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 Jun 2021
JK Cabresos
i remember
sitting on the curb,
sipping a venti café latte,
and pulled
the last cigarette out
of my patched-up
leather jacket,

i waited on you,
but it rained

my hand upon
my head, i placed
and ran fast
to the side street
near the crossroads,

the rain pummeled
the concretes,
crackles of thunder
at the distance,

i was
on my way home,
i supposed,
but i missed
the taxicab,

i remember
sitting on the curb,
soaking wet
in the rain,
tried to light up
the last cigarette,
and the coffee
gone cold,

i waited on you,
but you never came
 May 2021
JK Cabresos
the good thing about being lied
is you'll learn how
to cry
in silhouetted corner
of your room
that once
was your world—

the good thing about being lied
is you'll know how
to smoke
that piece of cigarette
hiding in your closet
to get rid of his kisses
that still linger
in your breath—

the good thing about being lied
is you'll get hurt so bad
that you'll realize
the feeling
of how it excites you
to be alone again
 Apr 2020
JK Cabresos
and sunset
are waiting
for you
to forgive

have bloomed
in spring

but still
the smoke
of cigarette
that lingers
in your breath
and half-empty
glass of whiskey

you're hiding
a ton of pain
Copyright ©️ 2020
 Apr 2020
JK Cabresos
lighten the load
of your luggage
of insecurities
Copyright ©️ 2020
 Apr 2020
JK Cabresos
the government
is not
your enemy
Copyright ©️ 2020
 Mar 2020
JK Cabresos
you can't always stay
𝘴𝘶𝘯𝘯𝘺 𝘴𝘪𝘥𝘦
𝘰𝘧 𝘭𝘪𝘧𝘦.

you must also savvy
𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘳𝘢𝘪𝘯
𝘵𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘴 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦.
Life sometimes *****, admit it.

Copyright ©️ 2020
 Jan 2019
JK Cabresos
You pulled me closer
to your life,
you showed me the world
of wha­t it looks like
with you in my arms,
you made me believed
for a m­oment
that I could only see
in my dreams,
then all of a sudden
yo­u asked for space.
Copyright © 2019
 Dec 2018
JK Cabresos
You were once mine.
You were a dream
then a reality,
now just a memory.
I accept it,
even it's hard to do,
but I have to let you go,
to let you see the world
without me,
to let me find
the missing piece of this heart,
that I thought I found in you
Copyright © 2018
 Nov 2018
JK Cabresos
Two shadows
walk at ten,
different stories
to tell;
while one
falls in love,
the other pretends.
Copyright  © 2018
 Nov 2018
JK Cabresos
Two shadows
walked at nine,
loud voices
of deafening fight,
one stopped
and bid goodbye,
the other
left with lies.
Copyright  © 2018
 Jul 2017
JK Cabresos
It's not from first or last,
or memories of pain from past.
It's when you can love again,
but you just chose not to.
When you think attraction slowly fades,
worst heartbreak is feelings left unsaid.
© 2017
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