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 Mar 2016
A Lopez
I drew a circle
On the map
On the steps
Of my flat
A place of
Virtue and
Peace. I knew
Before this
Place of seats.
A seat to sit on,
Became recommenced,
Perched on a tree
In a lovely breeze,
High sprung I rung
Past the old self of
Taking notes
Keeping memories
Of morning blessings,
Putting away in a casket
The fears and questions,
Now again I feel caressing.
 Mar 2016
Mysterious Aries
Eyes sore can’t even hide at early dawn
People will try to read what happened last night
Those seconds, minutes and few hours when I am alone
Time when I tried to pull the string of my owned kite

The waterfall unleashed within my eyes
As I travelled to a higher ground
When I saw what really on beyond lies
The meaning of this life indeed abound

At most, I pitied myself
My waterfalls were for my owned flaws
But not last night, when I saw what really laid on others’ shelf
I was hurt by a sharp blade of selflessness claws

People will look at me twice or thrice
They’ll try to read what my two stars on the face write
In fact, today I have sorry eyes
But ‘twas the worthiest waterfall last night
 Mar 2016
Denel Kessler
This brilliant morning
anything is possible

we are limited only
by rigid minds
whose fragile confines

can be vaporized
by choice alone.
 Mar 2016
Have you ever been in a moment?

When you wake up in the morning
You see it all blank
You feel like you’re nothing
Everything has no meaning
Asking yourself ‘why am I here’?
Why am I living but feeling dead
Why am I still here?
Asking what’s the purpose?
The reason for all of this
Then you find no answer
And you want to end it in a click
But you can’t
Because at the same moment
You still want to live
Be one of the braves
Whose still fighting
And you still have hope
That one day in a million days
You’ll find the answer
The reason why you’re in this moment

*Beholding the past
Dying today
And living for tomorrow.
I deleted it before because I think it’s too cliché and of course I’m not the only one who feels depressed at some moment (life is cliché). And I’m too paranoid and scared that someone I know might read it and judge me, that I’m about to take my life or something like I’m crazy.. Well maybe I am depressed that day and it keeps coming over and over and I’m tired.. it makes me crazy… but I still have hope that days would be different and I could be better.

So now here it is -I just need to let it out.
 Mar 2016
I presumed
Is being friendless and alone
But now I realized
It is something more

Is laughing with friends
Yet still feeling numb

Is being surrounded with all the ones
You know who loves you
Yet still feeling so alone

Is getting that one thing you've always wanted
Yet at the end of the day you still feel empty

Does not come at 3AM
When everybody else
Is either asleep or dead

Loneliness sometimes
Surges at the brightest of your days
And pours down like rain
Maybe I can't extract loneliness from myself
Maybe loneliness is part of my soul
Maybe loneliness is me
 Mar 2016
So this is the part that we'll see each other last
The time we'd try to bring up, think about the past
Wishing we hadn't gone
Hoping we could come back
Cause childhood means comfort
And we made the mistake of growing up
 Mar 2016
Frank DeRose
She is the beautiful Hope Diamond,
She is the magnificent unicorn in all its magical glory,
She is the ocean and its fearful waves of power,
She is the mountain and its promise of solitude and fortitude.

My princess is more beautiful,
More magnificent,
More fearful,
More powerful,
More strong than any and all of the above.

My love for her I cannot contain,
Only sustain,
And this it does on its own.

My love is like a cityscape,
Growing outward in maddening tendrils,
Growing skyward to newfound heights.

My love is like a flower,
Unfurling into glorious unknown petals,
Unfurling into something more complex and powerful than the day before.

For her I would do anything.

For she is everything.

For indeed she is--
My princess.
 Mar 2016
Jacob Christopher
One night,
while on some tremendously great acid.
I watched the snow fall,
ever so softly,
illuminated by street lights.
It was the most beautiful thing,
I'd ever seen.
And truly,
it had very little to do with the drugs.
It was beautiful because...
Because I was there,
and because it was real.
 Mar 2016
Victoria Jennings
And this giant wave hit her
The epiphany she avoided
For so long

She wasn't happy
She was numb

She can't remember
The last time she felt loved

Can't recall the feeling of being held

Can't remember the last time
She still had a dream to pursue

It hit her like a Tsunami
Washing her away

She was the broken

She has been for a long time.
 Mar 2016
Infinite as ocean
I’m chasing
The same shadows of the sky
Only waiting
For death to ease my mind

Will be coming in time
I hope to catch the very first drop
And I'll be dancing
With the sound of a thunder,
Let the joy pour through my eyes...

And those cold tears on my cheeks
Will be good signs
That peace is coming to mine.
 Mar 2016
It's sad how they only refer to quitters as losers
How they slap it on our faces
That we will never be the victor
Perhaps they didn't know
You had too much
Perhaps they didn't see
You've fought too hard
Perhaps they couldn't feel the pain
You've so long endured
They can't because they were so busy judging
They're all the same
 Mar 2016
No matter how much you try to show them
Would only see the things they prefer to see
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