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 Feb 2015 Deenah
Katie Ann
Falling in love the first time is easy,
you don't understand the risk.
It's like,
learning how to swim as a child,
you're unaware that you're unafraid of the unknown.
Once you're an adult, and understand the concept of how to swim,
and the possibility of drowning,
you realize,
it's terrifying.
I was never told as a child
            if you don't yell
                            nobody will hear you
                      never told that
                              they only ask how you're doing
                 to hear you say
   ­                    when you adapt to your environment
                 you will only grow gills
  as opposed to
                             they expect you to grow up
                 but you cant
             if you don't accept
                                  that you must envelope
          a particular taste
                                                for the endless obsession
                       of order                              &
         ­                into one overflowing mass
                      of man-made obstacles
                                                       ­ over complication
                          ...a self indulged struggle

                 they never tell you these things
                                      as if it were etiquette
                                   to blindly follow
                   all the others
                                                   to their inevitable
      self destruction
                                                     ­   only on this earth
                                            were we destined
                                                  for a slow death
                                                 by our own hands
                                                    our own minds
                                                         own minds...

                            do you
                                                  own your mind?
program your thoughts
                                                     or your thoughts
          will be
 Feb 2015 Deenah
 Feb 2015 Deenah
We can't turn our emotions off.
If only it was that easy,
I'd be the most heartless person around.
If only I could turn these emotions off.
*~ r.s
We stand against you, no matter what religion we are
You will never divide us against each other
We will be strong because we fight against evil
You are the nemesis of the souls of humanity
We will rise up and we will stand together
You can not knock us down, we never will fall
We are Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Pagans....we are the World
You can NEVER win.
copyright Chris Smith 2010
 Feb 2015 Deenah
TW: Touched
 Feb 2015 Deenah
Some days I long to be held,
and others the thought of someone even shaking my hand makes me cringe
I still can feel hands on my throat
and the touch of an unwanted, wandering hand.

Years have gone by,
Yet the ghostly haunting of your lips on mine will not fade.
But hell, I "wanted it anyway"
I wonder how in the hell you looked into my sobbing eyes,
and decided that turned you on.

But it was my fault for wearing shorts instead of pants,
despite the 93 degree mid-July heat.

After you were done
You held me and asked for me to call you back.
You left me crying by the road side,
With my hair in knots and dirt on my new white shirt
Hours passed as I tried to walk yet couldn't because my whole body felt numb,

My best friend laughed, "nice hickies on your neck"
I cringed inside and had to lie,
hoping no one would ever know those hickies where the bruises you left when I tried to scream.
I don't know if this will stay up.
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