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Your eyes, as bright and beautiful as the stars
Your smile, warmer than the sun on a summer day
Your laugh, the prettiest song ever to be sung
Your embrace, the most comforting place in the world
Your kiss, more than magical, no words could ever really describe
Your heart, pure and full of love
You are the funniest, sweetest, and most beautiful person in the world
You make my life complete
I love you, And I always will
What if
What if he mesmerises me
       With his lines?
What if
        His words touch me
        And kiss
           Through my skin?
     What if i search for
      Travel through
              His words
    And meet him
       Become bare
          And he caresses
          With every
           I am
           For him,
                             ­ Me
   What if
                  Fall in love
             ­         Poet?

© Evna-Luna
I am just 12 days old on this site and this poem has already bn chosen as A Daily?
I am Amazed and Surprised.
Thanks to hello poetry and every of you.
I am taking a hiatus for now because of some reasons
In a cavern long about the edge of time
dwells a sadness deep upon my heart,
where fragments of my imagination
cry out from a desolate vault,
iron clad and riveted
of a stone mason’s might
Welded shut, encrusted with fear
and loneliness in unsealed envelopes
addressed to someone other than me

Where neighbors retrieve and process,
regardless of names and stamped signatures,
unwilling to pay the postage now due
of an encased memory shoveled
away to linger on each crow’s feather
that falls from the reaches far above my head,
dropping square tears from round eyes,
mapping my cheeks
in solitary traces of vertical weeping

Self imposed some may say,
and they could be correct, though
when it comes to forgotten, that heart of gold,
worth more than its weight in life,
pays more attention to the fate of others
than collecting breaths of this or any
next door, across the fence wisdom
For if they hurt, those who shouldn’t,
then what is the use

With heavy stone in hand I tap,
loudly on the reinforced tarnished structure
in a series of dots and dashes,
rhythmic chaos to some,
but patterned to the beat of my heart
saying, you are loved, you are cherished,
you are needed and most importantly,
you are not alone, hoping the chanting echoes
land upon listening ears,
and you can smile once more
and I can feel it
We know...
It was no doubt, His plan
For us to cross path
He chose you to be the man
To shield me from the eyes of wrath

You gave me so much...
Sincere generous guidance
Unforgettable,precious life values
One of a kind beautiful alliance
Always the remedy for my blues

I was truly blessed...
Into my heart you used to dive
Listened to my plight,my story
All these years,to be exact, five
You helped me achieved the secret glory

These are for sure...
We weaved beautiful memories
Will keep it with me, for a nice treat on a bad day
Years will pass to become centuries
Your kindness, I will never be able to repay

Another chapter...
Reality sank in and transformed the kinship
Connection from the indescribable bond
Led to a great,sweet friendship
Let's hope it'll last a lifetime and beyond

I can tell...
You say it's okay when it's not
You rather let your tears flow than share
It's not a happy plot
You don't wish to bare

So this is for you...
Words straight from the heart
Deep appreciation and heartfelt gratitude
Our little cares apart
I truly respect to your solitude  

I want the whole world to know...
What a beautiful person you are
Masking your grief whilst putting smiles on so many    

Secretly, you are everyone's twinkling star
You make them feel warm embraces

Thank you...
For making me see life in a different light
My life will resume, with a brand new start
You have been an absolute delight
Telling me, the path ahead will be bright

This is the least I could do...
I am always here, you know I am
Should you want to rant, we can sit on a bench
What others will think, I stopped giving a ****
I'll buy you cans of coffee,your thirst, I will quench

I hope to make you smile in any way
I treasure what we have now,till my last breath I will
I'll keep you close to heart, come what may
On the pages of your *'gift'
, the words in my heart will spill
#blessed #beautifulsoul #bigheart #youknowhoyouare #thankful
#thebestonecouldeveraskfor #giftofwords #greatfriendship
#appreciation #wishingyouhappiness #thankYOU
Today marks one year since you've been gone. And as much as I try to put into poetry just exactly how I feel, none of the words come out as they should. I cannot find an easy flow.. maybe it's because this day just isn't easy. I haven't slept all night. I have so much to tell you. So much has happened this past year and I wish I could tell you all about it. Did you know that a poem I wrote for you after you passed was chosen to be published? Makes me so very proud.. even more so that I was once your friend.

A year ago today was one of the saddest days of my life. I got the call, and had to sit down before I could even react. I was in total shock. And my hands.. they were shaking. I had to hang up the phone and call someone else just confirm the truth. Work was absolute torture because you died in the same hospital I worked in.. I knew the processes your beautiful body went through and it haunted me for weeks.

As a community, we were all in a stand still shock. When you died, you left alot of is in the same state, one of which we still stand in today. How could the kindest, most caring and selfless man be taken from us so swiftly, and soon? With no answers. With no avail. With no warning. Just gone, in the blink of an eye. I had always prayed you did not suffer, even though you knew you were dying (which broke my heart even more).

Where ever you reside today my friend, I pray your soul has found the most peaceful resting place, and that you are able to visit your family and children often. And I hope you truly know just how many lives you have touched.. from all ages, colors, and backgrounds. 27 is too soon to die, but you were a man that gave himself totally to life, and I will always admire you for that.

Eric Benford, I love you always and I will miss you forever. Keep laughing, keep smiling, and even in spirit, keep living.

I love you friend.

We are still so lost without you.
my mind is constantly going
going and going and going
worried about the day head
and still trapped in yesterday
i'm always dreaming about the future
but hardly do I sleep
even though i walk this earth in a visibly awoken state
subconsciously unknowingly
my sanity is weak
trust a higher power is what they say
but even that we cannot see or touch
who's to say god is real anyway?

walk with me

let me show what it is i speak
because to explain in spoken word is something not of my expertise
so i will paint you a picture in poetry
place yourself in cloth sneakers
standing in the middle of the rain
arms open wide head tilted back
and when the lightening strikes
you'll feel a wave of pain
you see the storm will let up, and you'll see a slight break in the clouds
but you'll never fully see the sun
that's what my life is like now

and in all this going and going and going
i must rest my weary head
while nightmares make the best of bad weather
planting the damnest of seed as slight as a feather


if there's anything you haven't felt
at some moment you will feel
for the mind is a tricky being that may fascinate you into your very own doom
because in your waking life
you won't know what is and isn't real

walk with me

i think about life
i think about death
i think about time i've wasted
i think about time i have left
i think about my future
i think about my past
i think about my happiness
i think how long it may last
i think about god
i think about faith
i think about my love
i think how long will he stay
i think about who i am
i think of who i am to be
i think of my imprisonment
i think of being free
i think of my thoughts
i think of my fears
i think of leaving this place
i think as if i'm still here

who's to say i've succumb to my mind
i am well aware that what i search for
may be something i'll never find


does it truly exist?
or is it a place in our imagination?
a place of harmonic endeavors
a place where our souls may finally
seek self proclamation
a place we may finally rest our hearts
in full adoration and acclamation

what's that you say?

walk with me
(C) Maxwell 2015
like the melody of song
does my heart beat itself for you
and at the bridge of every lyric
each beat presents it to be true
my life you have become
filled with joyous harmony
your voice brings life into my bones
You see you've become a part of me
with every whisper in a change of tune
i'll remain loyal in my stature
the way our souls are intertwined
our bond is solely second nature
your touch upon my skin
creates a bit of electricity
as your lips graze the tips of my mine
i know my soul is free
keep singing my love,
keep singing this song to be
for i don't mind a broken record
nothing of you is broken to me
(C) Maxwell 2015
no reassurance
of what truly lies ahead
kills me every day
(C) Maxwell 2015
because here i lay drowning
beneath the dead sea
rain pouring tears from my soul
strained from ideas that won't grow
waiting for a sun that don't show
always pushed beneath my feet
the soil puts us all in a state of creed
seeking refuge in a God on our knees
walking the darkness i do alone
i dare not place upon a clean mind
the filth of the devil's home
trapped in broken promises
and lost within the finest line
dividing good from bad; yours and mine
and even after the prayers
and the song and praise
and the pastor's word on freedom
despite his sinful ways
the last of forgiveness lasts for days

and even though an angel came
to mend my broken heart
by planting a new seed

i can't breathe
(C) Maxwell 2014
I was helping my little sister with a fiction story she has to write for her school
She was creating a character
I told her to create some personality traits, some tendencies that define her character, some unique habits so that the character is sharp in the readers mind, like a real person, nothing vague. She then had me read what she had written.
Brace yourselves, her level of sanity is a little concerning...

Here it is:

**she can not talk because her mother died and now she is too angry at fish to talk

she is missing one hand because she had to do cooking at home to help out but she accidentally cut off her hand  

she does not have any hair because she has cancer  

she has a obsession with clowns and dressed up as a clown every year for Halloween

she is deathly afraid of daisies

she wants to be the prime minister when she grows up , even though she lives in the U.S  

her backup plan is to become a clown

she loves buying turtles as pets

she already owns 14 turtles and they are all either named Abrocombie or Fitch  

She despises the names Abrocombie and Fitch but she loves all her turtles especially Fitch who she nicknamed Bob  

she owns a leather jacket that she wears every day except for on the days she buys turtles on...
so she never wears her leather jacket
...yeah... I should probably have my little sister psychologically examined... soon... but in her defense she IS related to ME, so lack of sanity is to be expected... :P anyway, I know it's crazy but be kind if you comment. She IS my sister, after all, no matter how INSANE she is :)
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