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Aug 2014 · 8.4k
you are beautiful ok
Cooper Aug 2014
it confuses me how someone can think they are not beautiful,
I mean think about that beautiful spot in the woods or on the mountains or your favorite scenic place that is so breathtaking and beautiful,
the same person that made that place and this earth made you
and if that doesn't make you feel beautiful then I don't know
Aug 2014 · 725
Cooper Aug 2014
I was having a bad day,
I needed your hugs

I didn't feel like living,
I needed your hand

I was crying,
I needed to hear your laugh

I was in need of something beautiful,
I needed to see your smile

I wanted to know everything would be okay,
I needed to look into your eyes

I was breaking
and I just needed you
Jul 2014 · 432
3:00 a.m
Cooper Jul 2014
it's 3:00 a.m, you're still gone
it's 3:01 a.m, I still love you
it's 3:02 a.m, I'm hurting  
it's 3:03 a.m, I'm giving up
it's 3:04 a.m, I'm gone
Jul 2014 · 375
but you said
Cooper Jul 2014
when you said you loved me, I said it back
when you said you cared about me, I said it back
when you said I was the best thing that ever happend to you, I said it back
when you said you would never leave, I said it back
but the difference is that you lied
Jul 2014 · 3.0k
Cooper Jul 2014
you're beautiful,
not just because you have a smile that could end wars, but because the thoughts that run through your mind
the way you look at the world
the way you speak
the way you act
you're beautiful because you think the rain is fun
you get excited to see the stars
you love to feel the warmth of the sun more than anything
you're different
and that makes you so beautiful
Jul 2014 · 1.2k
Cooper Jul 2014
I'm sorry if I scare you away with the thoughts in my head
but everytime I lay in my bed
everything runs through my mind
like is this the right one
or dang why can't you have fun
my happiness is there
but my mind is telling it to go down
even though when you come around
everything magically falls into place
there's still this voice in the back of my mind
saying remember last time
so please don't run
when everything I say comes out like a doubt
but what can you expect from someone
who's been broken
and can't find all of their pieces
how can you find pieces when
they're all engraved in the people
who lied the most
and now the one who cared the most
can't even enjoy the great gift
they've been given
Jul 2014 · 9.0k
Where Is My Freedom?
Cooper Jul 2014
In the streets I am not wanted
In this nation I am not wanted
In the streets terror takes over
In the nation arguments are heard
Separating colored from white
Separating imperfects from perfects
Segregation is a way of life
Racism is a daily routine
Equal rights isn’t in our vocabulary
Freedom for colored isn’t thought of
Stereotyping, judging, terrorizing
Where is my freedom I’ve longed for?
Where is my holy land?
Where is my safe place?
The north is helping,
But is it enough?
I feel a change coming
The change in the nation
Speaks of freedom and
Ends segregation
It will make me
Feel wanted in the streets
Feel wanted in the nation
But for now I feel as if I’m
Not wanted here
My skin may be different,
But I have a heart and
I am still a human being
Created by our Holy Father
So where is my freedom?
I wrote this poem for a school project about the segregation issues in American history. I had to write the poem in the point of view of a child or victim during this time.

— The End —