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  Oct 2018 Destiny C
Ariana Bagley
I love him
I tell myself
I know that
We will be together forever
I don’t believe that
We could be separated
My thoughts tell me that
He’s the love of my life
Sometimes my heart lies and says
I could live an eternity
Without him
Like my friends say
“We’re perfect for each other”
And you can’t tell me
He’s not the one.

Now read from bottom to top.
Destiny C Oct 2018
You found my hills-
ignoring the pleas and appeals.

You rampaged your way into the hidden valley,
while I sat their dissociating - assuming death was my finale.

You scourged through my dips and curves,
as though I should be flattered you came back for thirds.

Imprinting your unwelcomed touch on my mind forever,
the violation of my body will be forgotten never.
Remember me when you feel all alone,
I'm always here for you, I'll never leave you on your own.
Remember me when your heart is broke in two,
I'll always be here to pick up the pieces and heal your heart for you.
Remember me when you feel depressed, stressed or angry,
I'm always going to be by your side through it all, please believe in me. Remember me when you're confused or lost,
Because I'm always here for you no matter what the cost.
Remember me when you're feeling ill in any way,
I'll always be here to nurse you back to health any day.
Remember me after I am gone,
And just for you, I'll be sure to ask God to leave Heaven's light on.
Remember me please, don't forget,
I'll always remember you, our friendship I'll never regret.
Remember me if you're in Heaven before me,
Maybe you can guide the light for me to see.
Remember me when you don't think you can ever love again,
Because I am here waiting to love you, but I can wait 'til then.
Remember me when you feel like nobody loves you,
Just so you know that I'll always be here, forever too.

©Words of a withering soul
Remember that u are not lonely... And I'll always be there for you
  Oct 2018 Destiny C
Know the power of your beliefs.
Be the change that you want to see.
Give first what you wish to receive.

Sounds simple, seems easy..
Yet, I'm still hit time and time again
with my own overlooked miseries,
which lead me straight back to these three.

Am I dumb, am I a monster,
am I doomed to self-deceit?
Why am I failing so hard?
I'm finding it kind of hard to breathe..

We're always facing our shadows,
taking notes,
but it doesn't have to be a bad dream...
These lessons are what I need,
and they're helping me to become a better me.
Destiny C Oct 2018
I can yell at my pen,
pull at my hand,
but there's no words this paper can comprehend.
My thoughts are stuck in a box,
stubbornly clustered together,
not willing to talk.
I try to persuade them,
but they crave my inner creativity,
not the monotonous reality I live in.
They want to dance in the rain,
swim in the ocean,
or even find a mysterious love potion.
But I can't take them there -
I don't know how to piece them together,
It is as if my artistic streak vanished in thin air.
Destiny C Oct 2018
Past the surface of the sea,
I break my reflection to feel unrestrained. . . free. .

But it's bittersweet once I remember the chain holding me,
slowly weighing me down past the surface as I try to swim and flee.

After 19 leagues down it's clear to see,
I'm in the abyss Destiny wanted me to be.

So I release the chain around my feet,
for which my bitter soul held the key,
to float in my self imposed darkness-
letting the pressure crush thee.
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