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 Sep 2014
you knew that so why did you let go?
 Aug 2014
She used to be happy, emitting joy,
She used to be friends with everybody,
She was the flame that the moths would fly to
She was the spark that changed it all.

But the flame has long died out,
The joy has vanished.
The words that were spoken cut her like a knife,
It took away her innocence, joy and almost her life.

She’s falling, falling oh so deep
Into darkness that you put in her world,
A world that she didn’t know existed
Until that day.

Oh darling, she’s gone now. Don’t you dare weep,
She’s here isn’t she…just in a deep deep sleep.
 Aug 2014
A smile
A laugh
A heart broken in half

A blade
A gun
A ******* the run

A shovel
A grave
A girl they couldn't save
You are
the ink,
the page,
the poem.
"Surely you must've known, it was all for you." -Pride and Prejudice
 Apr 2014
A poet in love
Is a match soaked
In gasoline.

follow my writing!

it will kick you in the diaphragm.
 Apr 2014
Michelle M Diaz
 Apr 2014
Nobody seems to listen
And nobody seems to care
All these words I’ve written
This nakedness I've bared

Still I continue to write
Like a scribe whose kingdom’s come
The words of a poet
Are never said and done

To live with bitter madness
To reconcile with past
To dodge the angry arrow
Is a poets unconscious task...

Still these words keep coming
Like a fool without a cause
An annual case of writer’s block
Dictates my only pause

Perfect is the world we seek
On the wings of trust we embrace the flight
Dark are the waters we drown in
As we hold on to love with all our might

Perhaps I’m but a beacon
In a storm that will never cease
Anchored to this ocean
By a soul that’s never free
Traveler Tim
Re Po 04=19
 Apr 2014
Joshua Haines
You're back.

But I'm not really here anymore.

— The End —