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Nov 2014 · 1.9k
And the demons say
xxxx Nov 2014
Cut on your hips
so no one would see
Nobody will know
Only you and me
Apr 2014 · 2.7k
I wish I had someone..
xxxx Apr 2014
I wish I had someone
Someone who I could wake up next to
Someone who would send cute messages to me
Someone to cuddle with
Someone to love

I wish I had someone
Someone who would wipe away the tears
streaming down my face
Someone who would love me
despite all my flaws
Someone who would accept me
for who I am
Someone who would make me
Not very poetic but I felt sad and alone and I needed to write. I fear being alone for the rest of my life. I wish I had someone to be with.

Mar 2014 · 3.6k
Pain is an illusion.
xxxx Mar 2014
Six weeks strong
Wounds have healed
Tried to stop an addiction
But became so unhappy
Thoughts became worse
More pessimistic
Demons won't stop pestering
Self hatred grew stronger
Turned to the pain
Knowing that it is just an illusion
Thinking it would help escape
The struggles of life
Relapsed; 6 weeks being clean went down the drain.
Not the best poem I have ever written but I just had to let it out.

Feb 2014 · 947
True Love
xxxx Feb 2014
He saw the scars
On her wrist
She thought he would let go
But he held her by her hips
He pulled her close
And kissed her lips

He wiped the tears
Streaming down her face
As he said
*I love you
Everything will be okay
You will always be mine
So please stay
I have no idea what I just wrote since I'm not the type to write about love.

Jan 2014 · 710
Oh mother dearest,
xxxx Jan 2014
When will you realize
That your words
Are like knives
Piercing your daughter's
Fragile little heart
Venting through poetry.

Jan 2014 · 2.4k
xxxx Jan 2014
Her hands tremble
As the temptation conquers her mind
She grabbed anything sharp
That she could find

Go, do it.
Said the voices in her head
She listens and cuts
Wishing she was dead

Blood stained wrist
Blood stained sheets
Are all she sees
But now her mind is at ease
Relapsed the other day and felt like relapsing today but I wrote this instead to stop me from doing it again.

Jan 2014 · 688
Poetic Rant
xxxx Jan 2014
I'm sorry that I'm not perfect
But you aren't too
So stop acting like I'm the bad guy
Because the world doesn't revolve around you
I just really needed to vent

Jan 2014 · 648
All Alone
xxxx Jan 2014
I have no one to go to
I have no one to hold
I have no one to cry to
I'm all alone
Jan 2014 · 485
I guess I was wrong
xxxx Jan 2014
I thought the teasing would be normal
I thought that I could get used to the threats of having a horrible future
I thought I could block the shouting
I thought I would be fine without support from the family

I guess I was wrong
Jan 2014 · 752
Save her
xxxx Jan 2014
She's just a girl
In an ocean
An ocean full of lies
And torment

She gasps for air
Waiting for someone
To pull her arm
Out of the raging waters

Waiting for someone
To save her
I don't even know anymore.

Jan 2014 · 964
11:53 PM
xxxx Jan 2014
I can't sleep
With the flashbacks
Playing itself in my mind

Hearing every tease
Every insult
Every threat
That was said to me

Seeing the times when
I felt horrible
And hurt

They play themselves
Again and again
Until the tears would stream
Down my cheek
Rolling over
Eventually falling asleep

I honestly want to cry right now. I'm sorry.
Dec 2013 · 1.1k
xxxx Dec 2013
When I was young
I wanted to be away
from the monsters under my bed
But as I grew older
I realized that
The monsters are in my head
Dec 2013 · 808
Sudden Sadness
xxxx Dec 2013
Listening to pop songs
As her emotions trigger her mind
She cried and cried
But she doesn't know why
Why is this happening?
She asked
Not knowing what was going on
In that fragile little mind
Has it got to the point
Where she fears her own emotions?
This isn't the best but it explains what happens most of the time.

Nov 2013 · 829
A friend? Yeah right.
xxxx Nov 2013
Gee, what kind of a friend is she?
Complaining and insulting with glee
What have I done to get this ****?
You make me hate you a little bit
Poetic rant. Sorry, I just needed to let it all out.

Nov 2013 · 6.7k
An Opinion
xxxx Nov 2013
Judging faces
Held back laughter
All for
A bubbly fangirl

Why must they
Be so cruel
To a nervous girl
I wish they understood

"What the ****?"
Said another girl
As I explained my thoughts
About this judgmental world

"It's just a tease"
She said
"She's used to it"
She added

But that's not the point
I'm trying to convey
They'll never understand anyway
Well I wrote this in class because I noticed how the girls in my class love to tease each other and I just wanted to express my feelings towards it.

Nov 2013 · 648
It's Called Acting (10w)
xxxx Nov 2013
Just pretend everything is okay
Because they won't care anyway
Nov 2013 · 593
Fake It
xxxx Nov 2013
All they see is a smile
But little did they know
That she was hurting
15 w
Oct 2013 · 751
She's fragile
xxxx Oct 2013
It's just a tease, they say
They didn't mean it*, they say
But when will you learn
Never to play
With a fragile girl

I just needed to say this.
Oct 2013 · 475
Choose your words
xxxx Oct 2013
Words hurt
Like guns and knives
If you don't choose them well
It will trigger her mind

All the screams
And torment
And hatred
She hears
Are kept in a bottle
Locked up in her thoughts

Late at night,
Her thoughts unlock
As the bottle opens
Everything heard
Plays back in her head
Please make it stop
She said
Oct 2013 · 888
She's gone
xxxx Oct 2013
They took over


self hatred

They all took over

Her mind
Her body
Her soul

She maybe alive
But deep down
She's not
She's gone
Oct 2013 · 610
xxxx Oct 2013
Whenever you open your mouth
I know that nothing good would ever come out

Your words are like knives
Sharp and painful
Cutting through her fragile heart

Leaving scars on her mind
Changing her thoughts
About life
Oct 2013 · 582
When? (10 w)
xxxx Oct 2013
I've been told
things would get better
But when though?
Oct 2013 · 866
xxxx Oct 2013
She sat on the chair
Looking down at her flaws
She feels like she's drowning
She was barely breathing

You can see the tears
In her eyes
She said
I'm fine
But she lied

The thoughts in her head
Drove her insane
She got a pair of scissors
And ran away

She went to the bathroom
And locked the doors
She took it to her skin
Until she saw blood

She felt the pain
That she needed
It was relief
That she wanted
Sep 2013 · 549
xxxx Sep 2013
I sit in class
Staring at the board
Looking like
There's nothing wrong
At all.
I feel my pulse,
Blood running through my veins,
Asking myself
Why am I alive?
Each and everyday.
Sep 2013 · 808
xxxx Sep 2013
A broken relationship
Should not be fixed
By force
It mends
As time goes by
Sep 2013 · 903
Bittersweet Friendship
xxxx Sep 2013
I've been with you
Through thick an thin,
But all you do
Is cause pain within.

Never listening
To a word i say
But all you to
Is vent all day.

I try to be nice
And smile it away
But what you don't know
Is that I have something
To say.

I try not to complain
But sometimes,
It drives me insane.

— The End —