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 Aug 2014
My mouth dries and my eyes water
My throat tightens and so does my chest as
Our song beats through my headphones and flows with my blood
Warming my insides while I shiver on the outside
I throw your sweatshirt on over my head and sniff it every few minutes to remind myself of you
I forget how to breathe
My breath shortens until I realize I am suffocating myself
The thought of now
The thought of being without you
The thought of how much I care for you
It draws from my soul
It weakens me
I need you.
 Aug 2014
Tark Wain
The poison needle dances around my skin
like a cobra taunting its prey
it makes slight contact then drifts away
but I know it will return
I close my eyes
and wait for it to strike
I can't bear to watch
as my body falls under its spell

your lips dare to touch mine
while your eyes avoid the same
you want to touch me
not feel me
we're wrong for each other
we've agreed as such
but lets forget about the past and the future
if just for tonight
 Aug 2014
Ann M Johnson
This is my 200th poem
I am so floored
I am overjoyed
I  am so excited to have made it this far
I have to let you know that I could not have done it without you all
You are the best followers, but I don't like saying it that way because you are so much more, You are my totally Awesome friends
You give so much inspiration, you are my muses and amazing in so many ways
You give comfort on tough days
You turn a frown into a smile
you also bring me to tears at times because your poems touch me so much
You make me laugh at times (especially Mike)
I may not know many of you face to face, but know one else can take your place in my heart
How can I show my full appreciation for you
You are amazing
You are Fantastic
You are priceless
You are irreplaceable  
I am so glad to have all of you, My Hello Poetry Family!
I would have had more than 200 poems but some never made it here.
This 200th poem is a Tribute to all of YOU!
 Aug 2014
Ann M Johnson
I have not seen the sunshine in quite awhile
I also miss your smile
I miss nature walks
I miss long talks
I miss the smell of roses in the park
I miss late night movies after dark
I also miss the laughter, that's in the room when I visit you
I also miss me, because without you, I am not the same and that is a shame
I am not one to make demands
I am not going to command you to forget me not
I just want you to know that I am here if you need me
 Aug 2014
Ann M Johnson
The workday's done, I want to have some fun
I long to be footloose and fancy free
I tune in to Pandora and do a little dance
If you could glance my way, you might think my free style's strange
I  swear I won't do the chicken dance, I hope the chicken is free range
I wish I could dance in the 80's style like in Footloose, no matter what I will smile
I wonder if you would like to walk a mile in my shoes. as the music sweeps me away
and seems to take me to another time and another place
 Aug 2014
Ann M Johnson
I once heard someone say there are two kinds of people in this world
I still think there's wisdom in those words even to this day
The first kind of person: Loves things and uses people
We have all meet that kind a person he or she seems consumed with greed and feels the need to get the most money and possessions and don't  give a thought to  the little people they step on to get to the top, they also turn a blind eye to those in need

The second kind of person: Loves people and uses things
They will uses their money or possessions to help those in need
That kind of person will do what they can to help their fellow man, even if they don't have much themselves
They Love to do good deeds, not asking for anything in return
They take Joy in helping out, it don't matter if they get thanks or not, they keep helping, every once in awhile they might receive a smile from the people they have helped and that makes everything seem worthwhile to them, that type a person makes an excellent friend
Please feel free to comment. I love your feedback
 Aug 2014
Musfiq us shaleheen
I have bided you,
in the center of my gravity
cause I love you.

@ Musfiq us shaleheen
my center of gravity that bides you........ (A Haiku)
 Aug 2014
Amitav Radiance
Rushing through life
Overlooking the nuances
Simple things trampled easily
Palpitating heartbeats
Nervous breakdown imminent
Eager, trembling hands
Trying to get a grip
It’s too late to embrace life
 Aug 2014
Mike Hauser
have i fallen too far this time

losing my sanity to the point it's a crime
the place where i'm at it won't be the last
pouring out wine from the grapes of wrath

did i stand to close to the edge

slipped on loose gravel, head over head
from the first grip to the very last grasp
if i opened my mouth could i even ask

stepping out from the in between

close to the point where it's almost obscene
caught in the crossfire, both barrels of life
losing what little that i thought was mine
 Aug 2014
Just close your eyes and dream
You'll be safe and warm tonight
And I promise I'll be there for you
Rock you in my arms when the sun shines bright

Hush, my little one
Please don't you cry
I'll be there for you
And sing you another lullaby

Hush, my little one
Wipe those tears from your eyes
Mommy's here for you
So you can quiet those little cries

The moon is shining tonight
He'll watch you when I am asleep
We'll all be dreaming, little one
So close your eyes and do not peep

I'll stay here with you
Until you finally dream
Then I'll tiptoe out of the room
While the moon silently gleams

So shut those pretty eyes
Go to sleep and rest
Fall asleep to the song of chimes
Tinkling in the west
Until morning comes
And wakes you with sunshine's caress

Just A Random Lullaby/Poem!!! :) ~~~~~<3
I Hope You All Enjoy It!!! ~~~~<3
 Aug 2014
Musfiq us shaleheen
'O’ the night, sky filled with swirling clouds,
Stars ablaze with their own luminescence,
And a bright crescent moon is painted
Although the objects are exaggerated -

Below the rolling hills of the horizon lies a small town
‘O’ A peaceful essence is flowing from the stone
The cool dark colors and the fiery windows spark
Memories of our own warm childhood years filled with

Imagination exists in the night and dark starry skies
Center point of the town is the tall steeple of the church,
Reigning largely over the smaller buildings
Size and seclusion onto the town when steeple casts down

A massive dark stripes makes it greater and isolated,
Curve lines create mirror of the Sky
‘O’ From a mountain to a leafy bush,
Formation is wide and full of variety

@Musfiq us shaleheen
Based on Vincent Van Gogh's Painting Starry Night
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