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 Jan 2015
December came and went
without notice of your departure.

but when January rolled around and fruit cake and sparkling lights no longer littered my home, it felt empty and i remembered how full and intense your presence was and how i longed for what we almost,
but never fully, had.
 Jan 2015
Next stop, outer space.
I take pictures with you in bed,
All white and silky. All cold and bright.
There's a gravitational pull in this club.
I didn't think you'd leave me,
But I knew.
I'm not feeling anything, today was pretty numb.
Beer, depression, flower crowns in your wasp like hair.
I jiggy on down to that dub.
Makes me happy.
Strudels, makeup, that cute lil stain on your cotton polo.
You're ready? For this marriage?
So I can wrap my little arms around your ripped waist. You're mine.
I'll never eat.
Cookies, gummy bears & worms,
All of that is lovely, but not without you.
Tickle me with words.
Cherish me with gold that cannot be seen.
Fill me up, but don't let me down.
Throw my summer hands up in the warm sky.
Feel that shaky breeze in my hair as my neck bends back.
Is that BBQ I smell?
Ride that convertible with the hood down.
Blast it.
Crop tops and two boys in the back.
Why not take a trip to California?
I don't have much,
Brain is fried to the dark meat.
 Jan 2015
Tonight, this lonely night. I stay up in the mist of darks.
Thinking about you.
You were the light that led the ways to wonders.
As I sit in the dark, I reminisce the speck of life we had.
So short, yet felt so long.
My heart aches for your warmth to surround me. Your arms twined with mine.
I miss your soft delicate lips that felt as if kissing a daisy.
Who cared? You cared?
You stretched your heart out to the ones who needed it.
Your soul was, and is, a ball of entertainment that can entertain a universe all at once.
I miss those hands that were cold to the touch,
But yet wonderful to grip.
You were the one I can mess with your chin,
You were the one I can run my fingers through your thick curly plush hair.
You were the one I can show my odd abilities to, and you wouldn't dare look at me strange.
Can I take a moment to inhale your sweet succulent aroma,
Reminds me of love.
I lay my head on your shoulder,
My eyes glance at what can be the future for me.
Yet, Has left me here to question is there anything out there for me...
You were, and will always be, the one that crosses my mind in a snap dream.
I sit here in the mist of darks,
Thinking about you while my stomach churns and heart aches.
Will you come back, will you?.
 Jan 2015
I hear, there is no caring just lingering thoughts
Of what it's believed to never have been
Still your demons awakened my own
As i fulfilled my promise to give you all that i could

The evil surfaced in acid burns on the soul,
Your sulfur dragons born of barren dreams
Spewed fire that licked my flesh clean
And as you consumed the charred bits of my essence
I experienced the kind of freedom
Birthed in a place I never wanted to be

Relinquishing so much of my past, my pain
To have you grow stronger
As I dig my nails into my own flesh
To crawl out of the shadows I, myself, created

And I hear your gentle voice whisper vile commands
The hint of an evil smile as I dutifully acquiesce
Claimed in the darkness found in the corners of daylight
I kept my promise
And you claimed me
Mind, body, and soul

When my demons were quelled
As you slay them
As you bashed them into submission
My knight, in empty armor
My heart, now unbound, became full

Perhaps you believed that my heart would feed your own
But your heart turned to ash
The last time it loved
Still, your monsters were hungry
And my heart was full

You held me in the darkness
Your hand in mine
Keeping my sadness company
Turning friendship into love
'Tis who you are,
Who you hate yourself for being

In that place where your sweetness flows,
Where there is no doubt that you care
Your monsters ate my heart
Consuming chunks of my emotion
And I, having an abundance,
Was grateful for the chance to feed you

But my heart, now full of holes
Still mocked you in its ability to smile
So, you kissed me and held my heart once again
So I  would not drown in my own fear

And I gave you what you always wanted
Mind, body, heart, and soul

And there you were
All the while disgusted
That my promises
Don't feel like your reality
That my heart is more sweet than savory
And that my demons lie dormant
While yours are ravenous
Looking for new prey

The holes in my heart smolder
As I feel that familiar burn
The burn of the birth of new demons
But I still love you

Asmodeus is the demon of lust
Agares is the destroyer of dignity
 Jan 2015
Spencer Craig
I painfully remember i thought it was the end
When she led me on and wanted to be friends
I remember when he told, i felt betrayed
and  i remember that feeling lasting for weeks and days
But like the tools in a old shed, you can rot ***
"friend" we are tight like i how i tie my shoe, Ha! we're knot, so
From this day forth,  Only foward i pedal
get the memo i am cutting the strings geppetto

every relationship hangs by thread but they strung me along
and now that each cord is shreded and i feel so strong
Because I realized I shouldn't let other dictate my actions
and Act like a noble heir... Give no reaction
I love opinions weather you hate or enjoy me
But I will not let anyone or thing destroy me.
Sean daley (slug from atmosphere)
Get fly
from this day forth only foward i pedal
get the memo i am cutting the strings geppetto
this line encourages me to keep going by my own strength just make my own choice and not looking back at any one for confirmation from how i express my opinion or how i make relationships i won't let anyone determine or control how i live my life.
 Jan 2015
Sometimes I can't tell
If I fell for you,
Or fell for the thought
Of you falling for me.
*rolls eyes* idk. my subconscious probably meant this for an ex. ewwwww exes >~< actually, no. i feel like it is for an ex, but it might just be for no one. idk. /.\ I'm in the mood for being someone else and thinking differently XD sorry, not meant for anyone to worry ^^" so plz, I'm doing marvelous, don't u worry! depressing poetry is just my thing ^^"

happy little pill
by troye sivan
 Jan 2015
Skip Ramsey
Taking up space,
Better served by,
Toxic waste dumps.
Inspired by real life events...  ;)
 Jan 2015
i'll be dancing on your tightrope
praying that the winds don't change
 Jan 2015
lost thoughts
i'm the nicest
person you'll
ever meet until
you **** with me
or the people i love.
to all the people that think they rule the world.
 Jan 2015
Kate Lion
there are a hundred and fifty pokemon
but only one of you
you are the legendary love that i could never catch

i remember kissing your Meowth and it was beautiful and fierce

do you remember, darling, the way you Jinxed our stars

You Charmandered me, left my cheeks pink and rosy
Gave me an Electabuzz
The heat rose to my face every time we locked eyes

(i always was a bit Oddish)

I want to Pikachu when you don't think I'm looking, as you stroll through the crowds of your own thoughts

But you Rapidashed out of my life.

Is it Farfetch'd to wonder if you ever think of the Eeveening under the stars
When you said there was no Chansey that we could ever be together

I remember
And I say
to that.
 Jan 2015
lost thoughts
you're not just my friend
you're my LOVER
you're not just my lover
you're my HEART
you're not just my heart
you're my LIFE
you're not just my life
you're my EVERYTHING
for some one named Liebe ist großartig
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