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 Nov 2015 Cowin Alan
If I were to lose you
I can already taste the pure regret I would choke on each time I heard your name
My pillows would turn into my most hated possessions because the smell of your hair lingers between the fabrics and I can't seem to let go of them
I would start showering 3 times a day again to try and wash your fingerprints off of my body
By the time I dried off I would already be crawling into the last tshirt of yours I owned
I would take up drinking because the hangover felt much better than missing you and alcohol washed every word you've ever said right down the hatch
going to sleep knowing someone else is your muse could honestly be enough to **** me
So I would take an extra sleeping pill just so I could see your face with mine, and not someone else's
If I were to lose you
 Nov 2015 Cowin Alan
 Nov 2015 Cowin Alan
I can't remember when I starting running
Or what I was running from,
Just kept the earth under my feet
as I kept moving on

Be like the wind, go where you're blown too
Oh, twenty-five steps to the west,
I am bird without a sense of direction
Without a home, with no nest

Running away,
Saved me from loss and kept my self made wall intact
Only seeking solace from leather bound lines and spilt ink
When I look over my shoulder, nothing there, to look back at

These walls I have built, and these races I have run
Kept me safe from others,
Kept me whole, and running
Cities one right after the other

And now I am here, music for my heart
And words for my soul
Collecting memories I missed out on
And lovers that went wrong

I just run
I sayest;
Verily tis true,
Mine dearest queen Jane
For thee mine amour' is true.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedication ( Filipino rose)
 Oct 2015 Cowin Alan
The innocence in your
nature robbed you 
of all that you ever had

Your pure intentions 
always left you lost
and misunderstood

You used to be a good 
person afraid of all
that was deemed bad

But now you’re a bad
person afraid of all
that was deemed good

I befriend the antonyms of the light
Now the face of the night won't let me go
No matter what I do, even with all my might
So have no choice but to dance with the flow

I am a man who ate the forbidden apples
Indeed the wisdom of the dark was among the highest
Definitely a door to the unknown, until I am longing for riffles
Because I can take the lies of reality no more, such lunacies

Life was supposed to be a thankful journey
A sweet dance from hello's to farewell
Lucky are those who've found serenity
Who hasn't heard the music of hell

I've been too far, my clock is ticking in a cycle of forever
I need a reformat not just a simple reboot
Do not save any good files, that's not so clever
All parts of me was already been infected even to the root

I befriend the antonyms of the light
Now the face of the night won't let me go
No matter what I do, even with all my might
So have no choice but to dance with the flow...

Written: March 4, 2015 @11:00am

Mysterious Aries
 Oct 2015 Cowin Alan
Just Melz
Consumed by a life
    She couldn't handle anymore
          Ashamed by desires
       Too desperate to score
               It's just too addicting
   She wants nothing more
Watching everything she loves
            Walk out the door
    Finds money where she can
         But still living life poor
          Too smart to get too involved
     And too dumb to ignore it
             She don't even care
      They all call her a *****
Now thinking, as she sees the knife
           This isn't what she prepared for
    But with a little thought, she knows  
It's what she's always had in store
              As she lays, bleeding out
     On her ****** kitchen floor
 Oct 2015 Cowin Alan
LB Parker
Paper thin
Who she was is hiding within

I cry
And plead
Through quivering lips
As her essence slips through my finger tips

Her soul
Her heart
And Her mind
Disconnected all this time

So I pray and pray that she may stay
One more day, I say, just one more day
With love, kelsey
Something terrible has happened to me and my family. Please keeps us in your prayers.
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