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edwill makamu Apr 2016
I attained that you are predetermined,
quiet and an ever stalwart girl
I attained you are admiring success
and you are precisely deigned

with truthful excitement and analyses each move you make
you are an expertise really,
and you have the ability to learn with understanding
you're introspective, yet you're introvert

Let me say you like September breeze - my month
That's why I have a faculty to detect a bigger picture of you
That's why I consociate with you
I'm sure God brought you to life just for me

Me and you have allotment in common,
and we can achieve the innermost of it
I would name her portia, your name of course
if I were to have a baby girl with you

from your intellectualist optimism,  
I'm sure she would adapt clearly
I'm sure she would suits the two of us' s integrity
if we are a summer breeze,
she would be like a December beverage
The three of us full of smiles
edwill makamu Apr 2016
After all the effort I kept
I tried so hard to let her know,
let her understand how I feel
And she was kind, yet showing interest
She made me fall deep, deeper, deep, deeper

When all she really wanted is friendship
Yet she kept it a secret
I'm sure she was unaware this could hurt me in future
Not until when I left her with no choice but to utter something

If I knew I wouldn't have pushed,  
but I was convinced we are walking the very same paths
Surely her answer caused me nothing but trauma

And I realised she can't even consider my feelings
How can I stand beside her?
Will I ever hug friendly greetings?
will I ever shake hands without intending to kiss goodbye?
This gonna be hard to just ignore and adapt to friendship

How can I be friends with a girl I bearly love?
Love sometimes is so stupid and selfish
How can it be such a lier?
Sometimes I wish love can just be saying I love you,  
but it is more than that.

The moment I set my eyes on her and she stare back
The first time we conversed
I was so convinced she's in love too
I was convinced the only thing left is nothing but consensus

But then it turned out with disapointment
"I'm not ready for love friendship of course is great to meditate" (she said)
Just for console, when I realise I'm stuck in these feelings
I pitched, you can take all the time you need to be true with yourself,
simply like I'm fine by it when I really am touched.
Being in love with someone who who don't feel the same, when they look at you, they see you as a friend.
edwill makamu Apr 2016
How I urge to be consistently by your side
Lying awake feeling you breath in breath out
Your kisser glancing mine
And you wink your stunning eyes and I do too

Gently engaged my tounque into yours and feel all of you as the saliva sparks,
then hold you tight and penetrate through
And I vow I could always do this,
If I was to possess the world,
I could make life way favourable

So you could edge your wallowing
" I'm perpetually overloaded" that's your plea regularly,
Yet I affirm each tick a new day sun rises
And I cast further to that day,

When baggage would be at stake
When time is only our obstacle
We'll be able to anticipate
When the target is to be together

Time is nothing when we dwell,
not one in paradise and on earth the other
Time is always there when love takes place
Sort yourself and be loved the way you deserve

I betroth I'll be your bunker for security.
edwill makamu Mar 2016
I made her,
I made her fall for me
Likewise, I fed her with my poisoners words
likewise, she chew them; swallowed them

They diffused all over her body and soul
My vows driven her lunatic,
further so, she fell in love
She fell in love with me
She frenetically fallen for me

That's my drug, I poisoned her
I made her fall for me,
Further so, I'm momentarily confused
She's daft in idolatry with me

As a matter of fact
I'm momentarily confused
I shouldn't have made her
I was temporally,  
Further so, I lied.
That's when you made someone deeply fall for you with no intentions of catching them then you get confused when you don't know how to get away.
edwill makamu Mar 2016
Without you:
it feels like a house without a roof
like a tree in autumn
like a vehicle without gazol
like a river without water
like a bird without wings, furthermore a plain that can't fly

Without you:
it feels like a leader without followers
like plowing on the rock, rather without rain
like a beaten dog and doesn't cry
like to eat the scab of the wound
like watching a TV that can't display

Without you I poll during the night
Without you is like reckoning the stars
Without you it feels like a year of femine
Without you it feels like walking on obscurity,

I'll reach nowhere I could with you

Without you is like money without value
It's compatible I've reached a dead end
If is to rapture,
I'll never crush again without you

Without you I'm beyond
Without you my reverie are shabby
Without you I am not candid
I've no vision to accomplish without you

Without you I am aught.
edwill makamu Mar 2016
I lie down up my head
I breath becalmed, yet I crumble
How I kept my trust?
You crippled my thoughts,

Of being a lovely darling,
Of being a humbled sweetheart
I remember that day
How pleasant it was?

To require you a break through
enter my sincere heart
How I proposed you to be my destiny,
destiny of my sincere fragile heart

mmmh! how delicately sensitive it was?
A victory of your fluffy heart
My dearly first and last chance
to strike you, tell at once

In heart, I found love
Where is it now? all gone!
How disappointed I am?
The thoughts of being, you were mine

We were happy all together
How I was? blind to see
How you pretend? Yes you can!
I'm miserable how I lost you

How fastidious it was,
by your smile
you blinded me.
When I thought I was in love and only to find out that I was just blind to see.
edwill makamu Feb 2016
I call myself a poet
Yet I don't have a wisdom to express the feeling I have for you, only you
I only hope these words are more precious

to let you understand that my love for you
is destined to last in truthful excitement,
feelings of blissful, lasting joy race through my mind
Whenever my thoughts turn to you my dearest darling,

the love I have for you
from the very first time I set my eyes on you,
on the aloof, there was an energy and current (indirect current)
that seemed to surge through the air

my innermost longings could be easily seen,
and I could see these feelings ape in your own eyes and face as I'm stading opposed
and when my unspoken desire to be held was whispered by my heart

It was quickly answered by your first tender,
romantic shyness ' s smile while starring the floor.
I've dreamed of you for years, my angel
and I knew one day I will find you no matter what obstacles

Now that I finally miraculously discovered you
the world is waiting for us to go out there and express what we are meant for to be together
Mere words seem too far inadequate to discribe the dizzying
wonderful emotions that sweep through my mind, my body and soul

Now my life is near to be richer and rewarding than I'd ever imagined it could be
if I could truly express how I feel for you
the words could be far more magical

than those written to be the best by the king Poets.
My pet, I adore you the most
It matters not, I only met you in no days.
The truth is, I've been loving you in ages

Now that I decisively met you,
I conceive, you are nothing to lose.
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