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 Nov 2018 Daniel Cowick
I've loved many boys
With different colored eyes
But the way I remember them is
By the shape of their hands

The way their thumbs curved
Or how their palms felt against my own
The weight of them on my thighs
Or how they ran through my hair

The times they zipped up my dress
And settled on my shoulders
The moments when they grazed my own
As they handed me my keys

The motion of them as they spoke
And the motionless of them when they were silent
The smoothness of them in the beginning
And the calluses after time had passed

Sometimes, I forget the faces of these boys
Or the way their voice sounded over the phone
But I'll never forget the way it felt
With their hands intertwined in my own
 Nov 2018 Daniel Cowick
" That's just me "

You’ll hear her say

" I am lesser than beautiful "
I refuse to believe that
I am of worth
What exactly am I?

A courageous soul who is unapologetically herself

Well, the truth is
I look in the mirror to only see
My reflections disappoint
No longer can I say that
My beauty radiates from within

now read from bottom to top
 Nov 2018 Daniel Cowick
 Nov 2018 Daniel Cowick
in order for me
to get better it seems
that being broken
is the only way to learn
how to heal
I am possibly going to be recieving professional help soon, so I am in a good mood at the moment. been doing a lot of thinking and reflecting, so hopefully i'll have some more pieces up :)
 Nov 2018 Daniel Cowick
Those silly songs;
so sad but true
With lost feelings
of me and you

I played it on
with the tape's side A
Felt like blossoms of dawn
and flowers of May

I flipped the tape
Found side B's empty
The same thing I get
Every time you look at me

"You'll get over this."
You once confided
That's what our love is;
Too one-sided
I wrote this three years ago and I'd love to share it here with you! ♥
 Nov 2018 Daniel Cowick
 Nov 2018 Daniel Cowick
Someday soon,
under a new sun,
We will sing a bird's song of white and gold hues.
Of beaming light.
Of warmth encompassing all that we love.
And it will be magnificent.
 Nov 2018 Daniel Cowick
ok okay
When a pop star dies people want to know who to blame
When a homeless person dies they are labelled insane

— The End —