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 Feb 2019 Cristina
Kewayne Wadley
I've always seen you
When I look up at the stars.
This is the beginning of life
To love you, to dream in massive
The infinity of new beginnings.
To feel so close
Knowing that I am so far.
Asleep in your presence.
Knowing that I am completely comfortable soon as I see you.
Searching the sky until I find you.
The very reason I look up.
The galaxy colliding in the pupil
Of my eyes.
Night after night
Everytime I look at you
All Apps Un-installed
Hard disks wiped out
Operating System lost
System Shutdown
RAM cleared
BIOS destroyed
Object Id Retained
ROM info Retained

Hardware burnt to Ashes
Or left for Micro-organisms
Scriptures say, Sages re-iterate
Believers believe, others disagree
Object ID may be Reborn
With new OS and Apps
Or there is another possibility
Object ID gets destroyed
And witness Moksha
Free from further rebirth and deaths

Sorry this poem is not on Computers
But I am sure, it's about Humans
Smart Humans, Mortal Humans
Bound to follow the System of
Until Moksha comes for Rescue
System. Who Made This System? Could Anyone Hack this System? Bypass this System or Break This System? Really a Big Question
 Feb 2019 Cristina
 Feb 2019 Cristina
You can hide your shame
Cover your past
But the look in your eyes
Will always last.
 Feb 2019 Cristina
2:49 am
 Feb 2019 Cristina
she was beauty
he was pain
they made fire
 Feb 2019 Cristina
 Feb 2019 Cristina
I spill my guts onto the page


I don't know If I’m Having a Feeling
I don't have any emotions anymore
Or I am dreaming, while I am awake?
Is my mind exploring my feelings?

While seeking happiness in this 18 degree weather?
Baking a melodrama cake,
Pounding away my headaches,
Clearing the path, making way for better
Eggs, butter, flour, sugar and raisins

Raising the bar, with the baking powder
Of transferring my feeling into logic,
As it blend into a smooth non stanza
Poetic form of puppy love, clinching

and all that rises, rise in due degree
And is in everything we see and do.
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