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Eyes sparked with passion,
Now glistens with tears.
No words spoken,
They're just filled with fears.

They used to remind me of chocolate,
so sweet, warm and kind,
Now it seems so murky,
Filled with darkness inside.

Used to light me up deeply,
Now it just brings me pain.
Shouldn't have gotten lost within them,
Guess i'm the one to blame.
Your heart breaks into a million pieces,

& you just don't know anymore.
Sorry if you told me you loved me,
i'd never believe it to be true.

Because i don't really love me,
So how could you ever possibly do?
Just like the moon.
& so far away from everyone and everything.

Distant, but to everyone you seem so close.

Only glowing when the sun decides that it's deserving.
People forgetting how beautiful it can be,
overshadowed by clouds; going unnoticed.
You make my heart beat faster,
You pull at it's strings.
Everything blurs together,
& i know the ending stings.
When you open your mouth and your vile words spill from your lips,
it's like a poisonous waterfall; killing all the flowers it pours onto.

Instant collision, you aim so well when you fire up those words.
Knowing where to hit; so it never stops bleeding.

Too weak to build up a wall and call it a personality.
So your only defence is to be malicious towards the ones that stumble upon the tottering shell you call a life.

You hide your rotten heart behind pretty pictures and frames.
But you can't cover up the stench it leaves behind.

Past the midnight hour, yet you still lurk around unfamiliar faces, you can't go back home.
Thinking you can escape the monster within you if they all don't know.

Telling every stranger, who would listen, the same old story about a poor man's plight.
Yet you sit unscathed on a throne made of all the people you've wronged, the dreams you crushed and every diminished light.
White noise,
is all i've ever been.

Funny how that changes when i've got a cigarette between my lips
and traces of nicotine on my fingertips.
(n.) the mingled feeling of disappointment, frustration, and regret that results from an unsatisfactory situation.
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