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 May 2019 Edith
Mary Velarde
You can't just plant the good
without grieving the bad you've buried.
I've been daydreaming about anomalies
like crooked edges
and predictable ricochets
that stick and go--
like us, like everything.
 May 2019 Edith
Luna Wrenn
 May 2019 Edith
Luna Wrenn
and when i lost you,
it allowed me to become someone new.
 May 2019 Edith
Luna Wrenn
the room was empty but it was filled with boxes of our things.
my hopes and dreams for us,
your secrets and lies.
you kept them taped up tight,
and every month that passed by you began to unbox them
one at a time.
 May 2019 Edith
Luna Wrenn
 May 2019 Edith
Luna Wrenn
you’ve stolen so much of my soul,
i’m still trying to remember who i was
 May 2019 Edith
Mark Parker
A tree falls in the forest,
and it doesn't make a sound.

A man yells in the forest,
and local wild life forms a mob.

A man falls in the forest,
and he doesn't make a sound.

A tree yells in the forest,
and we all run like hell.
Because I feel like the tree that falls in the forest.
 May 2019 Edith
 May 2019 Edith
There is a cauldron inside my chest, inside my bones
bubbling and seeping
the sickly green glow
the bubbles pop with a wet sticky splat

If the fire isn't put out soon
the poison will be everywhere
it will eat through the floor
and leave nothing
but a hole
 May 2019 Edith
Morrie W S
 May 2019 Edith
Morrie W S
keep me in the
pocket of your jacket

love me in the
corner of your heart

dream of me in mantis shrimp
think of me when doth
shatter thine heart.

if i could be
what i would need
myself I lose;
myself I dream
 May 2019 Edith
Rose Brown
 May 2019 Edith
Rose Brown
you bring me to my knees.
i hold your coat, you grip my hand.
i would beg at the gates of hell to feel your kiss again.
someone tells me i should stay quiet.
ruining what you have would ruin who you are too.
but it's so tempting,
thoughts of my power creeping up behind me,
smothering their hands over my shoulders,
biting the soft skin of my neck.
your secret, our secret, tosses and turns at the back of my mind.
hers is on the tip of my fingertips
and i long to tell you that she is not good enough for you.
no one deserves you, not even me,
but i would steal every star from the sky
just to see them in your eyes.
 May 2019 Edith
Rose Brown
there's an empty space
in the gap between our legs.
if air could speak,
it would scream for us.
Remove my clothes
Take the dirt off my bones
And place it on an altar
I wish to speak to you
In undertones of sadness
As you caress my head
We begin to make love again
For the third time today
We are dead to the world already

A pair of outsiders on a youthful escape
So we partake in naked escapades
And swim in the ocean till we turn blue
While some are glued to the television
We are now fresh and new
Free to resume our sacred fires
And sing our songs all night beside them
Performances are frightening
So I grind my teeth at night
We are waiting for surprises
Arising like triads of consciousness
Fences are fanatically fantastic
So please keep speaking to me now
Don’t close your mouth
Like lost children we are trusted
By the tremors beneath our hearts
Your art is lost in the wind
For there is a lack of static in our souls
We must make holes first and foremost
And then make stories in order to fill them
You became a poem
We were made from music
And breath is a feeling that bridges
The magic and the mayhem sandwiched
Between our staircases and basements
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