
But come the Summer days
As the children see a butterfly
That makes them smile
With the beauty it holds
I know it is really you
Always watching over us
My mother so deeply missed
Copyright © Chris Smith 2013
Written for my Son in law for the loss of his mother. He saw a butterfly on a November day soon after she died.
The silence of desire
Hidden in quiet moans
Of those secret passions
Going unheard tonight

Fingers delicately exploring
Places of invisible needs
Pretence of a silent stranger
Imagination of *******

Breathing growing faster
Anticipation of his touch
Releasing the waterfall
Inside her wanted dreams
Copyright © Chris Smith 2016
Spent in New Orleans the bourbon kissed the streets only to find me alone again.

The night was wild and all those I need not mention to those whom truly understand.

We had miles ahead No rest in sight There comes a point being on empty seems like are full on a spring afternoon.

And us alone with are vices kept silent as the effects took there toll and are past memories flooded are thoughts.

Cigarettes and coffee one night stands and other vices stained are existence as the road somehow kept it all clean.

In moments of decay and Saturday night excursions broke are wallets and fueled are thirst.

There were miles ahead so I simply laid my head against the window And blocked it all out for the time being.

Another stop of and a month till I saw that place they tell me is home .
Empty as we run till hell kicks us back.

See you soon postcards and nonexistent phone calls
I'm never here sweetheart and always around .

Don't be sad I can't recognize myself
anymore either.
 Mar 2016 Zongo
Joel M Frye
breaking my body
against the blunt instrument
of your tethered soul
 Mar 2016 Zongo
I don't have regrets.
I have fleeting thoughts
of things
that might have been right,
whispered at the wrong time

I call them Hindsight Memories, I hate the word regret :)
 Mar 2016 Zongo
Got Guanxi
I am the key to the lock in your house

You burned a hole in my heart
Where the arteries flow.
And the veins are
like gutter drains,
No one can pass -
through the Red Sea,
A no go area.
A hairline fracture into a million capillaries,
Split arteries to take each feeling individual to the tips of my skin.
Still covered beautiful
but a nails cuticles,
Impaled on a cross resembling a torso.
Hollow bones that play like xylophones
In the tombs of hidden organs that echo
resonate through the decay of a necrophiliacs playground.
Dislocated limbs swing round a rib cage,
Splinters shatter the skin revealing the droplets of blood that pour like rain and tears combined.
Twist past as they gloop through a cutlets spine.
Always on my mind,
always on my mind.
Cobwebs of memories,
Embedded in a decayed gut,
Dug up like skeletons in cemeteries to find the remedy or medicine to plug the bullet shaped holes you made in my heart.
Part of a six piece series I'm considering posting  over the following weeks inspired by the song climbing up the walls by Radiohead - a feeling that never left me.
 Feb 2016 Zongo
 Feb 2016 Zongo
I sat there, burning
I was the Fire to your Ice
Even in my yearning
You never looked at me twice

So now I'm out of control
Scorching a path to Damnation
Recklessly down the road
to your soul
You can't even see your own Salvation
flicker to inferno
 Feb 2016 Zongo
PJ Poesy
Sacred Heap
 Feb 2016 Zongo
PJ Poesy
Teddy bears, crosses, burnt candles,
wilted flowers, faded ribbons,
rain washed love notes to a child
taken too soon from these
city streets burdened by stray
bullets exploding on unforgiving
empire is a litter no one takes away.
It is only added upon.
Next to graffitied bus stop,
across from alarming firehouse,
in front of and attached to
weakening iron fence,
surrounding church of boarded windows where prayers have ascended too late,
is a mother on her knees,
feeling the burn of hell cooked pavement.
I pass this place while on the bus, frequently. She is mostly always there.
 Feb 2016 Zongo
Nazreen Nawi
Dear Mom,
You are awake when everyone are sleeping.
You are working when everyone are having a break.
And yet you are standing there with the brightest smile
Without the slightest hint of tiredness
I look up to you,
I adore you,
I love you.
Dear Mom,
Can i be like you?
So strong in body and will,
So caring for others,
So dependable to your family
Dear Mom,
Once again i tell you,
I love you.
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