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 Jun 14
Poetic Eagle
What then is friendship
because the bond that defined ours
Doesn't exist anymore
When we said our first hi
You were just an idea
The most beautiful stranger
After knowing your name,
I matched your face to perfectly fit the "idea"
A couple years after we still writing our story
But every plot twist has lead to the same ending
I keep flipping to the next chapter
Hoping the plot takes a different turn
I have never been right
So should l turn another page
Or it's time to close the book?
Gradually becoming strangers with the people closest to you
 May 23
Poetic Eagle
"Did letting you go hurt?"

I said l had to **** every part of me
that loved you

Bury all memories, laughter and hope
Just not to remember

Regardless everyday I'm fighting your ghost
If l dare  open my heart to feel again
Either running or crawling
It will find its way back to you

So letting him go, took every part of me too
And yes I'm ok
 May 11
I let fear fog up my mind
My thoughts yell at me "I'm trying!"
While my actions show me
I want to let the light in

but I fall into darkness
all too often I hide away
and avoid the open blue sky
because the rainclouds distract my mind

the sky-blue sheet above me
only inspires every thought
I try to avoid to blow through
and bring rain from within
 May 9
Poetic Eagle
" so you don't love him anymore, all the feelings faded ? "

No l looked at him and realised they  changed

" Why you smiling "

Because it felt more peaceful than sad
Feelings don't fade they change

In the palms of Time,
She hears the thumping of her longing heart.
She, who loves to knit her own white dress
And her well-braided hair with dewy flowers
Became her crowning glory.

She waits with her head lifted to the Sky,
She waits knowing that He remembers her name.
And every single day, she writes her own story
And these stories are not all good
But these pages built her soul —
Found and nurtured by her Lover’s deep affection.

The Sun has left the curtains in the skies —
And her Groom kept His promise to her…
He returned… Oh yes, the Groom has come!
He has finally come!

And He wiped her tears before it fall
For the bride was meant to live
more than a lifetime
And to spend eternity with her Lover
Who gave her vows…
Her Covenant Maker, her Promise Keeper!

They will dance in the courts of Heaven
Where darkness cannot enter
And where death has no power.

The most awaited feast indeed
Was granted before their eyes
All the witnesses will enter
The rest they all have been longing for.

The bride was dancing
With so much praise in her lips.
She shouted and leaped for joy!
And it was overflowing!

And that’s the last dance she’s been waiting for
The only dance her soul searched for years.
She loved Him that’s why she waited
But He loved her first —
Her waiting was worth it!
 Apr 21
Poetic Eagle
In the silence of the night, falling out of love
For in letting go, l find freedoms gentle grace
No longer bound by what's unsaid
Thou loves flame may dim, it leaves behind a spark
I do cherish what was once dear
The beauty in endings, we discover new beginnings
More happy falling out of love than inlove with you

I entered an open door —
A room was before me
The presence was high
And I sense no misery.

When I pray, You listen
When I listen, You speak.
You’re the Author of everything —
You’re the Keeper of the keys.

Nothing —
Just nothing can separate You and me
I say, “One storm at a time,”
My soul was thirsty for more
More Faith to quench the thirst.

When You look at me,
What can You see,
When You measure my faith,
Can You say I passed the test?

When I leave this place,
Does it mean You don’t care?
Oh, carry me in Your arms
I’ll be back, I will always return.
 Mar 3
Poetic Eagle
I write because how else would you read my mind
Midnight thoughts
 Feb 24
Poetic Eagle
I missed too many dreams
On all the nights l allowed your memories to take my sleep
Cried too many too many tears
I almost feel empty
Midnight thoughts
 Feb 2
I saw the stars again last night,
For the first time in weeks.
It's been so gloomy, slush's everywhere
I was happy to see Orion twinkling

Stars remind me of a greater purpose,
A wish I hold deep inside.
I never forget the comets we sat under
That filled me with hope and light.

Space is the closest thing to magic,
Except maybe the unexplored oceans
Shooting stars do look like jellyfish,
If you don't think too hard about it.
 Jan 24
Poetic Eagle
I don't know how to move on
Without loving you
Your love is all l know, for now
 Jan 13
Ander Stone
you share with me such hurtful words
that are a balm to
my kindred soul.

they hurt as they leave your summer wine lips
and drip like molten wax
upon my chest,
and heart,
and mind,
and touch my soul...

verse after verse.

you entwine my eroded coil
within your moonlight glow,
and tell me all the things
I so hungrily needed to know.

you wrap my broken hands
within your silken ones.

I crave to part your lips,
and share in such a melody.
that starlight hum.
that midnight medley.
that dark and ever-glowing sonnet
that brought you to my desolation.

I yearn to kiss them with my ones,
those lips as warm as starlight flame,
as perfect as the heart of night,
as young as time itself.

but mine are blistered
by frigid winds,
and bloodied from some fist
I've recently had to stomach...
I have known a pair of crimson lips that made the world sing with more words than it had before
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