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 Aug 2016
Dorothy Guya
The wisps of smoke in the air,
the hazy vision from the short-lived high.

The cheap thrills on the road to nowhere,
drunk off stolen ***** from the cupboard of your house.

The pulse of your heart in beat with the music,
the remedy of your depression coursing through your veins.

The unfeigned laughter and guileless smiles,
this is what it means to be part of the misguided youth.
 Sep 2015
Tiki Cagilaba
I'm scared of what you might feel
If you truly looked into my eyes
And saw the little devil
That sleeps within me
So don't look
Pretend you don't see
Instead only notice the sweet angel
I pretend to be.
 Sep 2015
Tiki Cagilaba
You take and take
But it's never enough
What do you want from me?
I give and give
And it's tearing me apart
But I can't leave your icy touch
Because I want to fix you
Even though I'm broken.
 Sep 2015
Tiki Cagilaba
What if I wanted to fight
Then turned around and laughed in your face
Tears of anger ruining my makeup
Dripping from my face
Falling to the glass floor
That break beneath my feet
Take me all in
Cause this is who I really am
Cause Im on the brink of destruction.
 Sep 2015
Tiki Cagilaba
Red lipstick
Dripping black
Trying to mask
Her rotting soul
Big  brown eyes
Lifeless and dull
Hidden by her
Bright radiant smile
Dead on the inside
But alive on the out.
 Sep 2015
Tiki Cagilaba
How agonizing it is
To love you behind closed doors
Secretly, silently
Watching the clock go ticktok
As I wait impatiently
This feeling is testing my insanity
I'll become a demon to everyone
But an angel in your eyes
Because if I can't have you
Nobody can.
 Jul 2015
Ella Rosebud
She saw the box and her heart did flutter,
Her fingers fumbled and her conscience muttered.
The clasp undid, the lid lifted free,
And oh the horrors the world would now see.
The rivers were dried and famine did reap,
So many a soul there were none left to weep.

She lay on the floor and she cried and she shuddered,
For she was to blame, only her and no other.
The gods fury was that of which she most feared,
They would take all she loved and **** all she reared.
Distraught and sobbing on the floor of that room,
A notion of peace interrupted her doom,
From the box it emerged and the darkness then broke,
For last but not least the world would have hope.
 Jul 2015
The supreme painter paints
on his canvas
drops of rain
while I sit by the window
and stay amazed
by the strokes of his brush
trying to reduce my pain.
Its raining since morning, and all I can do is sit inside and try to paint.
The Competitions were in full swing
The stadium full of spectators
The crowd pushing and pulling on the embankment  
The cheers and chants deafening.

I tied the sides of my flag to my ankles and let the flag fly
From the direction of the wind and the location I stood
the flag blew upwards making it look like a cape tied to my ankles.
I laughed at my idioticness while he looked at me and smiled.

He motioned for me to follow him
he brought me to a quiet place and told me
"I've got to tell you something"
My heart started pounding
We both knew this moment would come
It became awkward  
He spoke again  
"over the time we've known each other , I've come to care for you. "  
And in that moment I became his .
What is he like, you ask me.
Hmmm.... To be totally honest I don’t know how to fully express in words or
Actions what he’s like.
To me, he is safety.
To me, he is peace.
To me, he is love.
I feel safe with him.
I feel at peace in his arms.
When he looks at me, in his actions, I can see passionate love.      
He is the definition of a gentleman.
When you meet him, you’ll know
Respect runs in his blood
You will come to understand
That this gentle prince,
Raised by a powerful and strong willed queen
Knows no boundaries when it comes to accomplishing things
For the ones he loves.
Not all can see this gentle prince for who he really is.
His humour and personality is mesmerizing
A perfect personality to match his perfectly chiselled face.
Part European features and dark beautiful complexion
To me, he is like paint
In the sense that he turns dull boring conversations into emotional,
Humorous and meaningful ones making it beautiful and full of colour
When I’m with him, he makes me realise what life is all about
When I’m with him, time flies
When I’m with him, time stops
When I’m with him, it’s like a fantasy
When I’m with him, everything feels real
When I’m with him, I shiver from his warmth
My stomach flips never seem to stop when he talks
My face reddens every time he says a sweet nothing to me
He has become my heart
And I am his.
Turn up the silence and block out the sun,
Alone in my room, a bottle and a gun.
It goes click twice, I'll see another day,
Tears start to fall, can't carry on this way.
 Jul 2015
Ella Rosebud
The further the distance
The more I desire
Your cold winters lips
Upon my hot summers fire
A pledge of love from the sun to her lover the moon

— The End —