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 Sep 2019 kell
Moonbeam Dream
missing you.

but not chasing you
 Sep 2019 kell
Moonbeam Dream
lets lie in bed and dream
of other universes
where we are still happy.
 Sep 2019 kell
 Sep 2019 kell
say my name say my name say my name say my name say my name say my name say my name say my name say my name say my name say my name say my name say my name say my name say my name say my name say my name say my name say my name say my name

 Sep 2019 kell
 Sep 2019 kell
‪deleted you from my phone and my life‬
‪but still can’t delete you from my heart and my mind‬
i miss you but i don’t want you back
 Sep 2019 kell
Noa Adler
Miles upon miles,
Riddled with beds.
Tissues and soft hands,
To wipe my tears.
Piles upon piles,
Of blankets and food.
A nice, big bowl
Of serotonin.
 Sep 2019 kell
 Sep 2019 kell
I rarely get any peace.
There are some moments,
So brief in the grand scheme that they seem like nothing more than a dream.

I struggle to breath,
Always feeling kept beneath the voices in my head as they try to speak.
My head hurts as it weighs so heavy,
And as my balance falters,
I fall.

All I want is to keep that feeling that I know,
To take it everywhere I go.
I know peace,
Yet so rarely have I felt it.
 Sep 2019 kell
For the dreams that will never come true
The sound of these dreams are
Echoing through streets
All around the world

For the dreams that will never come true
The dreams that televisions sell us
In different prices,in different shapes and colors
That dreams live in the minds of adolescents

For the dreams that will never come true and
Never came true
The dreams that all of the humanity dreamt and right now we are dreaming
Dream of love and dream of happiness
 Sep 2019 kell
Poet X
but dear,
if we humans were only ever meant to be beautiful

we wouldn't have been born in
the dirt .
you don't need to change .
 Sep 2019 kell
Patrick Kennon
 Sep 2019 kell
Patrick Kennon
Could we all
just get along
for one day?
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