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 Dec 2014
C Michael Higgins
God is love
God is a spirit
If you have ever loved
His Spirit was in you
You were visited by God
Didn't it feel good
For some He has never left
For others He has promised to return
Will you let Him stay?
 Jul 2014
C Michael Higgins
I enjoy deep thoughts
Makes some people uncomfortable
But it's the way I savor life
Love is not casual for me
But a spiritual journey
The purpose of our existence
 Jul 2014
I don't want to go out dancing
I don't want to "hang" with boys
I don't want to wear a push up bra
(Not that there's much to push)
nor make out in some grubby car.

I don't want to cake on make up
I don't want to weave my hair
I don't want to wear stilettos
Or a skirt cut up to where??

I just want to write my poems
play my games and read my books,
have some decent conversation
not based around a popstars looks
(Or the *** he's *******)

I know I'm odd but please don't judge me
I'm a girl, just not the same
call me names and laugh behind me
call me ******, call me lame.

Maybe someday you will see me,
well payed job and handsome man
and wonder how I got that lucky
just by being who I am.

Yet for now you only see me
as a nerd, a geek, a jest,
Take your hot pink lip gloss, sweetie
and push that pram like all the rest.
 Jun 2014
jeffrey robin
/// ::: \\
•    •

The girl with opened eyes

Writes a poem

(     The wind contains     )


There ARE  true feelings

(     Have you heard  ?     )


That there is a truth to LOVE ?


The mountains are filled with MOUNTAIN MEN


The lovely ladies kiss the moon

The simple child no longer cries


The simple tale


The song that drifts o'er the countryside


The scent of blossoms


The courage of saints


The loving lady with opened eyes
 Jun 2014
Babu kandula
Millions, trillions
And more and more
None of our finger prints are same
None of our retinas are same
Why do we limited to a group
All of our bloods are Red
And every heart has four chambers (arteries and ventricles)
Common oxygen to breathe
Why we are bounded to one group
Everyone has birth from womb of a mother
Every heart pumps the blood
Why we are confined to one group

We are humans
This was the only group
We had with us

Unity in diversity is what we want

It should not be limited only for sayings
We should follow this
Unity in diversity
We can say it
But by heart how many can
Really feel it
Why this difference
Everyone has blood
Can inhale oxygen
And exhale carbon dioxide
Why this difference
We are all equal
No matter what is our status
 Jun 2014
If You Feel You Have Been Chosen
Then Walk With Faith
In the Deep Flashing Reflections
You will Learn the Way
To Walk Through the Burning Fires
Tear Down the Gates
Like a Shape Shift Apparition
But with an Angel's Grace*
Chorus to a song I once wrote
 Jun 2014
Joe Cole
Forgiveness is the heady scented perfume from a flower when you crush her under foot
She knows you didn't mean it, she knows you didnt look

A few short hours ago she was there
Felt her precence there, smelt her perfume so sweet
Her sweetness had filled the air
She had made an entrance
Her presence was revealed

She's now battered bent and torn
But her memory still lingers on
As her bright colours start to fade
Her sweet perfume still fills the sunlit glade

Although she's long dead now and gone
She has also stayed alive
Because the seeds she had inside
Were scattered far and wide

Next spring she will again appear
To the delight of hummingbird and woodland bee
To stand in her full glory, for all the world to see
 Jun 2014
gillian b
I wish I loved a poet
so I could be immortalized in words
so stories about me could be written in verse
just once

I wish I loved a poet
so I could be an inspiration
just once

I wish I loved a poet
so I could be the writer
just once

I wish I loved a poet
so I could help them when they realize
that the world of dreams is just that

I wish I loved a poet
so I could teach them of reality
of the beauty and the pain and the mystery

I wish I loved a poet
so I could show them the stars
so I could teach them how to reach them

I wish I loved a poet
so we could watch the night
and wonder

just once
 Jun 2014
Petal pie
Preparing the ground
in this fertile mind
putting down roots
with the fervour I’ve found

Digging down deep
planting thought bulbs
hope will rise up
Their green shoots will

Picking petals one by one
Counting every blessing seen
Rainbows on the wooden fence
Still life painted in a dream

Hedges run a distant mile
Shaped as every promise shown
Cutting corners of the lost
Happiness in what is grown

I’m cutting back the choking weeds
of doubt and negativity
And moving on the slugs and snails
that stunt my productivity

With mind over matter
this garden will bloom
this change is organic
and normal service
will not resume
(who wants to be normal

I’ve been sowing seeds
with faith love and prayer
In ground once barren
songs will blossom there

Melodies fragrant and free
Tiny sprouts of grand design
Break the soil seeking light
Flourishing for it is time

*Sing with me my garden friend
Walk along my winding path
Smell the beauty on the wind
Life shall be the aftermath
been doing more gardening lately and its a great space for thinking and the spirit! Thanks for writing with me
Jack! :) here's jacks page link

The *italic* text denotes Jack's verses! x
 Jun 2014
Deneka Raquel
I literally just had a panic attack.
It was scary.
My heart began malfunctioning in my chest
It was doing 150 beats per minute at best
And all I did was thought of the possibility, that we'll never be.
This is what you do to me.

I spent, half and hour under the shower,
Trying to get my breathing under control.
In... out... in, out and hold..
Holding my breath in hope it would lower my heart rate,
Before it was too late.

I watch my chest flutter like humming bird wings,
My chest, tensed violin strings,
A melody I know too well.
Symphonies and notes that tell,
You are my heaven and my hell.

Will someone please call the doctor?
 Jun 2014
Babu kandula
Being fit is what
That fits our life
Be a health conscious
But how it works
Keep track of your
Mental status
Illness cause mainly
From inner feelings
So keep your Mind
Which will help
A lot in your life
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