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Oh prairies of paradise,

why do you dwindle in our grasp?

Do you not want to share in our expansion

of democratic duty?

What would you consider the proper path,

my plants scathed in acidic dew.

Do you feel the life leave the soil?

When your roots are outstretched for a water bed no longer located under you,

will you weep your petals knowing what is to come?

I weep for you prairies.

When smoke stacks stick from our lips

do you choke on the phlem expelled from our lungs,

tempting your wilted parts?

(There is water in there, just break it down with your

leaves and find the pieces you need.)

How rational do you view these rationalities?

Oh prairie please remember we care for your beauty,

but care not how it will stay. (How long will you wait?)

You have fought mother nature,

her winds and worst droughts,

but not knowing father time,

can you comprehend the offspring that is depleeting

and cheating you?

Will you weep when the bugs stop scratching your stems?

I weep as the bees leave and the beetles begin to belch

from their green guts after ingesting your roots...

for I know what is to come.

I weep for you prairies.

When blossoms are only pictures on walls,

you will unfortunately, be too soon forgotten.

I do not wish to deliver morose messages,

only to express to the winds in my ears

that I too, howl, and push through

(sometimes a destructive path, )

forever challenging and constantly changing.

Priairies, I too will one day wilt,

my memory too soon forgotten,

My prairies, I weep for you tonight.
Heart, Please stop pounding,
Stop reminding me that I am real.
Stop the flow of purity
I do not deserve such respect.

Knees, please give out
Beneath me I wish to lay
Take me out at my trunk
I do not need to stand.

Eyes, please close forever
I cannot see the beauties offered
They are invisible in darkness
I do not need to see.

Hands, please ball into fists
Drive yourself full force
Deep into the hardened ground
I do not wish to touch.

Body, please fall down,
Hands and knees in dirt
Eyes unused, heart slowing...
Already, I'm forgetting how to feel.
G is for generosity, giving from a large heart to those in need.
R reminds me of her radiance, running throughout her smile of insouciance...
And A takes me to the earlier days of her being so animated
that N then becomes, naturally, the necessity to remember her this way.
Now dining with the divine, D reminds me of her dying
but M marks my memories with her mindful magnificence.
And for this, another A because she's just that amazing,
that her absence -although now abundant- is always
alight with her angelic life.
Prepared for the memorial service of Jeanette O'Brien Nov. 11, 1923 - July 2, 2014
Another line calls for my
scribbles to lay as a Scribe
would perpetuate epiphanies-
diluted and resuited for the masses, only aft
direct dictation from Kingdoms and Monarchies.
The thought that came to mind when finding a space on lined scrap paper, while in the midst of needing to complete work.
 Aug 2014
Ann M Johnson
Many battles are Won or Lost depending on our thoughts
The mind is a powerful thing and our thoughts effect us in either positive or negative ways.
 Aug 2014
Mohd Arshad
I am not great,
only a little bit huge.
I soar not at my choice;
something is there inside me
that lifts me up,
that brings me down.
so, I never cherish ego
and this is essence
of my beautiful life for you.
 Aug 2014
Mike Hauser
Why do some go through such misery and pain
Being hit by tragedy again and again
Is it something that they do?
Is it something that they've done?
What is it that shoots holes through life
With both barrels of the gun

Is it the deal of the cards?

Or the twist of fate?

Perhaps the lie of the deck

That lays a life to waste

But who's to say what it all means
For none are promised tomorrow
Just be prepared for the coming storm
In the raining down of sorrow

For life is never easy

And never is life fair

Aren't we all just teetering here

On a thin rope above thin air

There never seems to be words of comfort
Words of wisdom we could give
All we need to be in the time of need
Is the shoulder of a friend
For those that go through misery and pain
As more is yet to come
Hitting them hard again and again
Over little they have done
 Aug 2014
Amitav Radiance
The night is happy
Lover’s meet again
Never to part
 Aug 2014
Amitav Radiance
We all have a secret tune
Humming away within
Whistling away with glee
Each note so special
Writ all over our heart
Inspiration so unique
No music maestro is privy
Tuned with our heart
It’s our own masterpiece
 Aug 2014
Amitav Radiance
The secluded heart
Got a patient listening
Invoking feelings
 Aug 2014
Ashley Lopez
It's like hearing the ticking of a time bomb
But not able to find where it’s coming from  
Until you put your hand to your chest
And then you realize
That the bomb is your heart
And the tick, ticking
 Aug 2014
Musfiq us shaleheen
Essence and colors of twilight
ceased my heart,
yet, still I have looped
on your thinking, my darling

Snowflakes have covered the trees
underneath cold wind blows from north
my spirit become low,
what a teach of the nature!

Darkest horizon what it has meant,
that threats my nights and days-
stars have blended, apart from hopes
clouds are whirling on drifted edge,

Dreams have broken,
run with autumnal cloud
I can rather want to you,
my darling

As alluring attention that dies,
with illusion and hallucination

The last, ever and forever,
my confession

I will die with a claim
of romantic torment,
‘O' darling and you will face,
the rude reality at the end -

@ Musfiq us shaleheen
romantic torment: Actually a romantic poem
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