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I know the pain you feel is deep,
your want from life is simple peace.
And though I cannot guarantee,
please listen closely, as I speak.

Presently you stroll alone,
searching for a hand to hold.
You feel your sorrow in your bones,
in harshest sun, you still feel cold.

Pre - dawn, however, is darkest night
that must be followed by morning light.
I pray you won't give up the fight,
the universe will set things right.

I know at times, it seems unclear
that happiness is always near.
But wholly I believe my dear,
someday soon, you'll find some cheer.
 Feb 2015 Deenah
Audrey Maday
The tenants of my heart,
Have so recently been evacuated,
Their departure was abrupt,
And they left much behind.
But my heart is for rent,
I'm opening up the space,
I promise you, you'll be pleased,
There is no better place.
The space is wide and open,
You can paint the walls,
I won't mind.
Make the place your home,
It's safe, it's warm,
The fee is rather small, I swear,
And a simple thing to do,
I will not charge you money to rent,
Out my simple heart,
I only ask that you bring love with,
And please,
Don't tear it apart.
 Feb 2015 Deenah
Jan Harak
 Feb 2015 Deenah
Jan Harak
Key to your soul
hidden from all
heart is the lock
open the door

You were made perfect
(with all imperfections)
beauty is light
covered with skin

Shine, beauty, shine!
Don't hide,
destroy the walls inside
give out the key to your heart.
 Feb 2015 Deenah
Shelley Connor
Mind the gap
Between the platform and the train
(We don't want an accident or fatality again)

Mind the gap
Between your work and your life
(It's hard to manage daughter, mother, sister, worker, wife)

Mind the gap
Between work, rest and play
(Or else you'll wake up wrinkled, or burnt out one day)

Mind the gap
Between your needs and those of others
(There's a symbiotic balance between family, friends and lovers)

Mind the gap
Between your psyche and your brain
(Don't slip through the cracks between the passion and the sane)

Mind the gap
Just be careful, take your time
Lets keep things running smoothly, no delays on this line
I prefer strangers became lovers than (best)friends became lovers. Why? Because there are no awkward  moments if a stranger became yours. You will have no regrets on a destroyed friendship. Yes, there are many advantages if you know the person long enough. But what if the relationship wont work? It’s hard to be friends again with that person. No matter how hard the both sides try to be back like the way they always do, it will never be that way again. I don’t want to lose someone who is special to me. I don’t want to see someone not talking to me like we never knew each other for so long. I don’t want to lose a friend. It’s hard to lose someone who has always been part of your life than someone who suddenly become a part of it. I treasure friendship more than anything else. I know I’m being negative about this. But it’s easier to forget a person who just suddenly became your everything than a friend who always there for you since you know when.
Let's live for one another
Not die for each other
 Feb 2015 Deenah
Crushing Love
 Feb 2015 Deenah
Crushing Love
Love Hurts
It really does, but u can't let love hurt u to where u never love again.
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