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Feb 2021 · 320
1st birthday
Cristina Feb 2021
Beloved child of mine
I desire you to have
Fulfilled life, greater than mine!
With smiles and giggles
For everyone!

When cry upon you will come
I shall stand with open arms
For you to find
My chest, my hold, my lullaby.
❤ Always and forever ♥
Aug 2019 · 458
Miracle of life
Cristina Aug 2019
Miracle of life
Grows inside of me,
Inside your heart
With two small hands
With two small feet
That will run into our hugs
Any time she'll need.
May 2019 · 348
Cristina May 2019
Distinguishing that I have this flame,
that has a blaze of shame
because of the appalling thoughts
that voyaged my fields of mind
regarding how appalling
will it be to have
your lips on mine
your shirt off and trousers as well
I can't enlighten you on the remaining thoughts.
Cristina May 2019
thoughts you have
day by day and night by night.
Mar 2019 · 421
some days
Cristina Mar 2019
Time and segments,
Dreams and wishes,
Words unspoken
And a quantity of pain
Troubling the day.
Feb 2019 · 450
Cristina Feb 2019
reflections and dreams
part of our daily life routine
with the purpose of constantly updating
twenty-four - seven.
and not a pause is there to take
sleep, work, eat, love
and fall asleep.
Jan 2019 · 705
my stranger
Cristina Jan 2019
there you are!
stealing glances, even the innocent ones.
your shy smile, your still hands
your confident walk.
how could I not recognize you
from a million man?
as my heart jolts of joy
when I lay my eyes on you.
Nov 2018 · 261
divided (10w)
Cristina Nov 2018
piece by piece
you break her
and she becomes
Nov 2018 · 276
about courage
Cristina Nov 2018
I am living with a trace of hope
that you will not see the tears that fall
drop by drop,
drop by drop,
and scared within your heart
you, of course will be not
when softly I shall say:
it was not you, my love.

only then the lie was sold so easy
for there shall fall the tears ahead
until dear heart will contain some courage
to share some secrets and some thoughts.
Nov 2018 · 262
broken days
Cristina Nov 2018
I break the days
in parts of beauty and happiness
sadness and pain,
longing for the dusk to settle
and rising my weeping eyes
to see those around me
as heartbreaking as I am.
Oct 2018 · 484
bitter symphony
Cristina Oct 2018
aren't we all afraid of suffering?
just the verity that we cannot sleep
from the throbbing thoughts
is maintaining us awake a bit more.
and there's the symphony of insomnia.
Oct 2018 · 439
say the truth
Cristina Oct 2018
you notice
that you're hurting me to the tears,
I confess in a soft voice
that it was deeper than this.
Jun 2018 · 845
about a poet
Cristina Jun 2018
perhaps I am a fragment of them,
careful with what I see and not having a lot of skin,
because of the emotions burden to constantly wear
and all the negativity is slowing us down
to move the fingers that crave to write the words,
first on papers and later - hopefully- on every soul,
about the joy, the love, the pain, the hurt we see and feel.
May 2018 · 392
I dreamed of him
Cristina May 2018
it's resembling to your screaming
and no one can perceive the sound,
it's a reminiscent of the time
you almost passed out
and no one was there
to offer you a hand.
placing your palm on the cold concrete
and trying to breathe,
deafness from outside noise
although, not from inside
escalating the pumping heart
bom bom
bom bom
bom bom

wake up, it was just a dream!
May 2018 · 437
the dream
Cristina May 2018
I'm waking up before the dawn
gazing at the gray ceiling with sleepy eyes
seeing something is not there
but sure was.
effortlessly, light as a feather
I'm drifting to the open window
waiting for the cold to get inside,
with bare feet there I stood
and stood
until I woke up with you
by my side.
May 2018 · 195
Cristina May 2018
why should you keep
   the secret ?
   she's not yours to love.
Mar 2018 · 547
she left
Cristina Mar 2018
in a line of despair
he vowed on his broken heart
while a cascade was pouring
words were not loud enough,
but she was nowhere to be seen
and the words drifted in the air
then realization was crushing
thus, she shall never be seen.
the title is temporarily, until I come up with a better one
Mar 2018 · 373
what she wrote
Cristina Mar 2018
blue words on white paper
that's what she wrote in secret
then placed them with care aside
near his black glasses
to surprise him or not,
that ended with:
your love.
Mar 2018 · 12.2k
love, (10w)
Cristina Mar 2018
when was the last time
you glanced in my heart?
Feb 2018 · 244
Cristina Feb 2018
wandered far into the dreams
while you were in front of me,
chests which touch when breathing deep
and counting down seconds until the kiss.
Jan 2018 · 386
dear death
Cristina Jan 2018
escaping death! is this for real?
can he or she be so willing
to pause or forget a moment
or to make a trade with us
because, in any moment of the day
we are important
we are humans!
the only souls that matter for he or she,
which gazes us in the eyes and bones
and smiles or screams when obtaining our souls.
oh dear death, you play my life like an artist!
Jan 2018 · 335
the London star
Cristina Jan 2018
The single star on London sky
is white dot shining high
a clear path between two worlds
and we are stuck on planet Earth.

this star is bright and every night
is looking curious down my window
staring into my eyes,
in one month we came so close
my dear star sings me songs
and tells me stories
about people and other mysteries.
Dec 2017 · 412
for this new year
Cristina Dec 2017
in the night between the years
a shy voice can be heard:
dear two thousand eighteen,
please be kind!.
Dec 2017 · 337
Cristina Dec 2017
I'm holding my head down
as passing near the cemetery
mirroring the motion
of those who I pass by.
there's no confusion
nor a deep illusion
of what we should do
with our life now.
Dec 2017 · 610
the secret kiss
Cristina Dec 2017
I have a devoted hope
with which I dare to stand a chance
to stare with eyes wide open
the hard face of my faith
that wrote lacking shame before our eyes
the life that will never be ours,
the life that will astonish us all.

in a magic day as tomorrow
when the light will rise above
and the dark will disappear
like gravity that brings things closer
all to the oh mighty earth,
like the shadow that always follows
wherever you want to go

we will meet on paved road
our aisle with yellow leafs
closer we will come together
to sin in secret
to kiss in silent
tender lip on tender lip
until one perfect shadow
will become a photography,
imprinted on our memory.
you kissed me, I kissed back..
Nov 2017 · 807
that sad place
Cristina Nov 2017
By the time you will read this, I'll be long gone.

I will not be in the land of dead, nor of alive either. I will be as I was since, well... long before my heart was crushed between lips or fingers or people's thoughts.

I will be here, in a place between your world and mine. In places where the secret code to enter is pain in the chest, days of crying and words never heard of ears that count.

In this vast land is a city with concrete blocks, all gray. The streets are one way roads that travel beyond and above. Roundabouts at every mile that gives chances to go back.

back where?! you might ask.

I do not know to answer to that, I do not know to tell you stories of those who took the route back, or to show you pictures of new places they landed.

But I can tell you about the place where I am at.

Blocks are all around but going straight down the street you'll reach a park.

People stay here day and night with pillows and blankets all spare for just in case.

In case of what?! another good question you might add.

In case that someone who was their friend some time ago will come along. Not for company. No. In this place knowing that you're not alone is enough. no need to interact. The spare pillows and blankets are for those who have the courage to take some steps towards our grieving and pain and... just to hold our hands.

Among others like me, we are not alone. If you want to came and take me back, please do it.

I will be here.
Nov 2017 · 446
eleven years
Cristina Nov 2017
it's been a decade
since the first steps you took
and the most important words
like 'mama' and 'papa'
were the first you said
with your baby voice
melting hearts
of everyone along the way.

it's been half decade
since you figured out
that the most important job
is making your parents proud.

eleven! oh magic number
with 132 months of full laughter,
I wish for you to have
many memories
filled with joyful moments
among your best friends
and your lovely family!

Happy birthday Jan!
sweet eleven years :)
Nov 2017 · 329
the moment
Cristina Nov 2017
you felt it, didn't you?
shall not claim nothing about it
as no one never will.
I felt it too
your mind touched mine
in that particular moment
we forged a point in time.
Nov 2017 · 481
about time
Cristina Nov 2017
here we are standing
in a absolute time
were seconds seek minutes
are split seconds all we have?
and hours offers days
this makes me asking
about the current situation:
*are all lives dawn-to-dark?
Oct 2017 · 400
Alone in nature
Cristina Oct 2017
you weren't there to see
the sun rising above the fence line,
I was becoming part of nature
as I stayed so still
and birds were under my spell.

trees were waving branches with laziness
and soon flowers copied the dance,
up on the sky
clouds were passing with devotion
in front of the morning sun
asking for permission
to let a few drops of rain
where the land is dry.

you weren't there to see
shadows of trees and petals of flowers
covering my sadness
crushing sad thoughts
rebirthing me with joy,
I was part of the nature
I was one of them.
Oct 2017 · 218
Cristina Oct 2017
I'm left with words spoken in vain
Things that you don't know
Oh! Don't look this surprised
Of course, you'll never know
Because you don't listen anymore.
Oct 2017 · 328
for the birthday boy
Cristina Oct 2017
surprise, surprise!
there's one birthday boy around!
so let's all gather
and sing at unison
'happy birthday, dear Louis!'

kind wishes that we have
flow straight from the heart,
here's what I have to say:
count on your loved ones
to fill your life with love and joy,
to count the best moments
and cheerful memories,
to sum them up
until next year!

Happy birthday Louis!
sweet nine years :)
Oct 2017 · 874
do not leave me
Cristina Oct 2017
upon a time we could have said
whatever, whenever,
and words like
ne me quitte pas
were used only in the bedroom.
Oct 2017 · 320
Cristina Oct 2017
I wonder
in what language
should it be said
so you can remember
to reply.
no title because I don't have one, yet.
Oct 2017 · 255
that day (15w)
Cristina Oct 2017
in a day as beautiful as your smile
my heart was taken and sold out.
Cristina Oct 2017
I'm thinking of letting you go
somewhere you can be
free of my torch
that burns your ego
when you're drunk .

I'm thinking of letting you go
in the middle of the night
with too much alcohol
where you can be alone.

I'm thinking of letting you go
because you left me awhile a go.
wrote this piece a while back. though, still hurts.
Sep 2017 · 276
Cristina Sep 2017
you don't need to go back in time
it's all here,
you can feel it, smell it and touch it
as long as you are creative to imagine.
Jul 2017 · 749
Gratify me
Cristina Jul 2017
Bring me peace so I can be freely wild
Throw me into the water so I can go deep
If there's cold I can create heat
Where is love I can bring tears
but to survive
I need your heart.
Jul 2017 · 355
for her baby
Cristina Jul 2017
hello my friend
with deep blue eyes!
today we meet
in the land of real dreams
that the grown ups
call it simple

A day will come
for every scene
for you to learn
names and things.
fear not, my friend
if tears will come
some of them
important are.
you shall not be scared
if monsters are real
because your dad
will banish them.
you shall not cry
if rain will come,
in your mother's arms
shelter you'll find.
do not hurry to grow old
nor pass the toys
in those long days
because my friend,
grown ups miss in secret
to play with toys.

I wish for you
oh! so many wishes
I'll tell you all
in our next meeting!
For Elena
5 months baby
May 2017 · 625
it was your birthday
Cristina May 2017
It was your birthday
not long ago,
yesterday to make it clear,
I did not call
to sing the song
to wish you well
to say cheerful
'Happy birthday!'
I am so sorry L.
I promise it will never happen again!
May 2017 · 672
the great start
Cristina May 2017
It's time

for you to begin seeking

the great world

that is in front of you.
May 2017 · 1.2k
I could and won't
Cristina May 2017
I could let myself down in an acrylic tub full of tears
and no one will notice its springing from my eyes.

I could let myself down on the cold ground of winter earth
and no one will notice I will be part of him from now on.

I could not speak a word or write one
and no one will notice the silent that eats parts of me
as I become none.

I could tell you stories of what I feel inside
I could tell you stories of what desire felt like
I could and could and could
but I won't and won't and
May 2017 · 828
Cristina May 2017
you break my heart
you reap my soul
with no remorse
and no tears in eyes.
Apr 2017 · 652
Happy Birthday
Cristina Apr 2017
today we count down
years since your first breath
so let's take a moment to recall it all.

I've been whispering you
Happy Birthday
since ten years ago.

One decade seeing you grow
becoming the man you always
been wishing for.

Happy birthday my dear husband
and happy many years
together dancing.

I will continue to wake you up
in the middle of the night
to whisper softly
'Happy birthday Adrian!'
32 years suits you up beautifully
Apr 2017 · 467
Cristina Apr 2017
sounds of voices
or music or noises,
words or video
all around me,
touching the screen
or pad or keyboard,
like a body
this web is part of my life,
we call it internet,
a great place where I express myself
with pictures, poems
and other stuff.
Apr 2017 · 517
My wedding ring is (10w)
Cristina Apr 2017
infinite circle on finger
reflecting in the gold
beautiful memories.
Apr 2017 · 768
Hoping for Help
Cristina Apr 2017
She struggles for more
She settles for less,
Breathing slowly
Face down on the cold ground.
She wrote HELP
Even if no one read
There is a HOPE
That tomorrow is not too late.
My thoughts are for ‘13 Reasons Why’, the book and TV show
Mar 2017 · 637
being brave (10w)
Cristina Mar 2017
He lacks fear and he dares to love me.
Mar 2017 · 364
Above all
Cristina Mar 2017
You wander above green grass
Never touching earth's crust
When rain comes you put on the shield,
God forbidden to touch a man
To know the warmth of skin and blood
Or kiss a beating heart.
Feb 2017 · 560
Cristina Feb 2017
two drops of water, you and I
combining and waiting
to vanish through the grand sky
forming a cloud or even a veil
knowing one day
we'll bring the rain.
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