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When heroes are perceived as villains and villains are considered heroes our perception is skewed
Once too many lines are crossed and boundaries are removed. Then cauos ensues and is thus free to rule.Would this even be displayed on the 6 o clock news?
Or would it just be considered necessary collateral damage?
Who would still be left to calculate the final cost on all of us?
I recently watched a movie at a friends house in which the villains were precented as the good guys. That got me to thinking and writing this as a result. I would appreciate your feedback on this poem, my friends. Thank you for taking the time to read this poem.
There is so much noise that surrounds me everyday
Car alarms that beep as I walk by
Planes or helicopter's flying overhead in the sky
The alarm clock buzzing to  get me out of bed
The cross walk clicking  beckoning for me to cross quick
So much noise can make my head feel thick
The register beeping as I press the keys
I could get easily distracted or annoyed
I would rather think of it as the music of life, and appreciate that my heart still beats at least for one more day ; and hopefully many more , so I will embrace all the noise
I am having sinus surgery tomorrow
Just some random poem, I hope you like it.
It is Christmas in July
The neighbor's having  BBQ's
Inviting not just a few, but as many as they can fit
To roast Smores and sing songs around the fire pit
They even gave a poor boy a soft ball mitt
They fed some local homeless men and women too
They also inspired some random acts of kindness
I hope the trend spreads like wildfire
It is a wonderful time to put aside any family feuds
I don't know if the story will make the news

It is really up to me and you, to make it Christmas In July and all year too!
This is how it should be generosity not just ,on Christmas but all year long
I think  it is time to take a chance
I will reach out and touch my dream
even though impossible  it may seem
It is up to me to strive and try
I want to see what i can achieve if i believe and take
one step at a time, i won't lie at times it might be tough
In the end i hope to accomplish much, i need to trust
and use my talents and ablities
I am planning to take a chance and go back to school .
You are my nights and my days and everything great
Facebook instead of face to face
No picture can take your place
No amount of pokes will do
I just long to see you
I desire to see you face to face
I want to see your smile, hear your voice
It is my choice, Facebook alone will not do
I wait for the time that I can see you again, face to face
I repeat Facebook alone will not do
I really want to be with you!
Today is the one year Anniversary of when my daughter insisted that I needed to set up a Hello Poetry account, because she loves my poems and said I was a good poet.
I was a little hesitant at first due to me not having much experience in sharing my writings with others usually only very close family and less than a handful of friends.
Today is also my Birthday and I want to celebrate it with you, The site calls you followers, but to me you are some of my closest friends.
We are bonded by our Love of the written word
We are in this Journey together, we make each other laugh, cry, smile  and inspire each other. I need to say each and everyone of you are my muse, my inspiration, you are so Awesome, it don't matter if you get tons of views or followers, your poems are important to me ,and to others who faithfully read your page.
Keep writing it is a talent, a gift that keeps giving, your words are immortalized in print that can be a powerful thing, think of the poets from long ago who's poems are still read today.
In summary I feel blessed to have know you all over the past year and I  want to say Thanks For The Journey and express my gratitude !!!
You are all great, don't forget it!
The intertwining of heart, spirit and mind becomes Soul mates
 Jul 2014 Gizmo Peterson
If I Died Tomorrow
Not One Living Soul Would Care

I Apologize For This Being So Dark...
I Really Am Quite Okay/Happy!!! :) ~~~~~<3
This Is Just All I Could Think Of For Now!!! ~~~~<3
Let us set sail leave ever thing that ails
Let us toss out the map cuddle up and take a nap
Let loves compass be are guide to the Point Of No Return
Let us get away from civilization
We can have our own hideaway in the Point Of No Return
You can drown in the ocean in my eyes, my love I can't disguise
Love, let us set sail today, let us not wait one more day to go, to the Point Of No Return, there is much we can discover about each other, at the Point Of No Return
Will You come sail away with me to the Point Of No Return?
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