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  Jul 2019 kain
beth fwoah dream boleyn
i’m crazy in love,
your lips eternal greys,
your eyes lost birds
fluttering into dark skies,

we cry and crash, mould
our dreams into new worlds,
uncover lost cities and lonely

reinvent stars and moon,
lie close, dance into
the night,

our flowers, our gleaming eyes,
our ghosts, the drifting clouds.
  Jul 2019 kain
Penelope Winter
Perhaps the most
Difficult challenge
I've had to face
Is trying to believe
I could ever be
Remotely worthy
Of your love.

- p. winter
  Jul 2019 kain
Hang a star on the ceiling, my love
To protect you during the daylight
Whenever the sky closes its eyes
It’s not perfect, I understand
But darling, nothing ever is
Hold onto what you can
kain Jul 2019
Some days
There's a fountain
In my soul
Shooting up words
And thoughts
Clear fresh water
Droplets on a page

Some days
The well goes dry
Eyes burning
Free from tears
No words
No love
This is worse somehow
There used to be a third stanza but it was so bad that I deleted it.
  Jul 2019 kain
Scottie Green
I hate to run into you
Because then your face sticks in my head
A good three days after I was done
Almost forgetting you

At least the eyes do
Brown, and impatient like a puppy
I was right
At least the lips do
That I hang from
Every word,
Silence they partake in
And conversation they refrain from

The way you lean back casually
And your button up opens to your chest
More manly than what I've ever been with
Soft hair
And a bit less worn than my fathers, but just as warm

You called me a friend
As I saw the only tattoos
That you couldn't hide
kain Jul 2019
The touch
Of your hand
To your chin
As I watch
It meant nothing
At first
And then I thought
About it
A bit
I looked it up
So thank you
It means a lot
I did a thing and now I'm screaming forever.
kain Jul 2019
You waved
When I was driving off
It didn't mean much
I know
But it meant a lot
To me
This means a lot to me
You know
The way we talk
The way we play
This game
How many times
Can I tell you
I like your
Whatever it might be
Before you realize
I just like you
In general
Lol this is fun.
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