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9.6k · Jun 2014
Gracie Jun 2014
you're nervous
'take a drink, it'll calm you down'

you're nervous
'here, take a hit, a little **** will do ya good'

you're nervous
'come sit next to me, I'll make sure nothing bad happens to you'

now you're drunk
now you're baked
now you're being touched, felt, caressed

but it doesn't matter.
you're no longer nervous.
you can't feel.
you don't care.

you're exactly what they want you to be
no longer timid
no longer shy
no longer *nervous
thoughts put down on paper
1.0k · May 2014
Gracie May 2014
Some say it's love
that when someone cares more
for another than themselves
it must be love.

I told myself I loved you.

I put myself in harms way for you
because your needs mattered most
What you wanted, I must give
What you desired, is my duty to fulfill

It wasn't until you asked me to leave
go away
simply disappear
that I knew it wasn't love.

I was never in love.
Love is a word reserved for the lucky, the few
never in love, but addicted

I craved your attention,
whatever glances you deemed me worthy
I ached for your touch,
your fingers pressed so roughly against my thighs
those lips.
well those lips were my own special line of ecstasy
they never failed to hit me hard and fast

my body went through all the typical signs of withdrawal
I trembled as our memories replayed in my mind
I laid restless because I still smelled you upon my sheets
my heart races, failing to catch up with yours,
failing to see that's its already lost

I know I'm addicted
yet I can't find it in me to care
they say I'm a user
abusing the substance
addicted to the pain
but how can I let it go
when it's the only source of feeling I have left.

I'm pathetically addicted
suffering of
to what could never be.

855 · Jun 2014
Gracie Jun 2014
my 14 year old
younger sister
comes to me
asking for advice about

i'm flattered she thinks
i understand anything about

does she think
my late drunk nights
in stranger's homes
makes me an expert

does she think
my long afternoons
driving around town with
means I  comprehend how to keep a relationship

does she think
being dropped off
at home
by some of the
a little too late
a little too early
elucidates my ability to understand

I'm sorry
little sister
but I don't understand
anymore than you.
this is really cliché of me to write a poem about boys but I'm sorry it had to be done
635 · Feb 2015
Gracie Feb 2015
today I found out
what you were up to last night
when its worded like that it sounds bad
you didn't do anything wrong
as far as I know

today I found out
you were with some guys from my school
but you didn't tell me last night
when I asked you,
“what’s up”

one of those guys texted me this morning
he said,
“hey I hung with your boy last night”
I laughed because he recognized you
he recognized you as mine
I wonder if anyone else did too

today I found out
and it was in this moment I realized
you don’t really feel like mine
I don't know how to feel anymore but I think that's okay.
update: you dumped me 2 weeks after this and I would find the irony almost comical if it didn't hurt so much
565 · May 2014
Gracie May 2014
i used to want you to know
how i got rid of my frustration
to deal with my issues
to get rid of the pain

i used to want you to know
that all of your temporary words
found themselves permanent on my flesh
that all your careless actions
led to careful precision
with a blade on my chest

one day i was reckless
didn't care to hide it
that day you saw it
you didn't even mind it

i used to want you to know
i used to want a reaction
now that you know
i realize i expected too much
because in truth you hardly even looked twice

392 · Nov 2014
the other girls
Gracie Nov 2014
you tell me about the other girls
I pretend I don't care

they've been in your bedroom
they've even touched your hair

every time I see your smile
I think ab the other girls
who've made you smile
for reasons I have no clue

the girls who kissed your lips
and some other places too

these other girls all broke your heart
it breaks my heart
just to know you felt pain

these other girls cheated on you
kissed other boy's lips and
some other places too

I had a dream
I kissed
another boy's lips
some other places too
last night

I'm afraid I'm becoming one of
the other girls

it hurts me to hurt you
I had this dream
of another boy's hair
in another boy's bed
last night

what if I become these other girls
these pretty girls
these girls who broke your heart
these girls whose names still hurt
last night

it should come as no surprise
I'm scared of pretty girls
the other girls
ya they scare me too
I have a difficulty expressing my feelings so I'm left with these poems that no one will understand but you, I wish I had the guts to share them, so you'd understand, but I don't.

— The End —