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 Nov 2018 Samantha
Danny Love
Blink, tell me what do you see?
A puzzle thats unraveled, or a finished masterpiece.
Close your eyes, tell me what do you see?
A calm quite river, or an endless rushing stream.
Now open your eyes, it’s ok to be scared, to question what you know.
But I am right beside you and, together we will grow.
Together we will grow.
 Nov 2018 Samantha
 Nov 2018 Samantha
for each time you don't love me back,
i love me some more.
 Nov 2018 Samantha
 Nov 2018 Samantha
He gives me space
For me to breathe
I need him close
But i want him to leave
I love you dear
Dont you see
My games are just a defense baby
Ill push you away
That much is true
But baby i will always want you
Crying tears
No one knows
Ill hide them till i dont know
Why do you smile when all else is bad
Why cant i be real
Why cant i be glad
 Nov 2018 Samantha
dear men
 Nov 2018 Samantha
HOW do you justify staring

EVERYTIME I see you my blood cools

LOWER your eyes to memorize my body

PLEASE yourself while making me an object

LEAVE my humanity to make it through

EVENTUALLY you leave finally full

SAVING myself is impossible

SELF  becomes  foreign
Just a quick PSA. Guys, please don't stare at women in the gym. We don't like it and it makes us scared. Please don't cat call me while I'm walking into Walmart. Please don't stare. Thank you.
 Nov 2018 Samantha
i’m afraid
you’ll find me
for loving you
too hard
too fast
too much
i want you
to know
all my thoughts
but i’m scared
you’ll run
I love broken poetry like this
 Nov 2018 Samantha
 Nov 2018 Samantha
I don't like crying
You are vulnerable
People see you when you cry
Well, they think they do
People assume
That you are too upset, can't hold it in
     a n y m o r e
Can't deal with your ****
Something is wrong with your relationship
How w e a k
You got a bad grade on a test
You hate yourself so much, you
They assume

People don't see
They get confused more than anything
You are now more drama

So no,
I don't like to cry
 Nov 2018 Samantha
Quiet Corner
 Nov 2018 Samantha
The whispers
The laughs
The names
The jokes
The speculations and guesses
They talk about you
They are shocked when you speak
They think you are weird
For being quiet, kept to yourself
The lockers talk
Earbuds in
Head down
Nose in a book
Mad face drawn
It works, they stay away
They don’t approach
Ignoring the quiet judgment
You are almost there
To the peaceful relief of the quiet corner in the library
Where nobody goes
The rows of books, other lives you get to live
Because you would rather live in those than your own
People talk
You ignore it
You are used to doing so
You don’t care anymore because
You realized a while ago that
Sometimes it could be a luxury
To be a nobody.
 Nov 2018 Samantha
“I’m sad.”
“She gets more likes on Instagram than I do.”

“I’m happy.”
“I have a bed to sleep on.”

“I’m sad.”
“My parents won’t buy me a car.”

“I’m happy.”
“I have food today.”
Why not be content with today?
 Nov 2018 Samantha
I'm so tired
Of the pressure and stress.
I don't want to do more.
I need to do less.

I'm suffocating,
In my own head.
School's just getting to me.
 Nov 2018 Samantha
Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.
You hear that?
With every tick is I miss you.
With every tock is an I love you.

Tick, I miss you. Tock, I love you.

Every waking second, all I want to do is talk to you.
Every waking second, all I want to do is be with you.

It's cold outside right now.
The silence is too deafening. But I am simultaneously reminded by the thought of you.
It's too noisy in my head right now.
All I could hear is tick, tock, tick, tock.

Words may not express every waking second that I miss you, or I love you.

My dear, if you do hear me saying these words, give the clock a listen.
With every second you'll hear a tick.
With every second you'll hear a tock.

If when the time comes that I am not able to say these words, give our dear clock a listen.

And whatever the clock is saying, is what my mind is thinking, and what my heart is feeling.

Tick, tock, my love.
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