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 Mar 2016
Realeboga M
"Insecurities are the worst demons to live with", she stands at the podium.
"Can anyone tell me what insecurities are?", she stares in front, looking at the ten students who were presumed to be messed up by the school board.

A boy with a blue hoodie raises his hand.
"Insecurities are our fears of our fears coming true, it's the absence of feeling safe or secure. Which leads to an emotional turmoil of trying to fix them. To ignore them but ultimately they end up taking us", he speaks confidently as his head is bowed.

"Have you had your fair share of insecurities? ", the girl walks up to him and crouches. She notices the exhaustion in his demeanour, the pain, hidden secrets. And death in his green eyes.
He stares at her brown eyes, filled with sincerity and concern along with a dose of hope. She finally found them.

"Haven't we all?", a girl with grey blonde hair speaks up.
Heads turn and look into her direction.
She plays with the hem of her shirt,
"We started off carefree. Young and willing to explore, we meet people who change our lives who make worthwhile but then others. I don't know about them but they take parts of us and play with them, they toy around with them and then drop us. Like old unwanted toys. We begin to wonder, question our hearts, search our minds trying to figure out where we went wrong and that hurts. We then build unnecessary yet necessary theories as they begin to make sense.  That's when they lurk in. That's how we get them", her voice shakes

The boy with the hoodie sighs, "And to think that's only the first part of them", he looks at the lady and croaks his head, "Studies show that we can get rid of these insecurities but I don't know. I've tried all these measures all the ways of getting rid of them but they don't ever leave. They stay, they don't even lurk in. Shucks depression is nicer than being insecure. Depression leaves for a while. But this", he shakes his head and massages his temples.

The lady walks up to the podium and sighs, "Being insecure is a painful thing to experience because with insecurities comes more demons willing to take advantages of you, willing to destroy you trust me I know"

A girl with glasses begins to laugh, "Everyone here knows that Miss, we're all insecure, this could be in terms of our grades, our love lives, our family, our lifestyle, our sexuality, we are all insecure. But the question here is how do we get rid of them? How do we feel normal? How do we get rid of this insane feeling, the hostility we feel from our own selves. How!?" She pushes her glasses.

The lady sighs once again, staring at the girl. She closes her eyes, "I don't know. I believe there's no way out with insecurities. They manifest inside us, they evolve and they become stronger. All I do is face them head first. I stopped thinking and accepted them. I am insecure and I am learning to accept that I am not perfect"

"Do you think that's the answer Miss", the boy with a red bandana scratched his head.
"Acceptance?" His voice heavy with a British accent.

"You said you learned to accept your imperfections and here you are now. Talking to us about our issues. Does this mean you're no longer insecure?" He furrowed his eyebrows.
"Does this mean there's hope for us?" He smiled exposing his pearly whites.

The lady sighed, pondering on how to answer that.
" I don't think that's what she meant", the boy with the hoodie speaks up.
"What she means is that once we learn to accept them like she did. We can learn to move on. To live with them. And truth is they won't hurt us as much as they do now. I mean we know we're not perfect and its okay. It's about acceptance and appreciation of our scars"
 Mar 2016
A broken man
With a heart of gold
Turns to stone
When left in the cold
 Mar 2016
My      demons  
   have     grown  
plump  over  
  these    long  
winter   months,  
  feasting  off    
cold      blood  
making    me  
crave     the  
warm   spring  
sun,     green   
meadows   of  
small   yellow     
buds     peaking 
  above    Earth;  
any     small    
    sign     of  
rebirth   in  me  
&    also   
      out      there
 Mar 2016
i leave droplets of tears,
whenever &
i write

perhaps ....
 Mar 2016
Sk Abdul Aziz
My heart has been broken so many times that now it can't bear any happiness
Happiness seems like an alien to it
For it has always been familiar with sadness
And no matter how hard i try to explain it to my heart
It just doesn't seem to get what this 'joy' stuff is
 Mar 2016
Monday morn'
Gonna bebop like floral sunrises
And spring time bohemian skirts
Define my personified with moon beams name.

Gettin' easier every minute
But I do get hit with waves and tiny moments
Where I see you in my minds eye, the memories
The chaos
But I dance on stage past it all.

Marking it all down with the same blueberry pen
Not pin
I correct my southern natural state
No one ever detects where I'm from
Till they get to know
Lil ole me.

Lets let today be a good day
Boys wanna play, but I took care of me
Last night, slumbering so hard
My ladies and I, we lift each other up
Reflecting and projecting such goodness
Drumsticks falling behind the stage
That DJ was so ******' rude
But I brought home a blue eyed 34 year old
I think his name was Matt?

My life already vastly improves
If you wanted to reach me
I'd never know
And for those who might judge my choices
I hula hoop through clouds and light.

2 days times
I let adventure and happiness
Become the swelling patterns within my heart
I told myself this morning
"Well at least I've done this before"
How good it is to see and feel
I don't need you at all.

Never my best friend
Just a hinderance
Its too bad, its too bad
And every time someone proclaims
"Maybe someday"
I know I will give love always
But I fled the scene
With joy and my own heart.

Lets run, light fires along all the road sides
My hair braided in twists and sunlight
Nails the color of a metallic sea
Gotta pack my bags and flee.

I throw my hands into the air
So full  of liberating life
Everything is really truly
Going to be so many levels
Of more than okay.
 Mar 2016
Vanessa Gatley
Deep in my hear t
I need to feel
All I ever do is
Have suppression  beyond
My heart
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