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 Jul 2014
blur of rock, snow, trees
I drift in and out of reality
dream of swimming alone
at night, the sweet danger
your hand on my leg

this highway becomes
endless motion
reach into the grey night
beg a cigarette
off the gypsy woman
addictions will destroy me
one day, nothing left to do
but wait for the next stop
watch your breath form halos
of precious air on the window
misty and cool                
hey, beautiful stranger
could I rescue you
from sleep, your hand
on my leg feels like nothing
else but it won't last

the driver speaks to me
of wandering souls
in a few hours he promises
we'll be somewhere
We used to be so close
But I played with your heart
I let pride get in the way
And break us apart

I wish I could change the past
But that doesn't matter
Because I can't bring you back
And that makes my soul shatter  

We didn't speak for awhile
But I used to be yours  
Now I understand when they say:
**When it rains, it pours
You will always have a special place in my heart, Kevin. Rest easy Mook, you'll forever be missed.
 Jul 2014
Olivia Kent
I would hold my last breath for you.
Hold it tight and never let go.
I feel a spark from far in my heart.
A trigger captured in my eyes.
A vision, a perfect image.
Held close while sleeping.
Omitted when awake,
pardon me not,
for these things,
for I do not understand,
Sparks generate fires at times,
leaving fingers charred and burned,
So for now at least desires concealed.
My breath is released.
Your precious image is saved,
So I can dream more,
until our next meeting.
Our eyes will rest.
Fast asleep in beautiful dreams.
(C) Livvi
 Jul 2014
C Davis
The lotus wades

     Shallow water

          Even and calm.

Her petals brighten

     In the beating sun's rays,

Glowing of tranquility.

          The onlooker grows jealous

     Venom green with envy

While the lotus rests,

          Mockingly green leaves.
[written 1/23/08]
 Jul 2014
K Balachandran
I am neither  the body, nor the mind that bridles it,
   the realization strikes, my moment of awakening
             the horse and the rider
  will submerge in the river at the limits.
          The consciousness , the storm petrel
   alone  would cross the limits of the 'sky of the mind'
           - painted by material world, through life time-
to super consciousness, beyond the bubble of universe,
        " the presence before the beginning", timeless
  where there are no two, "I am that"
        nothing but the primordial One
Neti, Neti (Sanskrit) in ancient texts "Upanishads" is the analytic meditation to understand the  nature of absolute(Brahman) eliminating one by one what is not "absolute"
 Jul 2014
SG Holter
Everything beautiful I
Didn't lose
I broke.

Now all that's left
Is real.
I'm too old

For things
Aren't. And so

I embrace the
Ashes and dust
I am.
 Jul 2014
towering and sheltering
shading and nourishing
a blossoming innocence
of suckled sweetness

draped in wand pods
sowing magical seeds
sprouting sapling bridges
between hoping and knowing

fluttering metamorphosis
butterflies of the night
seeking the light of home
dimmed within memory

though storms may wail
these roots run deep
though lightening strikes
these wings have spread
 Jul 2014
Jonny Angel
She speaks five languages
& works her *** off
in an eatery
buttering croissants.
A single mom of three,
she still has the spirit to
smile like a summer sun.
What a pretty sight,
there's no wallowing in
the mire for this waitress,
she's still got fire
& no time for *******,
'cause she's making it happen
on her own terms.
 Jul 2014
a sincere wish that, as each morning breaks, we mend
...a ten word bedtime story...
 Jul 2014
Olivia Kent
Sitting here in the room that I call my study,
I'm somewhat deep in thought,
Been to a party at the place we once went,
I remember that night how we both enjoyed it,
you never left my side,
you were my protection.
I punched my way through glasses of somewhat poky punch,
and shots of Sambucca,
which were dutifully spilt,
all over my face rather than in my mouth,
in fact,
my face is so sticky,
I'm somewhat stuck.
I'm In a place where I don't need to be,
I want to walk away from you,
You're just a poison tipped dagger stuck in my side,
preventing motion.
You are a thorn in my eye that blinds me,
to others,
still your magnetism attracts,
I'm repulsed,
by your antics.
Meanwhile darling,
you killed my emotions.
(C) Livvi
 Jul 2014
Olivia Kent
I am awake and alive on this dull sticky morning,
I wonder who put what in the Sambucca bottle,
very sweet,
was just sweet Sambucca,

I may well be,
my head is being hammered internally,
by a million hammers,
all at once.

My children,
they offer me no feelings of compassion,
no support for mummy dear,
self-inflicted mother love,
you should have known better.

oh dear what's the matter mater,
can I help you,
can I feed you caffeine fix,
from the bottom of the bedroom drawer,
the dug out paracetamol,
chucked them at me,
try this,

I crept downstairs to find a fix,
a positive hit,
of sweet black gold,
this morning's necessary evil,
now I have taken my tablets,
guess it's time for a refill!
(C) Livvi
I wrote this after going to a party last night, now is the morning after the night before.
I rarely drink,so on the odd occasions that I do, I tend to wake up feeling a little the worse for wear and I did x
 Jul 2014
They asked me if
I'd ever done drugs.
And I told them about
Your eyes.
You were my drug of choice.

- Rani Olivia
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