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 Jul 2015 Havran

You are the beautiful poetry,
*forever written on my heart
 Jul 2015 Havran
Nicole Dawn
Always remember
That the books
Who are the most worn
The most torn and ripped
The most broken

Those books are that way
Because everyone loved them
For what was inside
 Jul 2015 Havran
Rain shower
 Jul 2015 Havran
'           '           '       '       I  '        '          '         '    '
     '          '             love the rain.     '           '   '
'       '       It hides tears that trickle'     '
  '     down round cheeks that should be  '
'  smiling. Rain spilling out of an endless downpour.I look up to the vastness in awe
                ­                      ^
                                 what I
                                    so I
                                  like a
                             r          h
                               e      o
            ­                       w
 Jul 2015 Havran
What is a poem?
A lilting of words?
An image of voices
forever unheard?
What's this picture of symbols
all ordered in lines?
What's this rare combination?
Did it take her much time?
What makes the pattern
or rhyme start to flow?
What sets it apart
from the prose or the scroll?
Is it empathy recalling
some rose-tinted dream?
Maybe it's laced in darkness
the vile or obscene?
What is a poem?
Some words written with tone?
What are these lyrics
Sung straight from my bones?
 Jul 2015 Havran
You're wielding a double edged sword,
it may **** your opponents,
but it's cutting your soul,
as well.

Can you conquer,
the darkness of your own

A word of warning,
the path of the warrior can be swayed
by the road of the demon.

This ones for the both of you,
Kal, Lycan.

© Copywrite Skaidrum
 Jul 2015 Havran
Cullen Donohue
On the floor
Of an unfinished treehouse

I stare into
The glow
Of a Wednesday

My sketch pad
And a few
Unfinished books
Scattered around me
Some are fiction
Others not.

I stare into the
The ever lightening
Sky, searching
For inspiration.

She took that with

I lost a sense of
What beauty is
When I no
Longer woke to
Her eyes.

Poems and sketches sit
half finished
And I lie half
-- of what I was.

In a world that
Has such a complete
Of every
As much as I love you
I'd rather a cigarette right now
Because even though it could **** me
It never grabbed my throat
And squeezed
Only filled my head with smog
And lungs with tar
And my mouth with a taste I could never forget
Unlike you
So yes
I'd rather a cigarette right now
As much as I love you
 Jul 2015 Havran
N Paul
What is *Preludium
but a time to reflect on what it is we know;
What has gone before, and how it might shape those things to come?

Preludium, or, what has gone before:
An entire world,
A great big steaming musty living breathing screaming world and-
For all we know-
There’s but two souls that care to fill it:

Sly Squint, our latest hero,
Swinging through his city like t’were a steaming jungle
And him the proverbial Ape,
He crouches in shadows on rooftops,
Directing his lust, forceful! At all
That kneels before him.

Then there’s our mysterious wanderer-
One hell of a sorry, stinking, sulky sort is he.
No Name to claim yet garbed in rags aplenty
Travelling on an endless quest
Towards a dying dusk.

Yet we need to draw a Third.
See, in this strange place we find ourselves, riddled with danger and loss,
We need one who knows some things;
One who is up there;
Better yet, one who helped to shape this world.
Because for now we are clueless, vulnerable, shambling in darkness.
And that will simply not do.

So, with haste, dear reader, with haste,
Let us ride for the one with the answers;
The one with more Names than you can count, even if you had a lifetime in which to do so;

The one who holds all the strings.
The Preludium (a sort of 'previously on') to Part 3 of an ongoing series - The Stealing of Names.

If it piqued your curiosity, be sure to check out the entire story so far in this collection:
Remember to follow the collection as it's the best way to stay up to date on the adventures!

Also check out the rest of my work on my profile:
And follow if it interests you!

All feedback welcome. This is an evolving story based on both improv writing and reader feedback so if you have ideas leave a comment or message me!
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