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My mind speaks to my soul,

But what do you do when your soul does not want hear?

Feeling lost all the time, roaming around a deserted island..

No water running through valleys, so I try to find the highest place I can be..

My mind screams, but no echo is returned.
Blank mind, static feel..
Electric jolt, nothing’s real..
Many layers, no one could peel..
A broken heart, no one could heal..

Trapped inside a complex mind..
Four walls, with a door no one could find..
Knocking on surfaces of any kind..
Growing tried, leaving everything behind..

An enigma that keeps evolving..
A riddle they keep exploring..
The signs they’re ignoring..
Grey skies raging & roaring..
The heavy clouds keeps on pouring..
The autumn leaves blew towards your direction, I took it as a sign..

I thought it was fate, when you caused shivers to run down my spine..

Golden eyes, seemed so welcoming and warm..

I didn’t want to see it as signs of a brewing storm..

I couldn’t stay away, & you tore me apart..

I thought you were the one who would melt my frost-bitten heart..
Why do i feel a stab of pain in my chest every time i see you laughing with another..?

The breath gets knocked out of my lungs, whenever you release them through your lips in a chuckle..

I have no right to feel this way; for you are not my lover.

But to me you will always be,
what never was,
what could have been..
My summertime love debacle.
You planted flowers in my heart,
By whispering sweet-nothings in my ear..
I closed off the gates,
As I chose not to hear..

But gardens grew as you tried every way..
I did not know how to stop them,
I did not know what to say..

But the sun disappeared,
and skies turned to grey..
The flowers slowly wilted,
when you kept away..

I wasn't so sure of your affection..
And with close inspection,
I could't tell if those flowers were real or fake.
Still it does not mean that my heart won't ache..
When your smile doesn't reach your eyes,
& the future seems so bleak.
When you feel so lost inside,
& you can barely speak.

Sitting on the same old torn down couch,
Gazing at a cup of dark liquid.
Your thoughts eating you up,
Feeling so conflicted.

You love your coffee,
So bitter and black.
Something poetic about it,
Represents all the things you lack.

Watching the dark twisting shadows melt away,
a time consuming habit.
The sun turns the sky into a kaleidoscopic palette,
Late night regrets of a coffee addict.
it's like the person you once knew slowly drained out over time,
and now what's standing in front of you is just a silhouette of who that person once was.
(n.) not death, not suicide, but simply ceasing to exist; deteriorating in a way that is painful for others.
(n.) death, destruction, ruin.
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