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The old wooden steps to the front door
where I was sitting that fall morning
when you came downstairs, just awake,
and my joy at sight of you (emerging
into golden day—
the dew almost frost)
pulled me to my feet to tell you
how much I loved you:

those wooden steps
are gone now, decayed
replaced with granite,
hard, gray, and handsome.
The old steps live
only in me:
my feet and thighs
remember them, and my hands
still feel their splinters.

Everything else about and around that house
brings memories of others—of marriage,
of my son. And the steps do too: I recall
sitting there with my friend and her little son who died,
or was it the second one who lives and thrives?
And sitting there ‘in my life,’ often, alone or with my husband.
Yet that one instant,
your cheerful, unafraid, youthful, ‘I love you too,’
the quiet broken by no bird, no cricket, gold leaves
spinning in silence down without
any breeze to blow them,
is what twines itself
in my head and body across those slabs of wood
that were warm, ancient, and now
wait somewhere to be burnt.
for the pleasure
when all that is pent up is
let free
for cleansing
of the things within
that fracture a heart and cloud a
a lone soul that longs for
a home
for understanding
to forget as much as I can
to forgive as I’m able the wrong that is done
to neutralize hurt before it roots
into hate
for healing
to touch and be touched
as written words can only do when all else has been used  
and no one comes
to listen
to hear what needs to be
what I see
because it moves me
and what inspires me might inspire
those who take time to read what I write
because I must
if I don’t it doesn’t feel right
thus I pen what I feel
as a result of what I am
a writer
will write
write, 'til


They never tell you how your mouth never tastes the same

They never tell you how the smell of their body clings to your skin

They never tell you how their face gets tattooed into the pathways in your brain

They never tell you how every nerve in your body sets on fire

Or how the butterflies in your stomach start calling out his name

They never give you a map, or show you the way.

I never learned how to love you

Please, don't run away
I didn't mean to make your heart break.
You must believe it was a mistake.
I couldn't help but have my way,

when that
red feather boa
looked my way.

I didn't mean to let your heart break.
You must believe it was a bad day.
Please baby just don’t walk away.

how many
words will it
take to say

I didn't mean to make your heart break.
This is my bonus poem for the day, in honor of hitting 100 followers.  Everyone on this site is so supportive I just wanted to say thanks, you guys keep me inspired to keep writing.

PS.  This poem is much more fun if you sing it in your head like a country song as you read it.
 Jan 2015 Gracieh Nimmoh
 Jan 2015 Gracieh Nimmoh
It was never real
It was never there
Like teal skies
It flies right past our despair

And like a story far too grimm
This world is far too scared
In this horror film
And our lives flared

And now without that weight
I can finally dream
It awaits
And I could love

At least it seemed
 Jan 2015 Gracieh Nimmoh
Liz Hill
Falling in love was the easy part.
But none of the teen romance novels you've read could have prepared you for what comes when you stay.
The After.
You learn quickly.
Learn to love the constant back and forth and the everlasting yes and no's and the late night phone fights.
Stay in this after with him even when the door was open for escape in the before, when every part of your being was left intact.
Love the boy who took ever last ounce of space in your heart. The boy with emotions as ever changing as the seasons, who bleeds his nationality and carries his heart tucked into his sleeve.
Love the boy who became the Heathcliff to your Catherine.
Learned to love this After because whatever these souls are made of, they are the same.
It's been so long since I posted. I've been running this around my head all night. I'm dedicating it to one of my favorite authors, Anna Todd, of the After series and to the man I'm learning to share my After with.
 Jan 2015 Gracieh Nimmoh
you're asking if I've found
a miracle love,
but if you knew about this
you'd recognize it.
Do you ever think of verses,
While you're brushing your teeth?
Then repeat them inside your head,
As if you're counting sheep?
You rush into your room,
And scribble the lines down.
Do you?
I do.

Do you ever think of things to say,
Not caring if it wants to be heard?
You just get some thoughts together.
Then you pick at some of the words.
And In this wonderful world,
You have the choice to be silent,
While shouting out your emotions.
You don't have to like talking.
You just write things down.
Poetry it becomes.
Soulfully yours and meaningful to more than one.

The poems might just come to you.
Or you might have to think.
But however you come up with it,
You'll be making beauty.
You'll be an artist in control.

Wouldn't we all love to know,
That through this we have power.
The ability to gather thoughts,
And turn them into flowing poems.
That our words can be effective.
That they don't just comfort us.
If we knew they made others feel things,
Relate or understand.
Well that would be fantastic.
That's what we all want to hear.
To be told someone's enjoyed it,
Or that it made them shed a tear.
Knowing that someone understood.
That someone's complimenting how you use words.
It's an amazing feeling.
Especially when poetry's what your so close to.
You owe it all the world.
So someone's compliment,
Would brighten up your days.

If you are a poet,
Then you might understand this.
But we are all different.
We understand different things.
What one could write,
Others may not be able to read.
 Jan 2015 Gracieh Nimmoh
“Can you state your emergency?”
“There’s been a lung collision.”

He’s stealing your breath, darling I can’t feel your lungs
What an aberration, forced to bleed the river of an emotion
You were never taught to feel growing up
I think nobody told you how to feel a colour so hard
Crimson on your neck, on your chest
But I cannot find a wound
Your breath feels like knives
But it’s funny, you’re dying

You’re trying to tell me something
It sounds like the kind of thing you would say right at sunset
Slurring your sevens like you have mints on your tongue
But you are only gasping for air

Marble gazes
Your eyes are lolling back
They are the same eyes that have cut through me
The same eyes I’ve always thought were beautiful
When you were sad

You are weak and you are failing
Completely unlike the times
You would walk in like a sandstorm
No less powerful than a serpent

Now you are trying to speak
“Feels like a fishbone dislodged in my lungs”
And you laugh
You are laughing and you are dying
And this night still feels like day

I tried scraping out the difference
Between guilt and self-loathe
But the answer only lies on the blade of this knife
Maybe I could tell you I don’t know what I did with it
The reason we are not sure from which wound
This blood is seeping from

It wasn't just a lung collision
It was the explosion of a galaxy in your chest
When your ribs bent and cracked
Now they are broken, dust
You are breathing in rust
But it does not matter because you are dying

In the distance there is the sound of sirens
They are coming and they might be far too late.
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