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 Jan 2018 unnamed
Fumi Himawari
Take me away. I want to fly with my wounded heart. I want to scream with the stars. I want my tears to shine.

Take me away. I want to vanish like a sad song. Be oblivious like an unwanted memory.

Take me away. I want to walk with my bare feet. I want to dance with my breaking bones.

Take me away. I want to breathe in the smoke of the ice. I want to embrace the warmth of the fire.

Take me away, but I know you won't.
So I'll take away myself from you,
because you are not good for me anyway.
 Jan 2018 unnamed
I am a porcelain doll.
Children play with me a lot!
They swing me around and treat me like a daughter.  
I love them!
But, they got a new toy.
I go in the closet.
I wait for years.
Watching them.
They play with and break every other toy.
All their toys are gone now,
Except for me.
Here they come!
It’s my turn!
They pull me out,
We have tea.
He wants to join!
She wants him to go away,
So he takes me.
They both love me again!
He makes me fly.
I’m falling?
I roll down the stairs.
I shatter.
They pick up my pieces,
Throw me into the dark, smelly ebis,
They ask for a new toy.
Because I, am a broken porcelain doll.
 Jan 2018 unnamed
Gale L Mccoy
i let it curl around me
it nestles between my bones
i forget to breath
it doesnt remind me
it likes the stillness
it likes the quite
my breath is loud
rattling the bones
it calls home

i let it lick my wounds
it sinks deep into them
i heal quick
before it has a chance
to slither back out
the wound is closed
but its still wriggling

every time i take
a deep breath
it shakes in distress
trying to shush me
through scared skin
every word i speak
it tries to squeeze back in
confined to one part of me
it has no hold
but to remind me of
old wounds
with that ever hollow
wriggling feeling
 Jan 2018 unnamed
MAN UP!!!!!
 Jan 2018 unnamed
When we say this we refer to men as
rather unhuman beings
as beings who are not supposed to
show their feelings
show their tears
show their hurt
show their passion
show what they love to do
when we say "Man up!"
We usually mean
"dont act like a girl, you are bettter than that"
"dont be this feminine"
"boys dont cry"
"boys shouldnt like ballet"
"boys shouldnt do this, shouldnt do that"
"you run like a girl"

Yes, you can man up.
Man up!
Man up for what you feel is right and not for what society thinks is right.
Man up without bringing yourself down.

Man. Up. For. Your. Self.
and only for yourself.
Because supporting men is also part of feminism.
 Jan 2018 unnamed
I Do Not
 Jan 2018 unnamed
I do or I do not
are the answers to the question
yes or no?
To a an inquisitive expression

He looks at me, eyes watering,
"well? you are making me nervous"
The next moment flashes before me eyes,
a wedding cake and church service.

I want to scream "yes"
but the words don't seem to flow
with a quivering chin,
I strangle out a "no"

I meant to say, "I am not ready"
"I really am flattered..."
Instead I just sit there,
Leaving his heart scarred and tattered.

I guess now we are over,
Love is a funny thing,
It never truly can happen,
without accepting the ring.
 Jan 2018 unnamed
it doesn't take much
to be a true friend

it doesn't take years
to do something right

it doesn't take much strength
to reach out and help

it does take a real villian
to hurt those who care

it takes vile crudeness
to make one feel dead

or long to be
be real
 Jan 2018 unnamed
“Why did you stay?”

That’s always the first words out of everyone’s mouth… including my mothers.  
They act as if you realize that it’s an act of treacherous hatred while you’re lying on the floor.
They don’t see the look in his eyes when he tells you
“I’m so sorry, it will never happen again. I love you so much.”…
  They don’t feel his warm embrace he gives you while you’re trying to cover your bruises with makeup.
They don’t feel the isolation while you’re at home thinking of who you can go to.
They don’t feel the denial as your brain tells itself “All couples fight… its normal.”
They didn’t feel the gut wrenching pain in your stomach when you watched him with tears in his eyes as you finally found the strength to go.
And the first thing out of their mouths is… “Why did you stay?”
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