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 Aug 2017
simple simon
He was Prince with no kingdom
She was an Angel with broken wings
Their love was forbidden
Their love wasn't supposed to exist

She walked with grace and pride
Though her soul was dying inside
But men gave up thrones for her
Coz men only saw her smile

He had the heart of a Dragon
But Dragons eventually fall
His fire was burning out
He needed someone to light it back

Two pieces from different puzzles
One tormented soul and one broken heart
She lit up his spark
He calmed her soul
Their love was forbidden
Their love wasn't supposed to exist
But it did
An Imperfect You and an Imperfect Me make a Perfect Us
 Jun 2017
Valsa George
A nest of intricate design
A piece of art unmatched in decor
Amid the dark verdure
Of needle like leaves
The gay habitat of a swallow and her brood.

How suddenly it erupts into a clatter of sounds,
As the mother bird comes diving in
With a wee bit of a wriggling worm
Discreetly borne in her tiny beak.

Thrusting it into the gaping mouths
She departs and comes again
And again comes with something
A whirring insect or a twisting thing.
Nothing can appease her ravenous horde
And on she goes ferreting about.

At night fall she alights abrupt
From what infinite heights, God alone knows
Darting into her nest as she hovers,
The din subsides............
First into a fizzle, then into sharp silence

Bundled in her warmth, the little ones
Sleep till the first flutter of dawn
From my window, I enjoy this diurnal scene
Repeating itself in methodical precision
Until someday, into heaven’s insurmountable heights
The young ones take off on tiny wings!

A sight so accustomed, cheery and gleeful
My eyes would soon be deprived of
And the thought makes me ill at ease
A wonder it is, the young ones
Inexperienced though, thrives so well
On catapulted suddenly into an eerie world!

What husbandry in nature!
What Godly solicitude!

The next morn, my heart missed a beat
At what I espied through my open window.
On the ground lay the swallow’s nest
Ripped, broken and blown to pieces
Like a heap of rubble after a tremor.
By its side lay a few downy feathers
The sad reminder of a stark felony!

In an instant flashed past
The grim image of the black Tom cat
That prowls my courtyard in the dark
With glowing eyes and bristly whiskers

Damning that accursed thing
I picked up that wreckage
My mind violently mutinying over
The ‘insolent might’!!
This was written sometime back when a bird had built a nest on a bushy tree in my garden… I waited counting down days to see the eggs hatched . But what happened in the end was heart breaking….. !
 Jun 2017
I see it in your eyes
the fear that is its there
you trying to hide
but its written clear.

you act like you don't care
but its just your way of
trying to make it all go away

Acting like a man,
but a boy at heart.
Too scared to really try,
the thought of failing,
just tears you apart.

Driven by jealously
blacken your heart
the darken by fear
success of others
eroding your rotten heart.

You thrive off of illusions,
all mixed win with confusion.
You hide under excuses, that
just playing a role, and acting a part.

Using deflection, as something
you have mastered like an art.

You can run,
and you can hide,but
karma sees through the dark.
And Life will catch up to you
when things are looking up.
and all the things you never thought matter
are the things that mess you up.
like that people that help
when you were down,
they were the crutches you used,
to help yourself back up.
 Jun 2017
Someday a prince from an isle of unicorns
will come and plant me many sweet roses
Around the grounds and upon the hills,
and plant some even pretty pink roses
underneath those weeping willow trees
and some white roses around the pond
Each day, I shall place them in some vases
and enjoy them inside the castle, too
Oh, there's a vampire at my window!
 May 2017
I am such a big ball of trouble,
Rolling around spitting strings of lie.
Leaving a trace of my words
Every cover I trudge on.
Starting conversations out of boredom
Poking people to form a reaction.
I exclaimed today
Our sanity is an obstruction
To our happiness,
So I made them take part
In my own little game
And together we lied to a friend.
It is all for humour trust me
I declared,
And sure we laughed the whole time.
Until with the nightfall
My victim started muttering,
Spilling secrets for me,
Planning to rescue me.
He said he needs me
And that is why I can't **** myself.
I laughed until that very confession.
Now I feel like a *****
Fishing for love
I can never earn.

Both of us lost
This is how the game ends.
How come I end up regretting everything?
 May 2017
A young girl is trapped
Trapped in a snowy dense forest
Before she started she accepted death
Each step she takes is one step further from home
But closer to something she can call home
She's already mourning out of sheer helplessness

Now shes getting cuts and bruises from the abusive forest floor
Then she finds a break in the dense forest
She can see the sun and she can finally breathe
No sooner than later the sun vanishes
She keeps moving forward looking for that next bright light

Every stop gives her comfort but scares her because she realizes she can't afford to go back to where she once was
No matter how far she travels she will always be mourning something she lost
Just something I had saved on my phone that I never published.
 May 2017
She may be my blood,
but I am not her.
She has the same looks,
but I can not be compared.

You think they give me a goal,
but they just make her look better when
I fail.

These pressures.
constant fault.
never gain.

She may be my blood,
but I am not her.
 May 2017
Bo Burnham
              she said, unwell.
"Well... surely...,"
              she continued, unwell, unsure.
"Listen," he said.
              But nothing.
              Just some rain tapping a window out of boredom.
 May 2017
Man                                           Woman
He Smiles Curiously                        She Blushes Coyly
He Approaches      Asks her name      She shares it     Asks the Same
Mr Right                              Love at First Sight                    Her Smile is a Delight
"Meet for Drinks?"                            hmmmmmm                      ­        "Pick me up at 8?"
He knocks - 1 rose.                                vase, water                        Her perfume - sweeter.
Politely, opens car door for her                                The night keeps getting better
At the restaurant                                                      S­he sips her red wine
Conversation so easy                    She feels she's known him forever
"Would you like to dance?                "I don't dance very well."
"Indulge me, just want u in my arms."    ~Just a smile~
One hand at her waist, one on her back.
They become one, all others disappear.
Peering into each other's eyes.
No words are needed.
Their bodies

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