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I exist
in this very minute
as you read it
Let me do my work each day;
and if the darkened hours
of despair overcome me, may I
not forget the strength
that comforted me in the
desolation of other times. May I
still remember the bright
hours that found me walking
over the silent hills of my
childhood, or dreaming on the
margin of the quiet river,
when a light glowed within me,
and I promised my early God
to have courage amid the
tempests of the changing years.
Spare me the bitterness
and from sharp passions of
unguarded moments. May
I not forget that poverty and
riches are of the spirit.
Though the world may know me not,
may my thoughts and actions
be such as shall keep me friendly
with myself. Lift my eyes
from the earth, and let me not
forget the uses of the stars.
Forbid that I should judge others
lest I condemn myself.
Let me not follow the clamor of
the world, but walk calmly
in my path. Give me a few friends
who will love me for what
I am; and keep ever burning
before my vagrant steps
the kindly light of hope. And
though age and infirmity overtake
me, and I come not within
sight of the castle of my dreams,
teach me still to be thankful
for life, and for time's olden
memories that are good and
sweet; and may the evening's
twilight find me gentle still.
I just read this poem in a new book I got, did a search on HelloPoetry to see if Max Ehrmann had a page on here like many of the other popular poets, and was sad to discover that he did not. I wanted to repost this poem for others to enjoy the way I did.

Ehrmann's Desiderata has gotten me through some tough moments in my life and is probably my favorite poem. This comes in at a very close second.

My favorite lines are these:
1) Spare me the bitterness
and from sharp passions of
unguarded moments. May
I not forget that poverty and
riches are of the spirit.

2) Forbid that I should judge others
lest I condemn myself.

What are yours, if you are so inclined to comment? And if not, I hope you enjoy.
With time your promises also fade as if they never made..
At moments of intense happiness and joy you made many promise to me.. I made it too and I kept it till my last ..
I waited to fulfilled yours promise but as time passes I kept waiting.. Maybe you forget them..
My expectations of those promises were to be high..
But you thought that everything were normal..
But now those expectations are gone permanently today.. You kept aside for your selfishness..
Now there just blind memory You just made random statement..
But now those promises didn't mean anything ....
Neither did they meant much for me....
My heart is broken and it will remain the same
I will never recover through all the wind and rain
Darker times are here forever till my last breath
The tears I cry will bleed until my own death
The place called home is like a graveyard
It will always be your home, it tears me apart
Everywhere and everything is a part of us as two
I close my eyes and empty mind, but I still see you
You never leave me I want the pain to stay forever
It would never feel right anyhow now we're not together
Do not think you were not loved, just see the tears I cry
You know when you're in heaven, I will mourn for you till I die

David Swinden © 29/4/2017
My Mother is now in a home with Dementia it will never be the same in this house.
Razors cutting skin,
Blood dripping down.
What a waste,
Of a perfectly good wrist,
What a shame,
A perfectly good body,
All gone bad.
In this life
We have love
We may not have had
The passage of time together
The years of naivety
Youth or freshness of spirit
We have not caressed
Our younger bodies
Enjoyed the sanctity of being as one
When our skin was smoother
Our touch was softer
Our hearts were open to receiving
More congenially
A time when we may have
Chosen indiscriminately
This led us down a road that was
Right for the time
Yet now outgrown ~
The model of love

We have the maturity of mind
Still the tenderness of heart
Enjoying the ability to cherish
That which the Universe brings us
We have more complex bodies
That savors the relaxed
Appeasing, sensuality of love-making
Remaining as a priceless work of art
Instead of the rushed; less intense
Inexperience youth often brings
We have each other in what will be
The ultimate love of its kind
The last known to us in this lifetime
Our twilight years, may come and go
But we have love that lives on
Forever recorded in history
The mistakes of the past rewritten
Because now, in this life
We truly found ~
The model of love
~ It's never too,late~
I miss you, when the woods are still and the river is low
In between the spaces that you and I call home
Where the ocean stirs... and tides come and go
There's a fire that burns...
As I ache for your lost soul

Who knows where we'll wake tomorrow
At the bottom of a bottle...or the edge of a spoon
Still...I hold on hope...that our love's enough to cope
And that you'll be coming home soon

It's too easy to take it all for granted
When the glass is empty and the dirt is dry
I sit alone....eyes slightly slanted
Telling myself all anyone can do is try

Through this life and in the next
In the winter snow and the spring rain
I'll wait for you... by the light of moon
Still...holding on hope
You'll be coming  home soon.
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