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 Aug 2016
My faults are believing my feelings are true
Stuck healing from the love I thought was real
Dishonesty wasn’t part of the deal
So reveal to me the loneliness ahead
And my feelings will be concealed
 Aug 2016
Sanctify your heart
Searching for answers
To the questions
Of agony’s curse
 Aug 2016
The uniVerse
My names Derek
I'm a zombie
meet my friend Eric
he's also like me
a walking corpse
dead behind the eyes
we met at the shops
surrounded by flies.

Where the dead meet
by the frozen food isles
looking for our pound of flesh
blood splattered on the tiles
mmmmmm so delish!
empty stands
just frozen fish
we use our hands.

Nothing can quench our hunger
or satisfy our desires
not the fishmonger
or the burning tires
for this is anarchy
as we feed
gone is our sanity
so watch us bleeeeed
we are all zombies!
Something completely random I wrote on 15/9/14
 Aug 2016
SHORT AND SWEET                                
I woke up one morning
Surprised, I was not dead
Found myself in hospital
Restricted to my bed                                                                                  
They gave me Nitro Glycerin
In a tiny cup
Then told me not to move
Because I might blow up
BOEMS BY JA 275      
Written in hospital 2014
 Aug 2016
you look like the aftermath of smudged letters and blurry words
after your tears are done smearing the ink into illegible cryptics
and after the ink is done twisting itself into something ugly.
you look like the tally marks on your wrist
after you've hidden them behind long sleeves
and they still bleed.
you look like you've been wearing an mask for far too long
and after you refused to let the sunlight in,
fed the flowers in your eyes too many salty tears,
they started to wilt—
dandelions, roses, tulips, lilies, forget-me-nots—
you just let them all die.
you look like you given up, closed down
tucked whatever was left of your flower bed somewhere dark
so you could pluck their wilting petals, watch them deteriorate.
you look like too many empty bottles
after you've lost yourself
and after the ***** is strong enough to wash away you
and bring something else.
you look familiar—like I've seen you before—
though you're not you.
you look like a vague face,
someone else and I know that person.
you look like that person
you look like her
you look like *me
 Aug 2016
Kimberly Semiday
Her mouth spews thunder while sunken eyes flash brighter than lightning.
The fury that stirs within her could tear down houses faster than a twister. Believe me,
no force is strong enough to stop her once the wind picks up.
This woman is a perfect storm.
Every time she cries, tears hail from her eyes, so untamed it could drown cities.

But he loves it.
He loves that no amount of restraint can stop her winds from exhuming trees from the earth.
He loves that there are not enough words to subdue the typhoon that envelops her head.
How courageous it is to stand in the eye of the storm showing no signs of fear, even more courageous when you lie with that storm every night.

You see,
I am that tornado ripping a part everything in my path.
I **** the sun out of the sky through a straw that is my own mind and leave nothing left behind but grey.
It is not a noble feat to love me. You do not get praise for standing out in the storm.
I never asked you to wait in the rain.
I never promised you a rainbow.
When you met me I blared my flash flood warning and handed you and umbrella.
I told you that I am like nature,
layered and unpredictable.

So when you come to me,
with a smile on your face saying that you've weathered the storm,
don't say I didn't warn you
when you hear thunder rumbling in the distance.
Sometimes when you can't sleep at 4am you listen to the thunder and pretend that you are as beautifully intricate as nature.
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