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  Dec 2014 Gülçin
Musfiq us shaleheen
Any song can sound sweet,
if you tune your tone appropriately,
and add a lyric,
with a melody
and I have seen where there is a life,
there is a song
but some songs are not only a love song
that notion was a loop, intense, black and blue passionate song
was not romantic

She was a sad song
and I thought I would know how to make it better
like if I could be the only to love her again,
I believed that everything would fall into a melodious love song
but  I lost a few lines of lyrics
and there was bit melody missing that I couldn't find
and I saw too many scratches on the disc
I couldn't let myself be made no longer
trying to fix her entirety.
@Musfiq us shaleheen
scratches on the disc
  Sep 2014 Gülçin
Dean Eastmond
I was too scared
that you'd become
the metaphors.
  Sep 2014 Gülçin
I'm a lonely soul
Walking lonely miles
In a lonely town
Not just for a while
I've been walking for long
Even when I thought It stopped
Even when I thought the loneliness was gone
It was still there
It was still alive
deep inside
Not just for a while
I can't get rid of it
Even when people surround me
I can't make it disappear
Even though I try so hard
It's a part of me
A part of my soul
The loneliness
Will remain until I get I old
Because maybe then I find the peace
Maybe then my soul will be free
  Sep 2014 Gülçin
Time has turned,
turned to death.
I am lost
without a breath.
The thoughts I had
began to disappear,
when I looked out,
everything was unclear.
When the world started to fade
everything I saw
made me afraid.
I began to ask questions,
in search for confessions.
When nothing came out,
I began to have doubt.
The moment my heart stopped,
my body just dropped.
Now I stare out to the sea,
and know my soul is free.

  Aug 2014 Gülçin
some nights i want to disappear
into the white sheets of a bed
that no longer remembers the scents
of lovers with hurried breaths
and trembling fingertips

other nights i lay awake
looking out of the frosted glass
into the world i'm supposed to be a part of
and i remember what you said to me
that night before you left.

"you're so detached from everything"

i realize now that you loved me
but it was me that was like a broken clock
constantly ticking away at seconds
that had passed eons ago.
i was always the girl that lived
in her fading memories
and i didn't realize how deep
in my own head i was
until the door slammed shut
in your wake.

i realize now that you can't
really love someone
as much as you can miss them.
i'm a shell of the girl you once knew
and i don't blame you for leaving
because if i were in your shoes,
i too, would leave the girl
with hollow eyes
and whispering poetry.

there is no beauty in pain.
i know that now.
this poem is uncharacteristically honest
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