sorry about the length, but this one's important to me**
I thought I was above this- no, I thought I’d conquered it. Recently someone told me confidence like that is only seen in the naive. I’d have to agree.
No fancy words, no beating around the bush. Being blunt is the only way I can really say the truth.
I’m afraid, deathly afraid, of dying.
It’s there in the way I don’t trust my body, the way if it’s too late at night I don’t want to fall asleep because I can’t feel my heart beating and if I sleep it might just stay that way, so I dig my fingers into the side of my neck, only calming when I find the pulse.
It’s there when I’m consumed by guilt while procrastinating, because deep down I know I’m throwing away time I will never get back, time I could’ve been outside or with friends or making something beautiful happen for this unlikely world into which I was born.
It’s there when I recount what I’ve done in a day to make sure I’m doing something, when I tell myself I’ve already lived 1/6th of today’s average human life, when I make myself respond to anger with calm and worry whether I’ve said ‘I love you’ after I’ve left.
I’d thought I’d have moved past this, now that I’ve started to understand more of this world, the known and unknown. I never thought that looking up to the stars with wonder and humility would lead me to wonder whether part of me would continue on after the fingers I used to type this were gone.
I tried to evaluate this rationally, clinically detached. But it's hard. If I die, I’ll probably never get to learn why- why, where, and how we are, the questions that pull me through life. I’m so happy here. I’m comfortable, I have friends, I have purpose.
This is why people believe in a greater power or pattern, because it means there are rules. It has to be a rule that the good, the young, the ones who have yet to complete their purpose won’t die, believers will tell themselves. Therefore, I'm safe. It seems to make sense.
But that’s not reality. I can’t prove the pattern to exist or not, but if there’s a pattern, that’s not one of the rules. There’s nothing saying I won’t die today, or the next day or in a week. I’m not special- there’s nothing protecting me other than circumstance and myself.
So I’ve written this out- will it go away now? Maybe it shouldn’t. At the very least it’s made me committed to being the best I can be. Have I accomplished anything with this, other than making all of us squirm a little? Probably not. It’s probably best to go back to living now.
Again, sorry for the length. This sort of turned into a mini-essay.