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 May 2014
Poetic T
I am the embodiment of all
things good and trustworthy,
I have a devilishly seductive

Come on you know you can
trust me, look in to my eyes,
there hypnotizing wouldn't
you say.

''yes I understand''  

You know what to do, just sign
on the dotted line, repayment in
ten years then you owe what is mine.

'' I'll sign so it can be mine''

Sign in red on the dotted line,
as he smiles with a raised eyebrow
the deal nearly sealed, you can
trust me, as the black feather tip
scratches across the line.

I am the embodiment of all things
good and trustworthy, he says
and the deal is done, devilishly
he smiles, see you in ten years,
trust me ill back now the deal is done....
 May 2014
Ann M Johnson
My eyes may be dry, that's because I cry inside
All the rainy days lately inspired this poem
 May 2014
Brendan Thomas
A caged tiger am I
My running days through
My eyes are now lifeless
My soul has died too

The fight gone from my spirit
I slumber through life
I peer through the bars
When I wake in the night

The time has come
Should I lie down and die?
Or should I keep surviving
As the days pass me by

Of one thing I am certain
One thing I know is true
One day these bars on my cage will rust
And I will slip right through.
 May 2014
Brendan Thomas
The fields of gold
Sway in the breeze
Forests of green
Inhabited by fairies

The woodland creatures bow
Before the fairies and the trees
Who always did provide
The food,the way,the means

All did bow in homage
To the ones who rode the breeze
Fire breathing flyers
Did never burn their trees

Ominous full of mystery
These giants who fire did they breathe
Were once as plentiful as the trees
Now only do they live on
In history and in dreams
I was listening to a song I like by "Rush" and came up with this, hope you like it.
Definitely out of the ordinary for me.
 May 2014
Brendan Thomas
The dragon guards his fortune
Though he has no use for it

He'll never let them take it
Not even The smallest bit

He's lived for centuries
He's seen many come and die

He knows they'll never get it
But enjoys to see them try

It is his only reason
For continuing on so long

He's here to guard his treasure
And to him this isn't wrong

Someday he'll be gone
And have to let it go

But Not Today
 May 2014
The difference
three little words
can make.

What are yours?
I kinda wanted to see if you could get what I mean. Three words that what I'm asking- It can be a sentence or three individual words...
 May 2014
Jonathan B Wilson
Death strap
Hanging at the gallows
I feel like I'm in a death trap
Waiting for ghostly hallows

Brushing at my skin
Claustrophobia sets in
Always choking me
I just wanna be free

When I have to wear it
I wanna tear it
I throw a fit
This is bullsh*t

I always feel welted
Each time leaving a new scar
Every time I'm seat belted
Into this car
I really don't like seat belts.
 May 2014
Jonathan B Wilson
A fresh cut, a new mar
Soon just another scar
One more to add to the collection
Every time I look in the mirror

Yet I still seek my reflection
A fresh cut, a new mar
I can't help but keep collectin

The sort of cuts I make
Could make minds break
And still I seek my rejection

I don't know how much I can take
My mind it's strong
But everywhere
There's another mirror

There's no escape
When the blades
Are my own eyes

Staring with their haunted cast
At a shadow cloaked in lies

These scars are ugly welts
I stare at shamefully
But the cuts need to be made
For I hate what's become of me
 May 2014
Some guys will leave lip prints on your body that will fade away, but will leave cuts in your heart that will last forever.
 May 2014
Chalsey Wilder
Maybe one day I'll see me the way you see me
Beautiful, smart, talented, extraordinary, and weird
"The good kind of weird" you always say, "That's what you are. Nice, smart,talented, sweet, beautiful, shy, and weird. The good kind of weird."
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