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 May 2014
Ann M Johnson
My eyes may be dry, that's because I cry inside
All the rainy days lately inspired this poem
 May 2014
Oh, I Know
Why I Love
I have Loved
All of You
Care to Know?
Wish to See?
...I am You and You
Are Me....
Bless our Souls so seamlessly Serene
 May 2014
Upon Review, I've taken note, amongst my themes in Poetry, little do I find the concept of a "You".

Self absorbed, of this I'm not, you may rest self assured.  

For if you take a closer look, it might come to your attention, there exists a poem I have titled quite like a Question. I must make mention of my Reasons, Who Knows what's Known will understand the nature in my Intention.

Take a moment, and you will find, and in your Realization, I do most often write Poems for You from my Imagination.
 May 2014
Chalsey Wilder
I need something new
A change of scenery
I need a good change,
and live my dreams in reality
I need new feelings
New body
New concepts
Sometimes I get them
Sometimes I just remember what I already knew
New things rarely happen
And I'm just tired of the same things
I feel like everyday's the same and I'm left to discover on my own
I feel like everything is grey and there's no color to behold
I need something new
And I've waited 16, almost 17 years
My whole life
And the only new thing that has happened is my body and mind
*Which I don't like
 May 2014
Chalsey Wilder
I wish I had a life's moments eraser
To erase all the bad moments from others memories
But I would like to keep them in mine
They give me humility
They give me the charm and qualities I have now

I wish I were beautiful
So that I could not be so nervous when I talk to people

I wish I were a better writer
So that I could be famous for it

I wish I were a better vocalist and that I were musically talented
I can sing already I just want to be better

But I'm the exact opposite
I can't erase my bad moments
I'm not beautiful
And I'm an alright writer, I'm just not the best of them
I can sing good, but I'm just not great

*But I wish most of all to be able to have children someday
I wish sometimes sounds like I want and I feel like I shouldn't even bother cause these things will never be.
 May 2014
Chalsey Wilder
If I don't belong why am I here?
I don't belong
So tell me
Tell me why I am here
But everyone doesn't see it
They don't see that I don't belong
My quietness hides it
The way of my denyness
The way of my self lies it's...
It's self hatred, self harm
Why did I lie when I stood naked in front of a mirror and said out loud and in my head five times that I am beautiful?
I didn't believe one bit of every silable in that word
Not for myself
This is a lie I could never take in
Never believe in
Never see even if others try showing me
Imperfections Imperfections
I don't want to be perfect
I want to be someone else
Someone who's more than me
I want less and I want more
I want less of me and more of someone else
If only I was more
If I was more I could do better
Could be better
Only I'm stuck with this
This unbeautiful me
An unbeautiful creature than everyone and no one sees
*I am part of everyone and I am part of no one
 May 2014

Floating... in the dream state of a conscious mind,
picturing hibiscus ribbons in sweet chocolate hair,
happily smiling along mockingbird whispers, melodically
heard deep within our hearts…we imagine

Our gondola, of painted daisies and wildflower song
drifting silently upon uncharted thoughts and desires
Capturing a sunbeam glowing from your smile
I hold it close…softly to my chest

Warmth filters beyond any worries, comforting fears
Resting my hand in yours, gazing into your eyes
as illumined affection ignites a passion
reflecting azure skies, still unprepared for your beauty

Sadness which once danced in our paths,
raining tears on wilted cheeks has led us to an intersection,
a new avenue to travel, closer to any wish
of four leafed clover descent resting in our pockets

And I feel safe, for these arms of satin wonder
drape my soul with a gentleness I have not before known,
born of friendship and deep admiration...we imagine
and we realize our imagination is not this…for this is real
 May 2014
The difference
three little words
can make.

What are yours?
I kinda wanted to see if you could get what I mean. Three words that what I'm asking- It can be a sentence or three individual words...
 May 2014
Her words are clearly written

full of life and love

yet she is showing you
the emptiness

It's there
between the words

above ..

and below ..
the lines

It surrounds
each and every stanza

and envelops whole poems

You ..

just choose

not to notice
 May 2014
Nat Lipstadt
for her

no special expertise claimed,
if anything, les contraries,
my non-expertise,
but nothing forbids
my heart from trying
red crossing,
rebuilding just this young one

build from the corners in,
like one starts a jigsaw puzzle,
the human, moving parts,
thus harder,
but eminently doable

the corners are straight edged, linear,
easier to spot, easier to start,
but for you to find them within,
go outside, and window winnow in
you will know them as your
truest words

pick the picture
of you,
you know
you must pick,
the puzzle picture
of you

that favorite one
when completed,
will, though cracked,
as jigsaw puzzles
by nature wont,
as all humans
are wont,
will be the one
that brings smiles
first, foremost

she asks:
"Where are these edges that define me,
help me to construct and the where to begin?"*

after sixty years more on this planet,
have been torn apart,
reconstructed, deconstructed,
more then ten finger and ten toe times
this I know,
there is but one beauty
in this crueled worn
every day weary-world,
it is you,
you words that betray
Beautiful You
oh so well

you see I have your picture,
you see I have your words,
deconstructed, reconstructed,
I love your picture,
I love your words,
start with me, start at the corners,
show me the pieces,
tho the world see the ex
I see the in
the shiny new
true sides, so beautiful,
wake knowing that
not just me dearest Chalsey,
I have found your chalice,
and  your grail,
and I say,
this is just one man,
this can be where you start,

this then be your mirror,
let us from the corners in,
from the eyes that penetrate,
accept that this is not debatable,
this is my poem where I do not lie,
this is my piece of you,
from inside of me
my straight edge piece was
born in your beautiful words,
and I say,
can you, see a voice,
can you, touch a voice,
no one can

but I can

your voice is transcendent,
it is the cover photo of a glossy mag,
this is the photo, the puzzle I see,
and heart each and every word
Sorry I took so long

Read this poet, this woman, this woman's beauty
in her every word
 May 2014
True lies like undreamt dreams, are unbelievable if believed, undiscovered discovery, and UnLoved Love are Understanding if You don't Understand..

Unknowing Knows All Beginnings must End, then Ending Begins by Unemptying Emptiness, Nothing is Full and All is Unfulfilled

By means of Contradiction, I laid out the proof, words are just words still nothing has been said.
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