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 Sep 2015 He Likes To Watch
I know a woman who emits light when she speaks,
Few hear her words.
She chooses them carefully and with grace,
They are a blessing to my ears,
and a comfort to my soul,
I sometimes wonder if moonlight bleeds from her fingers,
Maybe one day,
They'll illuminate my skin,
For now I'll keep her safe among the stars,
and like the dark,
Swallow the light when she speaks
there is a tall boy living inside my chest
he is the fingerprints all over my memories
he's why i stand at the edge of this cliff,
and why the view burns my lungs
he is the reason i breathe
and the reason i can't
he is the answer to every question
and why i'm always asking more
he is the mist hovering over the ocean,
sometimes i can't see him
but i know he's always there
he is the reason i feel small
and why my hands can touch the sky
he is the tall boy living inside my chest
and even death will not take him away
fall in love with a boy
who makes the world spin a little slower,
but still holds onto your hands
as if life were his final dance
sometimes i go outside
i look at the sky
and wonder
will i ever see your face

the wind kisses my skin
gently blowing lace from my shoulder
and i can't tell you
how many times
i've imagined it's your hands

sometimes i go outside
to undress with the sky & the stars
and every time i do
i hope the night has come,
and he is watching
all the boys she loved were abandoned churches
with no forwarding address
until the day she knocked down his door
and walked into a cathedral

— The End —