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sds Jun 2015
Life's not safe we all die.... what's there to fear?
sds Mar 2015
The canvas you paint upon is my heart, the beauty you inspire within me is that of art.
sds May 2016
The flowers have wilted, such as the sun is gone, only tears pour upon my farm. I wish to call once more the lovely tune, but merely its winter and not June
sds Aug 2015
People are like dirt. They can either nourish you and help you grow as a person or they can stunt your growth and make you wilt and die
sds May 2016
Cold he knew himself to be but with a glimpse of what he missed, his heart had his tears to kiss. Father for where are thee, but in my past to have held my hand, and filled my glass.  My hand you did not hold, for goodbye was the words my heart did know. My hands filled with stones
sds Jul 2017
Races to the finish line where if you cant find the middle who cares the beginning is new
sds May 2015
Night darkness slowly falls
while am staring at the walls
silence but i can hear
sounds of ghosts near
all i feel now is fear
no i cant drop a tear
closed my eyes i opened my heart and everything became clear
all what scared me did disappear
laying my head on the pillow
looking out the window
hearing the wind blow
wishing to play with the snow
falling asleep falling like a feather
i was warm in that cold weather
dreaming about a beautiful tomorrow
dreaming about the end of everyone's sorrow
sun rises up shining on my face
her warm rays lighting this place
beautiful feelings filling my heart after it was just an empty space
sad memories
happy memories
all about our life stories
writing it in a book of glories
life is a war
either u win or u die and crave on the floor
if someone tries to reach his hand for u dont close the trust door
never fear to lose and never lose to fear
i promise everything will soon fix my dear
sds May 2015
I’ve never fooled anyone. I’ve let people fool themselves. They didn’t bother to find out who and what I was. Instead they would invent a character for me. I wouldn’t argue with them. They were obviously loving somebody I wasn’t.” (Ted Bundy)
sds Aug 2015
What I see will not be of what was
Never to stand still
To be it as infinite
As beauty
even if the petals wilt
sds May 2015
If I could change the past and take back what I said/did I would. But “if,”, “would,” and “could” are things I could only hope for. I’ve already tried to mend the damage that I have done now I can only hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me. I can promise you that I won’t ever recklessly misplace your love and affection again. It was wrong, stupid, and immature of me to do what I did. And now that I see how much my actions have hurt you, I know that I can’t bear to see you unhappy. Words will never suffice as the only apology for what I have done but I sincerely wish that it could start the healing process.....  Treat me like the monster you claim I am if it makes you so proud.. . and happy it feels good inside doesn't it....
sds Sep 2015
Living threw love with my immoral face, I’d say I can see why it’s such a desperate move to make, to give one your heart it’s a chance one makes in hoping one day you’ll meet the one… it could be just a glimpse across the room as you gaze into her eyes she smiles back and she walks towards you with guilty pleasures only looking for a good time and suddenly this good time makes its way back to your heart your more than just two drunk people and suddenly you realize you like her more than just a good time, you wish to spend time with her perhaps tomorrow as she cleans herself up and leaves your house you part the words I’ll see you then.. It all happen so fast, your hands against each other the stroke of your lips against another…. You show up to your destination look at your watch the time seems to flow your sitting there with thoughts rushing by, thoughts of fear and doubt what if they don’t show up enough time passes by its getting late the waiter tells you, you can’t stay much longer it’s been hour she shows up like a glimpse of heaven you peek into her eyes and all you want do is romance but it’s not the same as last night in that spark of passion she’s sober and so are you, you start to talk but…. the words won’t come out your nervous
sds Aug 2015
A burden in disguise a pain in your eye
Who sits upon high as you weep on low
Your heart at sea, raged widow never to rest and be at ease
sds Aug 2015
There's only moments and moments seem to be fleeting...... you pluck them petals off.. I love you I love you not… I just hope you love me
sds May 2015
Take me away from this place to heaven above what shall we do in the sun? Hold me, never let me go you will be my one.... I shall love you till there are no more stars in the sky... us being the only one's sparkling bright
sds May 2015
Dampen this kindred flame set a blue
Newly bud set to bloom
Of hopes and dreams to come true
Come fast and hold me as I folly ill
For your voice…to beckon to me still
Even when lightly the earth covers you  
You are that of an undying memory
One moment there alive the next dead   Surly it all you’ll regret
Your body, soul and mind what do you want to hold onto, and what do you choose to let go?
Letting go of all my inflictions, I’m ready to step into the light and escape these cold addictions.
sds May 2015
His love for me was more smoke then flame
sds May 2015
If you spend nights behind steel bars gazing upon the moonlight
I’ll live though a loss of one’s true touch
Amongst deep cuts; they do scar thy heart and hand
Raise once more my dear old friend, let’s roam the night
Hence before our strange miss sight
No words could be spoken that would make them understand
For you will never be tamed by any other man
On the other side of the window
Sadden and scared I watched as my life walked away
I reached out afraid of losing you I had no grasp I couldn’t hold you    
What you always were
Is the key to my heart
sds Aug 2015
If our hearts were caving in, I'd give you the broken pieces Your breathtaking every touch, every glimpse of you leaves me in awe I truly wonder why angels exist because it seems God as given me you.
sds Jul 2017
he kept trying to convince himself
that he didn't need anyone else
so he spent his days up on a shelf

many hours went by when he just thought
about how independent he was
so without help his battles were fought

sometimes he would almost get worn out
but he had a fear of going soft
so his freedom he never did doubt

without others he could feel alone
although he had grown far much too cold
so he was lonlier than they'd known
sds Apr 2015
In the face of death it isn't courage that keeps you strong but the apathy of no longer holding on
sds May 2015
If all I had was but one day, I'd share it with u in every way. I'd hold you so tight and show you the world, ill be your one and only girl. Till death do we part
sds Jul 2017
One upon a time there was a drew he lived in a shoe what could he do it smelled to she was but a fly she couldn't resist the smell of ****, so on in she came whos to blame in my web there I lay night and day ah at last she flew in my shoe caught she couldtn't fly hungry yet am I, so she had to die
sds May 2015
Fine ill go first, drew you must never die, for then whose name will be in my head, it couldn't be anyone but you. If you stay alive, ill make you the happiest guy in the world, ill do everything to see u smile. seriously though, stay alive for me
sds May 2015
Draw them in like the butterfly to trap them like the spider
sds Jun 2015
What if you never became a butterfly, living your whole life only existing within a cocoon?
sds Aug 2015
every petal of my rose, you pluck and it says I love you and nothing less... you are my world and without you I'd cease to exist
sds Sep 2015
Who am I to be a man hurt, sad and alone my heart can no longer sing. I've always loved you so, how could you do this to me? how could I been so blind not to see you didn't love me.
sds Aug 2015
I just want power and evidence where its evident, places and time put in place casual kisses of light linger in darkness
sds May 2015
I wish I could feel what all these others feel, to hold you threw the night and whisper of my true love... I only want to bring you near.... to bed with the earth lightly covering us for  us to die as one....
sds May 2015
You have no lover as far as the eye can see, raging like a tidal wave within you haven't got a clue... what you want from yourself or anyone you pursue... you feel alone but however you push anyone who's waves crash upon you... your simply a island nobody wants to be stranded upon
sds May 2015
I'm already yours, if you haven't noticed, as you are mine. And we can be together for the longest time as long as your with me, we can both be free, and conquer the world, so confidently
sds May 2015
I'm addicted to the morning sun, this addiction is absolutely I wait for you to shine down upon me... Where there Is sunshine there must be rain she said years ago and now filled with tears I weep for her so... She said she'd be my sunshine sadly did I not realized that I was the rain
sds Aug 2015
You lighted the fire of love inside my heart after years that I always been falling apart with u I saw that sparkle of a beautiful life..for u I did throw away my knife...I didn't know how sweet love can be now only u are who I want to see a world just for u and me
sds May 2015
Cant be broken

From others am annoyed
because of them am destroyed
so them i avoid
smiling i pretend
about me they talk and offend
indirectly ugly words to me they send
am hurt but i won't let them see
they can't see whats inside me
my mind am keeping clear
walking into the darkness with no fear
avoiding everyone not letting them come near
and my mind i open
my happiness was taken
but my words won't be stolen
even tho my heart is broken
my words were written
of sad memories i m letting go
when ever the freedom wind blows
my feelings in a poem flows
cause no matter how long
am staying strong
they can say all they want because am proving them wrong.
Believe it i am lonely by myself
believe me am invisible in a giant world am an elf
you say u can see me
but why cant u believe me
i am lonely
on my only
have nobody by my side
and if i talk to anyone i'd only lose my pride
i am so lost and broken inside
can u tell me
can u answer me
can u look and see
can u really be
can u stand still with me till the end
wont u let me lonely like a stone in deserts sand
can u help me and give me ur hand
can u be honest with me and never pretend..
I fly

In the night i fly
so far and high
up in the dark blue sky
my fear is to die
my sadness is when my parents cry
to keep them happy i try
am so honest i dont lie
feelings i get when i be sad
feelings i get when someone's dead
laying down on my clouds bed
cleaning bad thoughts off my head
how much does it hurt when u remember out there people cant find anything to eat not even bread
the story of sadness in their eyes i read
am now feeling angry and mad
people dying hungry and none of us for them is feeling bad
you don't have enough money to give them u said?
Tell me how much money u had?
yes right mister fred
how many people could u have fed..
But u chose to buy fancy things instead..
darkness in people's eyes i see
how much hard their stone hearts can be
so from this cruel world i tried to flee
oh how much i wish to feel happy and free
joy i'd feel when i see
poor children shouting of glee
we wake up to the beautiful sound of birds
others to the sound of bombs and its the last thing most of them hears
then their hope disappears
and fire of the enemy appears
falling asleep with tears flowing down my cheek
and suddenly the stars take a peek
and they sparkle like if they are playing with me hide and seek
goodnight stars goodnight sky
its the time for me to dream and fly
sds Jul 2017
She's like the wind shes like the sun what I imagine heaven up above no care in the world only my flame in the night we needent sleep for hearts we need not beat for its just our souls to keep
sds May 2015
I just want you to be mine, I want to hold your hand, till the end of time. And watch the sky in your arms, you would keep me safe without harm, and we could be happy as lovers, and friends, and our happiness together would never come to an end...
sds Aug 2015
A picture is worth a thousand words, but when I think of you only three words come to my mind. I love you
sds Aug 2015
Why did this caged raven decide to perch on your heart, for your presence to scar my senses so? For I to linger upon your gentle cradle, in warmth and comfort to me for it is unknown. As I feel your sweetness soothe me, I fret of pain to consume me.
sds Aug 2015
I still write poetry its in my heart and when I look into your eyes theres the spark
sds Aug 2015
Tweet the lovely tune for which the other birds fall to
Let them fall for, the angel who’s a deadly stranger
sds May 2015
I'm one, Lies truly deep within her mind
The idea that left her to wonder
Coming of age, to full grown dressed in a night gown
To the dearly hour of midnight do her sorrows seed themselves
Low pitch somberly if you listen close, you would hear her cries
Within her room lit by the eternal darkness,
Nothing truly clear, incisive it may appear life to you a metaphor    
Love she sought robbed her blind,
Took her self-esteem stole all personal freedoms
Faith you had settle into him was dully, misplaced
But none of these things she lost were the reason love hurts
She was the one who opened up to vulnerability
It wasn’t love that stole from you, it was possession, obsession, manipulation and infatuation not love
sds Jul 2015
What hearts for? If there empty inside where could there be life?
sds May 2016
Oh, dear glimpse upon your shore no escape nevermore I'm the raven at your door. knocking wanting more tick tock, only the piano to listen to, so dearly as lovely as a voice like yours could sooth
sds Aug 2015
If I have to cry do not pardon the tears in my eyes. I haven't been alive for very long, but you've kept me singing along. Without you by my side I wonder what hope lies deep inside... if its not within your soul. I never cared about another not a single thing.... and if I did it be all be waste of time... I know not a thing... about you. truly your heart is endless and so deep
sds May 2015
Asking a question about a life
ending a life with a knife
destroying a family with a gun
remember you're not the one controlling the sun
drawing sadness in people's faces
hating others because of their races
erasing people's dreams
about appearance he deems
everyone can write his own story
we can all build our personal territory
you can't judge me for who i want to be
you can't make me the person you want to see
the only mighty god he is the only one who controls me
get off my land
there is no right for u to pretend
you only want pain to my country
we are all going to stand tall we are the sentry .
sds May 2015
She cast down her own thoughts of life’s pitiful dwell
Amongst frightful tales    
The truth was revealed
Deep in the dark upon the shadows you will find him
Hiding along a world tangled in her toils
The darkness his dear old friend, has a mark leaving its toll
For his loving devotion was strung into your heart
When played it sang a sad tune
Enduring the unthinkable it seems
As he came back from the depths of hell
She caressingly asked don’t leave, I need you to stay,
Be god and hold me, my savoir, my one and only    
If there shall be no morrow where you’re with me
Then my life will have lost its true meaning

— The End —