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 Aug 2016 Dave Williams

I picked a site and pitched my tent,
alone among the trees
The sun was bright, a perfect view,
a sweetly scented breeze

I sat awhile to just relax,
taking in the scene
A warm wind blew across my face,
the feeling so serene

My eyes closed for a minute
when I heard the strangest sound
As if someone was singing,
it was floating all around

I found a path and made my way,
didn’t seem to have a choice
The song it was enchanting me,
hypnotic was the voice

I snuck among the evergreens,
not a sound my steps did make
Till I clearing I did find
along a pristine lake

When then I saw her splashing
in the waters by the shore
My eyes had never seen such beauty
anywhere before

Her hair a glowing shade of brown,
her eyes a burbon gleam
A smile brighter than the sun,
it glistened like a dream

She didn’t see me standing there,
leaning on a tree
I grabbed a stone and skipped it
hoping somehow she would see

Turning as she noticed me,
a startled look she wore
Then dove beneath the surface
in the waters by the shore

I watched the ripples that she made,
their pattern moving slow
I waited for a while
wondering where this girl did go

I soon became quite nervous,
fearing something bad was wrong
And jumped into the water
where she sang her wondrous song

I didn’t see her anywhere,
my heart began to break
Nothing now but silence
I was hearing on this lake

And then I saw some movement
from the corner of my eye
Her head popped from the water
as I fought the urge to cry

She looked at me so funny
while her head turned side to side
I whispered, “Hi, are you okay?
I thought you might have died”

She laughed but didn’t say a word,
my smile quickly grew
When then she was right next to me
and suddenly I knew

This woman that I found today
while following a trail
I now know is a mermaid
as I see her shimmered tail

Its beauty captivated me,
my pulse began to race
Before I even caught my breath
she was right up in my face

She leaned in close and kissed me,
it was such a magic feel
Her lips were soft as morning dew
how could this all be real

She reached below the surface
and retrieved a golden shell
She placed it in my pocket,
I was captured by her spell

We swam all day until the sun
was setting in the west
She never spoke but when she sang
my heart beat through my chest

When one more time she kissed me
and my head began to whirl
I watched now as she swam away
the ripples they did swirl

I was feeling very dizzy
like I could just barely stand
My body oh so heavy
as I made it to dry land

I lay there on the coastline,
shivers raced across my skin
When suddenly I woke up
in my campsite once again

I shook my head and realized
it all had been a dream
I slept most of the day away
at least that’s how it seemed

The stars now twinkled in the sky,
a shining moon above
And what I saw was in my mind,
it wasn't true, this love

When suddenly I felt it,
once again my heart did swell
I reached into my pocket
and produced the golden shell

I guess it really happened
and the kisses felt were real
I've never been so happy
as this joy that I now feel

My lips began to tingle
as they formed into a grin
I can’t wait till tomorrow
to go swimming once again

Because I know I love her,
she’s the one that I adore
And soon we’ll be together
in the waters by the shore
I know, it's probably too long, I guess I got carried away. :)
 Aug 2016 Dave Williams
PJ Poesy
Hollowness came of lightning strike
long before my meeting
that *****, muscular oak. It was
always that way. I knew no different
of it.

Its charred orifice spoke of
an interloper,
an intruder whose presence
carved fire within,
creating sooty vacuity.

Marvelous survival instinct however,
shown by this tree's greening
each Spring, taught me
perseverance. My own lightning
strikes to be weathered as well,
but perhaps not with as much ardor.

Vehemence and passion can still
live within internal voids.
I have witnessed many furry
and feathered creatures raise brood
from the scarred hole of that oak.
How is it I know this is good?

For a fuzzy feeling of wonder,
still somehow stirs reliance in
desire outside this emptiness.

I see the reflection of light
in the critter's eyes which emerges
from darkness which has kept
it safe. Yet now, hunger encourages
it to roam from its dwelling.

Am I the same?
Calluses are not only for the working man's hands
They're for the white collar march
from comparing things of advertised brands
Shallow thoughts leave your soul parched

Deceased from years of collecting money and things
Though you can, money doesn't really count
Deaf to the song of life when it sings
You can't buy it back for any amount

So while it's hard to keep track of love, joy, and peace
keep count
for they matter most
Eloquence is comprehensive beauty.
Brevity shows a command and respect of time.
Wisdom breeds their concurrent existence
At the end of the day when I'm spent and expired,
and all energy has clocked out and retired.
I long for your warmth and tender embrace,
my weary eyes to rest upon your face.
A caretaker that without I cannot thrive.
I don't need you to live, but to make me alive. Alive
I can change the world with what you help me to feel.
You are fuel and rest, rejuvenation, zeal.
When my strength is gone and my mind is drifting to sleep,
know that my last few thoughts my mind struggles to keep,
are of you and my family that share my name,
and lastly, how soon they will be one and the same.
I love you. Goodnight.
For my bride to be Diana Ray Poulin
The marina was lifeless -
just boats, no captains
It was cold, but
nice - you and I

Like a campfire, maybe
Except you didn't smell
like lapsang souchong tea
More like honey, something

sweet, like devil's cake baking
Your touch - an equatorial sunbeam
It burnt, but I think the tan
looks good
 Aug 2016 Dave Williams
A bullet left in the magazine
Just let me know who hurt you
As badly as you hurt me.
The knowledge of growing and feeling the flowing
of the ins to the outside showing, what you are.
It's enough to drive you mad hoping to make glad the hopes of your mom and dad while being your own man with a plan who along with everyone is pretending he can.
True change is subtle and I'll pose a rebuttal to any of those quick fix ****** that think life is anything but a struggle.
I constantly tell myself to take the toys of life off the shelf and be not a man but a very mature boy who enjoys life for what it is.
Insignificant in the grand scheme but significant and supreme to each individual, it can be full if you feed on the right stuff and not this materialistic fluff but relationships and love.
The taste can't be replaced it's easy to get tossed and lost in the cost of brand names and hearsay claims; you hear the heresy names shouted at you for being different.
Take time to rewind and look back at the facts that make you true. Apply the sutures to the wounds so the futures got more room to grow and you know you will.
The past never returns and the future never arrives so your only choice is to be present and alive.
**** fear, you don't need it. Make a goal and succeed it.
Everyone is different and this life is on rent so make sure all your money is spent by the end my friend because only dead plants don't grow.
New title: Dead Plants Don't Grow
Within her,
I lose myself,
without her,
I find myself wanting to be lost again.
I just,
can't help myself.
She's the only one that knows me.
She's my 3am thought.
She can see my real worth,
she shows me things I never knew about myself.
And the thing is,
once you see your own worth,
it's hard to be around people that don't.
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