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I have the feeling of being a stagnant pool,
watching life go on around me.
Waiting for some pebble
that never drops,
to spread ripples along my surface.
Don’t get me wrong,
I’m not unhappy,
I just feel that there
should be more to life then this…
I don’t know what.
I look back and I can’t say
I’ve accomplished much of anything.
I am not well know and have few friends.
I know I’m young,
but I am so aware of my life slipping away,
day by day.
Change affects me slowly and in small ways.
I can hardly perceive it,
waiting seems all I can do.
So I wait….for life.
 Jul 2014 harlee kae
Parker Vance
I emptied myself to make room for more beauty
More loveliness and grace
More feminine glow and fragile perfection
And tight skin over protruding bones
But I lost all my kindness
And my compassion
I emptied my sympathy for others
And now I'm full of rosy allure but not much else.
 Jul 2014 harlee kae
Memory Lane.
 Jul 2014 harlee kae
Memory Lane
can be lethal, you know;
it fills the cracks between your skin and
occupies the spaces between your fingers.

Trudging along its narrow path
can cause you to trip on everything behind you
without even trying to,
allowing the colours of every sky
to fill the depths of your beating heart
only to freeze it right in place.

A plague of some sort
bringing pangs and plunges of unmistakeable euphoria
and nostalgia
and realization of the drastic ephemeral nature
of anything and everything—amazement and wonder
lead by sorrow and loss.

Because Memory Lane is a traveller,
a nomad in this mind of yours,
unable to settle on specifics so it sets its net
on everything around it, bringing back sentiments of
every little thing
you thought you had forgotten.

It sets up camp in every crevice of your spine,
leading the way
but always waiting for
no one.

{there's not a single thing in this world
that I haven't sewn your name into,
and I'm regretting it,
I'm regretting it,
I'm regretting it}
When you touch me I am immediately turned on.
Your hands are always warm
and your skin is soft.
I love when we are about to stop kissing
the last few kisses grow
and longer.
When you press your pelvis against mine I can't help but think
about how wonderful it's going to be to make love to you
I could write about your eyes,
your smile, your laugh,
your voice, your face,
your scent, etc., etc..
I could go on for days and days,
about your nose, your hands,
your hair, your chest.
Metaphor after metaphor
I could create
a thousand words about the way
you move, you kiss, you hold my hand...
I could.
I could.
I won't.
I'll write instead
about your brain,
about the way you make me feel,
the way you talk about the stuff you like,
the way you think,
or I could just reduce it
to those simple words

In general,
you leave me out of breath.
I don't know why
you did it
the way that you did

But it tore a small piece
out of the person I was
when I fell for you

And you will always have it
in the darkness of your bedroom
and the loneliness in your voice
when you realize
that no one else,
no one,
will make you feel like I did

And no one else,
no one,
is me

And you're gonna miss me,
I know it,
so have a nice summer

By Chloe Elizabeth
This is the only poem you ever get written about you because you do not deserve any more words from me
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